Top 10 Best Teen Titans Go! Episodes

The Top Ten
40%, 40%, 20%

I think TTG is okay (Ben 10 (2017), Uncle Grandpa, and PPG (2016) were all worse), but this episode was really good rather than just okay like most episodes of the show. Even people who hate the show have liked this episode.

The best TTG episode by far. No episode even comes close. It's like the original writers came back to write one episode, and then left. Now we're back to crappy episodes.

Best episode of Teen Titans Go. It proves that with a little effort, bad shows can become good shows. I want to see the art style of these characters back. 8/10

Colors of Raven

I love this one because it embodies what Teen Titans Go! is: a kids' show. It's funny, interesting in a way that kids love, and has an actual plot (which I feel is the flaw of some of the other episodes). I feel making more of these kinds of episodes would be the first step to improving the show.

Great. It was funny when Beast Boy and Cyborg were playing with the pink one. And when she went away, they were so sad, and Beast Boy threw up. I was cracking up so hard.

This is a decent episode. I found it very similar to "Nevermore" from the original Teen Titans.

Video Game References

I admit to being a huge hater of the new Go! series, but this episode was probably one of the only ones I liked. If you're a retro gamer, this episode would most likely remind you of how well they parodied the games. I mean, how could you not just smile when Starfire went into The Legend of Zelda and brought the old man who gave you a sword? Soon, everyone starts joining in on her journey. Don't forget Beast Boy playing Frogger and getting run over by a snake on a highway.

This episode is the best of the part 11 hilarious montage episodes. Cyborg wants pie in 1987's Pie Racer. Beast Boy has to cross the street with a frog and chicken in 1981's Cross the Street. Starfire goes on a quest in 1991's Starfire's Quest, and Robin has to save the princess in Save the Princess. GREAT 8-BIT ANIMATION!

Let's Get Serious

LMAO, the people complaining about this entry do not understand what this episode was intended to do.

The episode is making fun of the overly nostalgic haters who want this show to be serious like the old one, despite the show VERY CLEARLY being intended to be comedic.

I mean, seriously? You looked at the animation style they used in Go and expected a serious follow-up?

It seems this episode was a small shot at the people who complain that the show is too goofy. The "There is no character growth" crowd seems quite vocal. We all miss the old Teen Titans, yet the new TT Go comedy style does reach its intended younger demographic while still throwing in adult humor for the parents to enjoy (35-50-year-old demographic).

Legendary Sandwich

Episodes of Season 1 are good compared to Seasons 2 and 3.

Burger vs Burrito

I personally loved this episode, especially the giant burger bot and burrito monster battle at the end.

Just like atheists vs. religion or noodles vs. rice.

They're just food! That's what makes it funny.


Definitely both my kids' and my favorite. The rest of the team queuing up on the microphones to join the song is epic.

I love the song! It was so funny when he was correcting Robin about saying waffles wrong.

The word waffles was said 188 times in the duration of this episode.

Meatball Party

This show was so funny. I loved when Cyborg shot that giant meatball at Raven at the end.

When meat is a ball, you can eat it all!

Laundry Day

Laundry day is the best episode to watch!

Kicking a Ball and Pretending to Be Hurt

A bit of social commentary on how North Americans just cannot explain why the world is so passionate about a sport that the U.S. can barely embrace, statistically speaking. Funny episode.

Funny bits:

1. The twist is that when you yell "goal," you are chanting the demigod's name!
2. The magic that makes you like bowling is a magic turkey in each ball. (Like the on-screen turkey seen when you get three strikes in a row.)

The Titans get into soccer until they find out what soccer really is!

The Newcomers

? The Night Begins to Shine

Fantastic series of episodes. My favorite of the lot.

? Operation Dude Rescue (Part 1)

Chivalry is dead, one of the best morals for women.

The Contenders
Drivers Ed

This one is the funniest, along with The Date, because it's so original and new! It's the first time Robin dances to his jams!

I love this episode and Teen Titans Go! Don't get me wrong, I like Teen Titans, but it's a little too serious!

Robin is underrated in this series. I don't know why he gets so much hate when he's so hilarious!

The Return of Slade

This episode tore my heart into millions of pieces.

Huh, Peridot's in this list? Nice!

Dog Hand

I love the little dog on Cyborg's hand. It is adorable. It was funny when Starfire was talking like an Earth teen. Your man is straight up the bomb!

Operation Tin Man

This was actually a pretty enjoyable episode. There are two plot points in the episode: Cyborg fighting but eventually befriending Gizmo, and the Titans trying to save Cyborg but failing miserably. The episode was really decent and taught the lesson that enemies can become best friends if you try to bond or find common ground.

Gizmo tells the Titans that they stole Cyborg, but Cyborg is actually on a date with Jinx.

Road Trip

I loved how Starfire punched Robin while playing Slugbug. Robin ended up weeping like a pansy!

This episode is so funny, but the only flaw is that they pick on the H.I.V.E. for no reason.

Does anyone notice the DS in Robin's hands?


I like it when she used her boot as a boomerang to hit Brother Blood in the face. It would be cool for Raven to throw a boot at my face.

Raven's best leg move is the Boot-a-Rang. Raven used her boot as a boomerang to hit Brother Blood in the face.

I love it when Raven showed her legs for the first time in the end.

Pie Bros.

Love them all. I had to pick one, so this one made me laugh out loud. It made me giggle, or as Starfire says: it was funny! It gave me the sour giggles.

I thought the Titans were baked into a pie!

Dude Relax

This is my favorite episode. It kind of reminds me of Starfire the Terrible. Starfire is a pretty cool Titan.

I love this one! It's so cute when Starfire lies. She's the best Teen Titan ever!

It's so funny when Starfire lies about the temperature!

Girls Night Out

This episode was epic, seeing Starfire, Jinx, and Raven having a night out!

I love when the boys see the girls having fun!

I hate Teen Titans Go, but I like this episode.

In and Out

I love how they keep changing the bomb's timer and realizing the H.I.V.E. Tower is actually the best place ever.

In and Out is amazing! I love when Robin dresses up as Red X, a villain returning from the original series. Great episode.

Easily my favorite episode. It is so funny!


This was by far one of the most disturbingly morbid episodes, with each Titan meeting a grisly fate. All dead. GREAT message to show kids.

Some of Their Parts

This one was the best of last week and one of my favorites!

I wish I could do what they do in this episode.

The Date

Love how crazy Robin got! So hilarious, I laughed through the entire thing (literally)!

So hilarious! I love the end when Robin gets punched in the face.

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