Top 10 Worst Amazing The World of Gumball Episodes
Yes, I really hate this episode, but it's not the worst in my opinion. The worst is... The Burden! Why does nobody talk about that episode? It's not funny in the slightest, it's the creepiest Gumball episode, and it's one of the worst episodes I've ever seen on my television. And don't get me started on the flashing hair scenes or the design of Chris Morris.
Why did I like this episode? Gumball and Darwin were complete jerks to Larry, causing him to lose his job, his car, and his girlfriend!
I didn't care at all for The Laziest, but it never struck a huge nerve with me. But this episode angered me to the core. How is this not #1? It encourages people to do nothing in abusive relationships. Hello? That is very dangerous advice! People could get themselves killed if they followed this advice! It says that victims who speak up to their abusers will only get hurt. That is not okay, especially in children's entertainment. Imagine if a child was being manipulated and abused by a bully or a friend! If they watched this episode, they could have a rotten life. I like The Amazing World of Gumball, but this episode made the show worse for me.
Definitely the worst episode of the show. The way they portray feminism doesn't sit right with me (and I do have some feminist beliefs), and Nicole seems quite out of character. All the other problems are just portrayed badly too. The one thing I will give this episode is that I guess the intentions were good? The message of everybody having it bad in their own way is definitely true, but that doesn't excuse this episode.
The main problem with this episode is that 80% of the jokes are just stereotypes. Ha, it's funny because men are slobs. Ha, it's funny because women think they need to look perfect. Ha, it's funny because adults have no imagination. Just... why? Stereotypes aren't funny, and neither is this episode. And yeah, I know, satire is a thing, but still.
Here's another thing about this episode: not only was Darwin creepy, but the other kids are extremely stupid for believing Gumball to be a beautiful girl. I understand that this is a season one episode and what they were going for, but at the same time, it just gave off this vibe that they're practically idiots because they never have a resolution or realization. They just believe it even though they could have known right off the bat it was Gumball. Heck, Gumball's voice is the closest thing to giving him away, and they still can't tell it's him! Anais is the only smart character in this episode while Darwin is creepy and the other students are stupid.
This is one of the worst episodes ever. It's like "Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy" from SpongeBob. It even has the same problems that episode had, most commonly the use of two tactics that are overused and those most people hate to see: having a character suffer for no reason and making the characters more stupid than they have ever been.
To sum the episode up: Gumball tries to help Bobert be like a normal person. Bobert then dresses himself up as Gumball and steals his life. Gumball goes through a lot of misery while the other characters are too stupid to see or realize that this is actually Bobert. They are so stupid they can't tell it's him despite his cheap, easy-to-see-through Gumball costume.
Just, what were the writers thinking?
Okay, even if Gumball is responsible, that's no excuse for the writers to make him as annoying and destructive as possible. The episode starts with him talking back to his mom, thinking that he's not helping, so he gets grounded. But when his sister is in his room, he has a screeching voice. Before you say, "he's responsible" - not. An. Excuse. Oh, and he was in the dirty cement, and a truck comes and covers him in dirt. Once again, just because he's supposed to be responsible, that's not an excuse for this. Even though the episode is way too long, that doesn't excuse it for being this teeth-grindingly annoying.
And the fact that his dad forgives him for doing all the bad stuff he did. Great. Just great. Now, before you start berating me for commenting on this show, imagine what would happen if a kid watched this and took it to heart. They would try to do their chores to get what they want, just like Gumball. If I were his dad, I'd scold him hard. Instead, his father just makes as much noise as his son did, and Gumball doesn't face consequences for the bad things he did. Ugh.
Normally Gumball has great stories, but this one is really bad. This episode is also a gross-out. Disgusting! I really hated this episode.
This episode made me feel like I was going to vomit. If I were Gumball, I wouldn't be so stupid as to not realize that none of this was real.
What I found awful about the episode was Gumball being such a jerk to Darwin, all because he had a nightmare about Darwin kissing Penny. This proves that Gumball obsesses over Penny way too much. At one point, Gumball even assaults Penny and thinks that it's Darwin's fault, even though it wasn't. I don't even know why CN aired this episode anyway. It's boring and cringy to watch.
This episode is terrible. It left many unanswered questions, and I hate the bad ending. Why did they make this terrible episode?
Really, it's like the creator hates their own cartoon and decided to ruin it by making an episode with a bad ending and a cliffhanger.
This episode is not the series finale. Ben would not end his show like this.
I think this is supposed to be a homage to something.
Nah, this is creepy as hell. It's not that bad.
The Newcomers
Too cringy to watch.
This is one of the only episodes in which I hate Darwin, another one being The Laziest. Gumball was just trying to help him, and Darwin treated him like crap. What made me mad in this episode is when Principal Brown nearly suspended him just because he was talking to Darwin. He was just protecting him from Leslie! The only part I liked about this episode is when Darwin forgets to sing his tune at the end because I find that karma for treating Gumball like crap.
This episode is why I hate Principal Brown now. He almost suspended Gumball because he was just talking to Darwin in the bathroom!
The reason why they're both on this list is because I hate The World, but The Extras was good but not great. I will say that this is probably the best out of all the Season 3 episodes, but that's the thing. The World sucks, but yeah, I know I said that I hate all the things that were on lists with the worst stuff. I don't hate The Extras, but since all the bad Gumball episodes are there, they should be kept on this list. I don't understand why the good ones are here, so yeah.
I don't know "The Extras," but "The World" is extremely stupid. It's not a Gumball episode. Not even close.
I think the reason why Gumball and Darwin weren't in this episode was to make room for the disgusting sewer rats. I guess we'll never know what Gumball and Darwin were doing at the time since excused absences are always much more common with boring live-action sitcoms!
Ben Bocquelet must have had an obsession with Alvin and the Chipmunks during the production of this episode, so he decided to cut Gumball and Darwin's parts out to make room for his version of said trio.
How can you make a musical and not involve Gumball, the main character? That's like making a SpongeBob SquarePants musical without SpongeBob SquarePants.
A funny way to open up Season 2, and the ending is creepy.
Being the first episode of Season 2, this is where Anais being bad started!
I hate this episode because it is weird that Gumball should go to the hospital. Stupid shows like this are not fun.
Say what you want about the dress. What happens in this episode? Tobias goes around saying hi and smacking people's butts. Everyone's, that is, except for Gumball's. I hate everything about this episode. The way he keeps sticking out his butt for Tobias to smack it, you know for sure that Gumball knows nothing about making friends. Then it all goes downhill from there.
I have no problems with some of the songs here. It's this song that annoys me the most! The end is what pissed me off the most and made me want to throw the remote at my TV. So first off, he plays a trick on Tobias. Then in the end, he learns absolutely nothing! He scolds Tobias for slapping his butt once and for all. Terrible episode! 0/10
A Gumball and Darwin torture porn that relies way too much on facial humor. And it just fuels my hatred for Anais even more.
You really need to feel sorry for Gumball and Darwin here.
Worst part: Anais even got Gumball and Darwin grounded twice! Pure evil!
The episode turned out pointless. Just when the problem at hand was resolved, it comes back 2 seconds later and stays that way.
Ugh! This episode was just heartbreaking. I always skip this one when I watch the show.
This episode is just sad and frustrating!
This is weird, even for Gumball.
Screw this episode! You thought that this was a conclusion to the series? No! Let me tell you, this episode is bad! Yep, Gumball and his family had an unfortunate ending.
It seems like a cool idea for an episode to have a bunch of different moments from previous episodes returning, but the ending is so underwhelming!