Top 10 Worst Fictional Canon Couples
Canon is when it is what the author actually wrote (as in not fan-made/what actually happened). So what is the worst couple you believe was made real?No pairing is good when Sakura is involved. Her personality is insufferable, and she has no redeeming qualities. She treats everyone around her horribly but expects everyone to be obsessed with her because she thinks she's all that.
The only reason anyone can like her is her apparent good looks, which I never got. She seems pretty ugly to me. I heard the author tried hard to draw her beautifully so people would like her, and she would become more relevant since she had no sustaining bond with any of her friends and teammates. At no point does Sasuke seem interested in her, yet she continuously pushes her confessions down his throat. He doesn't understand why she likes him. Then he just gives up, throws her a bone, and ditches his family immediately.
I used to love this ship, but after re-reading the books, I found it creepy. I mean, Lily was married and had a kid, but Snape was still going for her. If Snape truly loved Lily, he would not have abused Harry and would have seen that Harry has parts of Lily, not just James.
Their fans always talk about how Lily and James were unbelievable, but they tend to forget how Snape literally joined a cult of people who hated people like her on his own accord. It's a cliché plot where the popular, smart girl ends up with the unpopular, nerdy kid, but instead, she ended up with James, the bully who changed.
I kind of hoped that with the new book/play, this relationship would now have some valid reason for happening. That the kid everyone loves and defends so much actually had a significant purpose besides Harry claiming he'd be a much better godfather than his own. Nope, it had just as much purpose in "Cursed Child" as in the series proper, i.e., none whatsoever. Tell me again why I should love this pairing and that baby.
Out of nowhere, no real point to it (no, there was no real reason for them to have a baby either since the offspring didn't do anything and the "Harry's godson" factor wasn't played up that much). What had been an awesome, strong female was reduced to a weepy schoolgirl with a sudden insatiable crush, and clearly the other half's heart wasn't in it.
How the hell is this only #9? For crap's sake, "Still a better love story than Twilight" is a common phrase now! The worst romance ever, which sets a terrible standard for all readers, glorifies abuse and provides absolutely no real connection between the inanimate twits that pass for characters. No one should be voting for anything from Harry Potter or Avatar as being worse than Bella and Edward unless they've never read Twilight.
I can never take my friend seriously when she yacks about how "Bedward" is her One True Pairing. Twilight is a series about a love triangle between a girl, a hundred-year-old guy, and a dog.
And looking through the Wikipedia article, this shows many, many signs of abuse. Perhaps this proves my theory that Twilight is just a series to show how blind girls are when they're in an abusive relationship!
If this had been fanfiction, the very people defending "Reid's one true love" would've criticized her mercilessly for being such a Mary Sue. Also, it would've ended with a lavish wedding and her having a perfect baby girl if not twins or quadruplets rather than her being killed off, but that's neither here nor there.
What even was the purpose of this? Reid can ONLY find true love with a clone of himself? Can only find true love with someone he literally can't even see? What a waste of half a season, and I'd be saying that even if she survived!
This has to be one of the worst TV moments of the decade. For a show like How I Met Your Mother, which was able to distinguish itself from other sitcoms so well, it feels so uncharacteristic of it to do such a clichéd ending.
It ignores all their character development, not just for them, but for Barney, which is honestly a tragedy. They moved on from being lovers to being strong characters on their own. I feel the writers should have waited to see how the series would develop before planning such an ending. It may have worked in earlier seasons, but after nine seasons of change, it just doesn't work.
"You don't have to worry since Derek left the show." Unfortunately, this stupid pairing (which of course had to "conveniently" produce a baby - am I seriously the only person who doesn't suddenly love and support a pairing just because they produce "cute little" babies?) is WHY Derek left the show.
Not only did they foist an ill-developed baby mama on him so "he could be written out in a non-tragic way," but said baby mama had to be a Black woman, which has very racist implications. Never mind that Derek himself had a white mother (as did Shemar Moore in real life).
