Top Ten Total Drama Island Episodes
The best episodes in the first season of Total Drama.
Dodgebrawl was super fun! I loved everyone in the show. Katie did kind of get a spotlight in this episode, and to be honest, she's one of my favorite characters!
It was super funny when Lindsay got hit in the face. She got a bump here, there, and everywhere! I thought Izzy would do well in dodgeball, though. I also liked when they used the stick to wake up Duncan just because he said, "Don't wake me up!" And Tyler was so silly!
It was great! I loved the underdog storyline for the Killer Bass. There's no fart jokes (fart jokes are not funny), and every character was great here. I loved Lindsay and Tyler's relationship, though I wish it was fleshed out more. Although the elimination was predictable, it was deserved and fair!
I just love the challenge. It's simple, and that's why I love it - they don't try too hard! My only problem is that Tyler said Harold throws like a girl. Dude, a similar comment like that is literally the main reason why Ezekiel got eliminated, but you get a pass? Other than that, it's a 9.8 out of 10.

They say Heather's downfall was being shaved bald, but I thought the entire episode gave her what she deserved. Here's my top ten:
1. I Triple Dog Dare You
2. Not Quite Famous (go Harold)
3. Dodgebrawl (again, go Harold)
4. That's Off the Chain
5. The Big Sleep
6. Up the Creek
7. Haute Camp-ture
8. Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon
9. If You Can't Take the Heat...
10. Brunch of Disgustingness (I like the interactions between the guys)
Why is Dodgebrawl number one? Seriously, what's so special about it? This was the most climactic episode ever! Let's be honest though, I feel kinda bad for Heather. She just wanted the money but got "karma" for it. Wouldn't you want to manipulate for such a big prize?

This is an OK episode. The bad parts are that Leshawna gets unfairly eliminated and it was boring. The good parts were that Leshawna should've been eliminated a long time ago. It was also good to see how the eliminated contestants were doing.
I really love this episode, besides the fact that Leshawna is eliminated. I love how Noah mocks Lindsay about her magazine considering we didn't see much of him this season.
I was wondering what the losers were doing anyway, and I like how they brought them back. Noah in that episode was literally me in that situation.

This episode, in my opinion, is what sold this series for me. It is one of my most memorable episodes in the whole series.
Great episode, should be higher. Loved it a lot. It was gross. Owen's eating habits finally paid off.
It's the hardest thing for a man to do.
It was very nice of Trent to help Gwen with her fear of being buried alive, despite forgetting to dig her up due to his fear of mimes.
I think being afraid of chickens is better than being scared of Jello.
Definitely one of the best episodes.
Good episode! I just have a few gripes with this episode. Despite usually picking on Harold for a certain reason, Duncan just picks on Harold for some reason. Also, why did Harold rig the vote against Courtney? Duncan, despite me liking him, would have made much more sense as Harold's target because Duncan picks on Harold. Also, what does Harold mean by ruins your love life? Duncan did not ruin that for him.
Other than those two things, it's a great episode and a good tribute to the best couple on the show.
I liked how everyone (except Beth, Courtney, and DJ) jumped off the cliff.
I didn't like how Ezekiel was the first to be eliminated. It was just a sexist comment!
A pretty good setup to a pretty good series. What more could you ask for?
I watch this episode obsessively! Like an uber fan.
- What I like about this episode is when Duncan is betrayed by Courtney, and she yells out, "Hey! Nobody steals my money that I steal!"
- Heather's smiley face on the back of her head.
- Izzy's theme song doing something drastic.
- Owen going to the bathroom while tied up.
- Heather getting stuck in the beaver home.
- Noah taunting Duncan, and eventually, Duncan grabbing Noah's pants, making Noah flee, screaming in a high pitch. That's freakin' funny!
- Noah running like a girl.
- Courtney hijacking the hot air balloon.
- Leshawna KO'ing Chef and hijacking his motor, trying to run over Heather.
Yep, lots of drama there!

DJ was hilarious in this episode! He went to the bathroom, and Geoff waited outside to be safe. Geoff went for an ice cream truck (which was a trap set by Chef). He saw Heather shaving with green lotion over her face. When he saw her, he ran out and screamed while running for miles. So funny!
Poor, poor DJ! He's one of the best characters, so his elimination is a punch in the gut. However, I am very glad that he wasn't eliminated as unfairly as Courtney or Leshawna. The way they said the full title of "the escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook" every time was hilarious! I love the shenanigans in this one.

I really like the song that plays when the Wheel of Misfortune spins for some reason.
The Newcomers
I'm so happy I got Owen's ending! He is sweet and nice and used the money to make everyone happy. He also broke his jaw, so I'm glad he won!
I absolutely loved the Duncan and Courtney moment in this episode. She's all I hate you, he's all I hate you, and then they make out!
I have the Owen ending on how I watch it, but I really prefer the Gwen ending.

