Best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Characters

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has lasted for many years on T.V. and even has some movies. Many people have liked this show and still do to this day. Whether it's from 1987 or 2012, this show is (to some people) one of the best shows. Vote for your favorite character on the show TMNT of all time.
The Top Ten

I still love Ninja Turtles. I've always liked Leonardo - he's my favorite Ninja Turtle. It holds up! It exploded in the eighties, and it was a huge deal.

Leo all the way. He is very cool in his own way and knows how to deal with boredom, while the others sit around and get bored. Leo has a lot on his shoulders, and he is just a teenager. Love him. He rocks. Without Leo, you would not have the turtles. I love each of them as a team, as brothers, and they are so different from each other. That is family. That is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They are so totally cool. And Leo is the best.

Raphael Raphael, also known as Raph, is a fictional character and one of the four main characters in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Since childhood, I've always been into Raph. He is just a raw, relatable, real person. He's got confidence, maybe a little bit stubborn and prideful, but again, relatable. The rest of the characters, though I like them, seem painted, telling, and obviously made up. Raph is the most real-life character of the story. Unpredictable, loving his friends one moment and hating his enemy the next, then defying his friends while experiencing what it's like to be an enemy. An enigma.

Raphael went straight one-on-one with Shredder. Leo has technique, but Raph has that stealth. His badass angry attitude takes him to another level.


Honestly, Mikey's my favorite turtle, but I actually think the others are great too!

I find all of the turtles great, but Mikey has been catching my heart lately. Yes, I know he's a goofball, and some of you think he's "semi-retarded," but I actually think the opposite at heart.

The reason he's my favorite is that he may not be the brightest, but he usually brings the right, positive vibes. He's also very sweet and fun-loving, which I really love about him. That scene where he hugs and comforts Raph is just so heartwarming!

I really do love him at heart. One more thing I have to say is that everyone can love whichever turtle they want. It really doesn't matter, like sheesh…


Donnie is the best Ninja Turtle. I am also very relatable to him, and I am like him. He has the best qualities and mean green fighting skills, as well as being a huge techie. The Nickelodeon version is the best of Donnie.

Donnie is smart and has always been the one to start the chemistry between the TMNT that helps them fight better. He should be the leader of the TMNT because he is, of course, the best character.

He's the best, and I always looked up to him when I was little. He was so smart and nerdy, and he is always underestimated. He deserves to be at least in the top 3.

Shredder Oroku "The Shredder" Saki is a fictional character in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics and all of its related media.

Shredder in the 1990 movie was the best character in any TMNT movie or cartoon. In The Secret of the Ooze, he was disappointing (he didn't even fight).

Shredder is the number one villain because he's the strongest villain, but Splinter is the strongest.

Splinter Splinter, often referred to as Master Splinter by his students, is a fictional character from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics and all related media.

He is wise and gets out of problems 10 times easier than any other cartoon I have ever seen.

Effortlessly cannot be defeated. He only died in 2012 because it was a surprise attack.

April O'Neil April O'Neil is a character from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a TV reporter and personal friend of the turtles.

Pink Brain Krang, inside a great soldier, was a mutant, just like a woman.


The 2012 Bebop is one of the funniest fictional characters ever. He is also a diverse fighter with different projectiles, a dancing fighting style, and the ability to go invisible. An excellent character.

A dangerous pig and human mutant.


I like Rocksteady because he is funny. He likes hanging around with his buddy Bebop, and he reminds me of a little kid. Well, at least in the 1987 cartoon.

A dangerous rhino and human mutant.

The Newcomers

? Max Winters
? Armaggon
The Contenders
Casey Jones

The coolest by far. The way a man with some sports equipment is willing to fight off alien invasions and Ninja wars is just awesome, and it makes him like Batman.

Casey is a vigilante, and he's a pretty good fighter, but he's usually solo.


Karai! I was going to vote Raph for the win, but noticed Karai needs more love. 2012 Karai was this awesome and multifaceted punk girl, a tough ninja sister with uniquely rad hair and makeup. Why are you all hating on her?


He's a strong fighter, and he loves Mikey's stew.

Lord Dregg
Baxter Stockman

A threat for sure, as he can manipulate any technology to trap foes.

Mona Lisa
General Traag
Rebecca Vincent

He's a good fighter, even though he beat up Casey, but he's still not better than Casey.

Tiger Claw
Rat King
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