No, no, and no. Tweek and Craig were out of character in Tweek x Craig. Also, Put It Down seriously exaggerated their relationship, making them cliché. Stan and Wendy never acted like that when they were together, and honestly, that wasn't that bad because that would also be a cliché couple if they were like that.
I just don't see any potential in this ship. It's just two boys forced to be together by these annoying drawings. Plus, even if we have to collect them in the game, I even saw in a video that Craig can be charmed by a Raisins girl. So he is NOT gay!
I'm so glad people agree with me on this. Hinny is JKR's worst-written ship. At least the concept for Remus/Tonks and Ron/Hermione had a basis (even though I wasn't a fan of how those ships were written either, mind you), but H/G literally came out of nowhere.
Ginny is a Mary Sue. It's too bad JKR didn't pursue Harry/Luna (they have a great connection that isn't superficial, and they can bond over similar experiences and comfort each other). But to be honest, maybe it's a good thing since Rowling can't write romance well at all.
I just don't like how it ended, especially how it was used to write Cote de Pablo and later Michael Weatherly out of the show.
The Newcomers
I know Kat has a scary defensive fan base, but she was way too much of a Mary Sue. I can't BELIEVE the MMPR powers that be went with this pairing!
I know this was the result of a fan poll, but what were the thousands of fans who voted in favor of this pairing THINKING? Were they thinking at all?
It should be placed 3rd after Twilight just because it's a fanfiction based on it. Sometimes I even think that Bella and Edward are better because he is a vampire and Bella is a dumbass teenager, which is creepy but justifies why they act so idiotic. But Ana and Christian are supposed to be adults and act really toxic towards each other. Also, it's so unbelievable.
I think this couple should be higher just because of the abuse! There is nothing sexy about this. The Dom on "Lost in Adaptation" perfectly stated why these two are horrible together, and I agree 110%. At least with Edward and Bella, they were on common ground (sorta).
I dunno, I just don't see the relationship properly developed at all. They have their moments, but it was always butchered by something else (mostly, by Ichigo who usually looks at something more important). Guess I'm not used to the hero's significant other not being so significant after all.
This couple is just like NaruHina at this point. Although they had more memories than their Naruto counterparts, some people didn't want this couple as canon. IchiRiku would have been canon if it wasn't for the ending. Way to go, Kubo. You and Kishimoto might as well be best friends for messing up your respective mangas with terrible endings.
Since LoK was supposed to be one season, I'm counting this, and it was canon at one point.
Anyways, they started out consistently fighting, not saying much to each other. Then SUDDENLY, Mako goes ape over Korra when she was kidnapped, while he was perfectly calm when his only brother got kidnapped. Afterwards, they're all lovey-dovey.
The show sucked anyway. Other than poor character development and badly-written romance for more than half of the series, it ruined already cool characters (example: Mako). He looked so promising in the first season but was an ass in seasons 2 and 3 and a matchmaker in season 4. The only redeeming element of the show for me was the ending. Korrasami was much better handled than that abusive Makorra.
According to some shippers, this is canon, and they say this should be #1! Serena was manipulative towards Ash and sexually assaulted him. Ash mostly ignores her, doesn't care about her wants or needs, and treats her poorly (used her as a coat hanger). Serena is as dependent on Ash as Bella Swan is, because her other goal is to make Ash happy and she can only muster any courage for herself by thinking of what Ash said.
Serena is also extremely Sue-like. For example, in the Kalos Queen goal, she got all the Rhyhorn to her because they were attracted to her (YUCK). Throughout the series, she sucked at battling, but then magically she was good when she battled Ash. Her Pokémon evolve and get moves with little to no effort. People now somehow believe Serena won Ash by sexually assaulting him, even though they barely talked, did things together, or had any deep special moments. Worst canon ever.
Lily Evans was a gold digger, a generic popular girl who falls for the bully jock type, playing hard to get and faking that she was not interested in James all this time. They probably married because she was pregnant, considering that their wedding and Harry's birth happened when they were both 18 or 19.