Lindsay called out Heather for what she had done to her and everyone else on the show. Even Gwen and Leshawna warned Lindsay about Heather, but Lindsay didn't realize what Heather was planning.
The alliance ended when Heather betrayed Lindsay.
The way Lindsay stood up to Heather was so amazing! Although in the end, it was a sudden death elimination, and it was Lindsay that got it. She deserves to stay more than Heather.
I like how Lindsay finally gave Heather a piece of her mind. When she cussed her out, it was the best moment I've ever seen on the show. Funniest episode of all time also!

I like how Cody and Gwen became friends and how he helped her hook up with Trent. Cody's a hero for saving Trent and Lindsay from the quicksand.
Cody, Bridgette, and DJ were pretty awesome in this.
This episode is hilarious, one of the funniest of the season in my opinion.

Gwen dumped Harold's ant farm on Heather for reading her diary in front of the entire world and embarrassing her about her feelings for Trent.
It's so sweet when Trent sings the song for Gwen. As a Gwent shipper, this episode makes me happy. I also like when Courtney stops Harold before he even starts beatboxing in auditions, and then he saves the team. A very good episode.
It was so sweet when Trent sang his love song to Gwen! But Heather reading Gwen's diary to the whole world was a bit cruel.
This is my favorite episode of the whole Total Drama series. I love the Gwen and Geoff moments. Only true Total Drama fans will appreciate the bonding and moments of this episode with Geoff and Gwen. Most people don't realize that originally, the creators were going to make Gwen and Geoff a couple, and I actually wish they would have because Gwen and Geoff would have made an amazing, adorable couple.
If you go on YouTube and watch the Camp T.V. promo, originally Geoff and Gwen were going to be a couple, not Geoff and Bridgette. This episode was a nod to that.
This one was funny with good interaction between the contestants. It showed them getting close.
Beth confronted Heather for treating her like a slave and bossing her around. Heather then betrayed Beth and kicked her out of the alliance.
Great episode that should make it into the top ten. It had some great moments like when Cody got attacked by a bear, when Heather got hit so much with the paintballs, and when Duncan and Courtney got tangled up!
I kinda liked it because they were shooting paintballs. I didn't like it because that was the episode when Cody got voted off, even though he was all injured and in a wheelchair. Poor Cody.

My favorite thing about this episode is how much it emphasizes good vs. bad teamwork, and how the team that clearly demonstrated good teamwork won, not because of a curse, but because of proper delegation of roles and good leadership. Beth's exit is sad (WHY DIDN'T THEY VOTE OFF HEATHER?), and Harold's underwear torture is a bit much, but overall, it is a good episode! I also like when Heather gets locked in the fridge!
Leshawna locked Heather in the freezer.
I really like this episode because Noah woke up kissing Cody. Priceless! However, what disgusts me is that people say he's gay. If you think Noah is gay, he could cuddle with anyone who's near him!
What if he cuddles Duncan? Oh, that would be the worst! Or Courtney? Gwen? Owen? Oh, I'll guess Owen would crush him first.
I thought it was very peaceful despite Eva being in a rage. Gwen and Trent got to know each other and learned about each other.
I really enjoy how, for once, they had an endurance challenge instead of some race or obstacle course.
Also, it was the first one I saw.
It was a good idea that Chris paired Heather and Lindsay as partners. Lindsay told Heather to jump, but Heather fell into the jellyfish, which stung her.
Yeah. Who can you trust? Definitely not Heather.
I loved the part when Geoff said to order pizza and Chef almost hit him with a butcher knife! And when Izzy hit her chin on the deck and also when Tyler landed in suitcases.
Chef: "I serve it 3 times a day, and you'll eat it 3 times a day! So grab your trays, get your food, and sit your butts down!" Best part!
I love how the campers are introduced and you can already see Heather being the villain of the season.
There's some Heather/Leshawna drama, Izzy imitating Chef's every move and getting into a fight with him, Duncan forcing Owen to join the guys' alliance, then Owen kissing the alliance members on the cheek as a reaction, and Lindsay beginning to question Heather. This was a good episode.
I'm voting for this because it's so LOW! Easily the best episode of season 1 and the whole series.
Quizmint, Gwen and Trent did NOT break up this episode. Heather manipulated Trent into kissing her, which broke Gwen's heart, leading her to tell Leshawna, who then told every camper to eliminate Trent. They realized Heather's ploy too late. Well, the whole Gwen and Trent storyline... I loved it!
Leshawna dumped sewage on Heather for manipulating Trent, kissing him in front of Gwen, and making her cry.