Top Ten Most Inappropriate Children's Books

This book is about why you should care about disabled people. I'm sure it's still a terrible book with a seriously misleading title, but I guess the intentions were there?
I have an incredibly important question: How in the actual hell did they even manage to get all of these books published?
Ok, so I figured out more about this book. It isn't actually anti-disability, but it says a lot of negative things about disabled people.
Love this book? Then make sure you don't miss out on the long-awaited sequel joining her sister in Dolly Draws a D***!
Hang on, is this an adult picture book? They are around now.
Drax (Guardians of the Galaxy): Did she make a penis?

Pam Adams strikes again.
This is not right. Elderly people are nice. Some of them can be rude too. One was rude to me once.

Well, I haven't read it, but if it says that, then it gets my vote. I wish that kind of thing wasn't still around...
Horrible, horrid, awful. Diets are usually bad. Way to put unhealthy habits on kids.
Does it really say "only thin people succeed"? That's an insult to fat people.

The title sounds like an embracing of incest. And the kid looks like he has an Oedipus complex.
It promotes plastic surgery.

I actually listened to this on YouTube. It's weird and great and yet still technically inappropriate. I'd buy this book, but not for my sister or any child.
What the heck! And this is supposed to be a children's book? Now I know why our generation is messed up.
I don't think this is a kids' book.
OK, this may be a messed-up book, but I'll admit the title made me laugh a little.
It sounds terrible, but the title is so wrong it's kind of funny.
This sort of made me laugh. But yeah, it sounds awful.
Do kids even know what drinking is before 8?
What is wrong with people?
This is why the moms are so rude and talk trash about their children on those dumb mom websites.
What? How do you say "goodbye" to testicles?
What is wrong with authors these days...
Why is this even a thing?
The book for evil and demented children.
Finally, a book for people like me.
The Newcomers

This book is actually incredibly dark when you think about it.

Really? Since when do you expect a guide on how to deal with your emotions when Mommy went to jail?
Nah, I think with the USA's incarceration rate, this is probably appropriate.
What did Dad do? is the question.

Damn, David must be one hell of a troublemaker.
I used to read this book as a kid. I remember a page where he was running outside naked right after he took a bath and overflowed the tub.
A kid streaks, and his butt is exposed.

Please tell me this isn't about what I think it is...
Because she's giving you a brother.

Maker of the list: This book is inappropriate.
Me, a dinosaur fan: Sees dinosaur on the book cover.
Also me: I like dinosaurs. That book had one on the cover, and that book is inappropriate. I still like dinosaurs.
That sounds way too depressing!
Well, I want to be an astronaut when I grow up, so screw you, author of this book.
I saw this book at my library in the kids' section. My 10-year-old sister pointed it out. At the time, she didn't know about sex.

I must say it is pretty funny, though.

What to say to someone bullying you.

This is quite dark for a kids' book.