Top 10 Worst Things Arthur Read Has Done on Arthur

Arthur, the lovable aardvark, has been a beloved character for generations of children. Since its debut in 1996, "Arthur" has been entertaining audiences with its relatable stories, catchy theme song, and memorable characters. Throughout the years, we have seen Arthur and his friends navigate the ups and downs of growing up, from dealing with bullies to learning how to apologize.

While Arthur is generally known for being a good kid, he, like all of us, has his fair share of bad moments. From acting selfishly to treating others poorly, Arthur has made some questionable choices throughout the show's 25-year run. And in this list, we will be taking a closer look at the top 10 worst things that Arthur has done on the show.

Now, before we dive into the list, it's important to remember that no one is perfect, and even the best of us make mistakes from time to time. Arthur is no exception, and it's these flaws and missteps that make him a relatable and endearing character. However, it's also important to acknowledge and learn from our mistakes, and that's exactly what we hope to do with this list.
The Top Ten
1 Punched D.W. after she broke his plane (Arthur's Big Hit)

In Arthur's defense though, this has become a very good meme. But yeah, he really shouldn't have done this, definitely one of the worst things he's done. Plus the lesson in the episode is simply "violence is wrong", which is extremely dull and simple compared to the shows other lessons.

To the people who keep saying that D.W deserved getting punched by Arthur, yes what she did was wrong, but still. Does the moral of this story still teach kids to punch their younger siblings?

To be fair Arthur hitting D.W. was completely justified but I still had to include this moment.

2 Relentlessly bullied Sue Ellen (So Funny I Forgot to Laugh)

If you thought him hitting his sister was bad, he's completely out of character in this episode. He's usually a very remarkable kid in the entire show, but what happened to him?!

Arthur is out of character in this episode. It would make much more since if it was Muffy or Francine making fun of Sue Ellen.

3 Wrecked his mom's computer (Arthur the Wrecker)
4 Made Pal sick (Sick as a Dog)

Pal gets sick and Arthur immediately blames D.W. seeing as she vowed to teach him a lesson he won't forget only its later revealed after a visit to the vet that it was actually Arthur who got Pal sick by feeding him stuff that a dog shouldn't eat.

5 Sold mom's present to Mrs. Tibble (Arthur Bounces Back)

Arthur attempts to earn money to buy a pair of moon boots while cleaning the garage Mrs. Tibble comes along thinking he's having a garage sale and offers him buy a necklace for 10 dollars which Arthur immediately agrees to and is able to buy the moon boots only to find out from dad that he hid mom's present in the garage which is the necklace he just sold to Mrs. Tibble.

6 Sold James a broken toy and refused to give him his money back (Arthur Sells Out)
7 Cheated and acted like a sore winner (Arthur the Loser)

After being unable to win a single game of his new board game "No Guessing? " Arthur starts cheating at every game he plays against his friends and begins acting like a complete jerk as he gloats about his wins which annoys everyone that they get Binky to play against him hoping he will lose so everything will go back to normal.

I thought this was about a couple relationship!

8 Brought home a snake (Hide and Snake)
9 Caused dad to fall behind on his catering order for Mr. Crosswire (Dad's Dessert Dilemma)

Arthur begins getting dad to make cakes for his school to make himself more popular but Arthur's constant cake demands ends up putting dad behind in his work as he is in danger of losing Mr. Crosswire's business.

10 Disliked cats because he believed they eat kids' ears (Francine and the Feline)
The Contenders
11 Disobeyed his mom by digging up the whole yard (Arthur's Treasure Hunt)
12 Blatantly ignored D.W.'s clear and obvious requests (For Whom the Bell Tolls)
13 Told D.W. that Mary Moo Cow was a baby show and didn't respect her opinion (That's a Baby Show)
14 Bullied Francine nonstop and later denied it (Draw!)

To be fair, Francine/Fran bullied Arthur/Art more. So she deserves it.

15 Scared D.W. While She Was Taking a Bath (D.W. All Wet)

This is one of those few cases where I thought Arthur was in the wrong and I don't like D.W at all. However in this case, Arthur was just being mean and yes I know he apologized but still.

16 Refused to let D.W. bring all of her toys to put in his suitcase (The Rhythm and Roots of Arthur)
17 Acted rude to D.W. (The Rhythm and Roots of Arthur)
18 Blamed D.W for everything (Family Feud)
19 Was mean to D.W when she lost her voice (For Whom the Bell Trolls)

D.W lost her voice but Arthur was being mean and happy that she lost her voice

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