Top 10 Worst Things Beavis and Butt-Head Have Done
Beavis and Butt-Head are known for their reckless behavior, and for this list, we will be looking at the worst things that the duo or either one of them has ever done on the show.This is perhaps the most controversial episode in the show, considering how far they went with this. I love the show, but just from seeing this, I can understand why it was never released on any future DVDs. Mike Judge didn't want this on it, knowing its own cynical existence.
The two acquire guns illegally, and Butt-Head ends up shooting down a plane, causing it to crash. As people plead for help, the boys just laugh at their situation before leaving.
Oh wow, that is pretty messed up, to say the least.
The boys attempt to become stand-up comedians at a comedy club. After failing to make the audience laugh, Beavis lights some newspapers on fire and proceeds to juggle them. This ends up burning down the comedy club. The episode was blamed for an incident involving the death of a 23-month-old girl after her brother burned down their house by copying the same scene.
Well, ironically, this is how I learned what the word tainted meant, lol. It's actually a vomit-inducing episode, just seeing what unfolds when you don't use proper gloves to handle food, especially after touching private parts. It's amazing they didn't get fired for this or the Oil episode, given how badly those incidents went down.
While working the grill, Beavis can't stop scratching his crotch, which itches. He ends up grabbing the meat with the same hand he used to scratch with, places it on the grill, and serves it to the customers, causing everyone in the restaurant to get food poisoning.
The boys invite themselves over to Stewart's house to watch a pay-per-view. They quickly get bored, destroy his house, and even inhale the stove gas in Stewart's kitchen to get high. Then they light the gas, blowing up the kitchen. This incident led to the episode being banned.
The boys repeatedly prank call a man who becomes incredibly furious. He calls them back, pretending they won a free pizza, and finds out where they live so he can beat them up. Since the boys don't actually know their own address, they end up giving him Stewart's address. The man violently breaks into Stewart's house, terrifying him and his parents. Stewart's dad gets attacked by the man, who then proceeds to flush his head in the toilet and shoves the phone up his butt. Stewart's dad is subsequently sent to the hospital.
After stealing Mr. Anderson's bowling ball, the pair try to see if the rumors are true about serial killers making bowling balls and stuffing their victims' bodies in them. They fail to break it open by tossing the ball in the air and crashing it into the rooftop. The boys then decide to stick fireworks in the ball and chuck it off the roof. It only explodes after they go to check on it. While Butt-Head loses some teeth, Beavis gets a piece of shrapnel stuck in his groin. Mr. Anderson is arrested and blamed for the incident.
While on a school field trip to the museum, Beavis and Butt-Head become fascinated by a painting of a nude woman and attempt to steal it. They are stopped by a museum guard who orders them to put it back. They comply but then cut out pieces of the picture, including a portion of the breast and a butt.
Heh heh, hey Butt-Head, what did you take outta the museum? Ugh, huh uh huh, one giant boob. They learn nothing but take stuff in the process, lol.
Beavis and Butt-Head are tasked by Mr. Anderson with pruning the top of his tree. They, of course, botch this by taking a shortcut and cutting through the tree with Anderson's chainsaw. The tree falls and crashes into his house and the power lines, causing a huge disaster.
The boys are sent to do community service with a group known as Positive Acting Teens, or P.A.T. While picking up trash on the side of the road, Beavis and Butt-Head find a hubcap and begin throwing it around like a Frisbee. During Beavis's pass, it ricochets off a passing truck and knocks out the P.A.T. leader. The other boys, including the leader's son, go to check on him and presume him to be dead. Beavis and Butt-Head, not feeling bad at all and also presuming him to be dead, steal his wallet.
Oh yeah, where he throws it and knocks the dude's father out, huh, right. Beavis, you hellspawn, do you know where my credit cards are?
The Newcomers
I believe this is the pilot episode. The duo are in a field, blowing up insects with firecrackers when they spot a frog and shout, "Frog Baseball!" They then start playing baseball using the frog as the ball. At the end of the episode, they spot a dog and shout, "Dog Baseball!" As the credits roll, you can hear the "ping" of an aluminum baseball bat and a dog yelp.
I believe it took a chance on Liquid Television (not positive), but yeah, that's where they started. It got rave reviews, and without taking the chance, we might never have gotten one of MTV's best shows of all time.