Top 10 Best Geronimo Stilton Books
Once upon a time, in a world filled with mice and adventure, there was a mouse named Geronimo Stilton. Geronimo was a mouse like no other - he was a journalist, an adventurer, and a book author! Together with his family and friends, Geronimo traveled to many different places and had countless exciting escapades.The world of Geronimo Stilton started when Geronimo inherited The Rodent's Gazette, the most famous newspaper in all of New Mouse City. Since then, Geronimo's life has been filled with excitement, danger, and thrilling experiences! He has explored the jungles of Africa, the streets of New York City, and even the depths of the ocean.
Throughout his adventures, Geronimo has written many books about his exploits. These books have been translated into many different languages and have been read by children all over the world! They love reading about Geronimo's thrilling adventures, as well as his family and friends - his adventurous sister Thea, his cousin Trap, and his clumsy nephew Benjamin.

I loved this book more than the other Geronimo Stilton books. It's just because the words in the book show hilarious scenes and this story fits the book cover itself. Geronimo acts like a funny person playing silly jokes on you while you read the book.
The series is not like any other boring, old-fashioned, and classic novels. Other novels have long stories, but you will find the book boring after you read halfway through. This series keeps you entertained and you won't find it boring at all. A GREAT BOOK!

Greatest book in history. Love it. Must read.
In my opinion, this is a great book.

This book is full of adventure. This is my first Geronimo Stilton book. It is a must-read book.

This isn't a book. It is just pages with stickers on them.

This is the first Geronimo Stilton book ever made.
Pretty great book in my opinion.

Outstanding! The scenario and the expressions were drastically amazing. I am only 13 years old, but this book could also be read by older people. It has a different world. The best I can say is I have no words to express it. All the Geronimo Stilton books are awesome, but I do not like comparing them with each other.
I like this book very much. I also thank the author for creating such a lovely book.
This is the newest Kingdom of Fantasy book, released in September 2017. The story is totally epic, and it is worth buying and reading.

The Newcomers

One of the best Thea Stilton special edition books there is!

I like this book because it is about my favorite subject: Egypt. It's very interesting.
This book actually made me freak out because the mummy scared me more than Geronimo himself.

I love all Kingdom of Fantasy books, but in my opinion, The Phoenix of Destiny is simply the best.
It's simply the best. This book is my youth. In my country (Belgium), this book is the ninth book in the series, and after 6 years, I still love this book.
I bought this book on Amazon and I love reading it!

My favorite book in the Geronimo Stilton series.