Not saying that it wasn't love or anything, but they aren't a very relatable couple. At least they weren't evil people and fought on the right side.
I can't see a romance like this working realistically. A divorce would happen, or they would be unhappy forever. James was a bully, pampered rich guy, and Lily was a perfectionist and hypocrite popular girl. The pairing is better than Snape x Lily, but it's still bad.
Agh, Ayano for the majority of the anime complains about him, whines, is useless, and just complains. Why would Kazuma want to be with her? Later on, they just forced the idea that they are perfect for each other for no reason, when Kazuma showed little to no interest in her, and Ayano was just a whiny brat around him.
They were so much better off as good friends. But they had to ruin that with this sudden weird love they had "that wasn't the red moon's curse!" (It's definitely some sort of curse, thanks to the writers).
Marco had a much better relationship with Jackie. It was so good that the writers couldn't even write a proper breakup with Marco and Jackie. They just had Jackie go, "Anyways, we're over now, bye!" in one episode.
In fact, all their relationship endings were terrible and were just an excuse to create unneeded drama. They had to wait until the end to hook up the "right" couple! Though honestly, thanks to the writers, I wouldn't be surprised if Star and Marco broke up for no reason, as it would fit with their past relationships.
It's a good show, but it makes Mike and Bryn (writers of A:TLA & LoK) seem like professional romance writers, as at least they can write more proper breakups than "suddenly they now broke up with ZERO explanations."
There really was no development with them. After they heard from Goku that Trunks was their child, bam! Not too long later, they are a couple without any explanation. Well, DBZ was always about the action anyway.
As with Goku and Chi-Chi, it's a wonder they ever managed to conceive one child (Trunks) let alone two (Bra).
Another ship that is truly the worst.
Weak couple that shouldn't have happened!
No chemistry whatsoever between the two. They were an unneeded pairing in Age of Ultron, and the romance could be written out easily.
Came out of nowhere and was really weird. It just should have never happened.
Thank God for Nat's infertility (despite ScarJo's real-life pregnancy at the time "Age of Ultron" was filming)! No cute little baby we're all supposed to fawn over resulted from this dreck.
It's hard to see them as the cutest couple ever because of their constant fighting. This couple is worse than not only Dan and Runo but also Ash and Misty.
A double date between Dan and Runo and Ace and Mira can be one of the worst nightmares ever.
They not only remind me a lot of Dan and Runo but also of Ash and Misty.
Granted, this is actually only one of five potential canon pairings involving Chrom, since who he marries is determined by which of the bachelorettes fights alongside him most in the game, as dictated by the player. However, the intro only shows this possible outcome, so it counts.
As for why it's bad, during the game itself, it comes off as very forced. Sumia's clumsiness is not endearing. In fact, one of her other potential husbands, if Chrom marries someone else, ridicules her mercilessly for it.
There are 100 reasons why this couple shouldn't be canon in Akame Ga Kill.
Worst couple that is both forced and ended in 2018!
The worst ship in Akame Ga Kill.
It's never fair that Inuyasha and Kagome are the only ones who can travel through the well. Come on, other characters also deserve to have the power to travel through the well too, don't they? It would have been fairer and better if other characters besides Inuyasha and Kagome could travel through the well.
I dislike this couple because of the love-hate relationship between those two. I rather like Inuyasha and Kikyo, mostly because Kikyo is Inuyasha's first love interest. Everybody's on Kagome's side every time, and every other time those two bicker. It's not fair. Love-hate relationships are insufferable.
As someone who wasn't around when Friends started and has only just gotten into it, I can look at this with no nostalgia and say how screwed up their relationship is. While Rachel is nice (just a little spoiled), Ross is an egotistical a-hole who's often considered the worst part of Friends. Their romantic relationship is possessive and toxic.
They honestly work so much better together when they hate each other, such as the infamous "we were on a break" situation (which, by the way, is a prime example of why Ross sucks). I feel like the writers only did this because they had to. They promised this couple in the first episode, which restricted writing possibilities.