Top 10 Most Dangerous Kids Toys Ever Sold
Remember that science set with the tiny bottles of mysterious chemicals? Or the lawn darts you and your friends used to try and impale? Turns out, the toys that brought us so many hours of childhood fun weren't always as safe as we might've thought.Get ready for a blast from the past...with a side of serious danger. With your help, we've put together a list of some of the most outrageously hazardous toys ever put on the market. It's a testament to both the ingenuity and questionable judgment of toymakers from days gone by.
The glass had to be heated to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The set also encouraged children to conduct dangerous experiments without the use of safety equipment.
Maybe kids should just have a kids' microscope or a kids' metal detector.
Kids plus hot glass equals emergency room. Those guys were dumb.
This set contained many dangerous chemicals, including some that could catch fire and some that were poisonous.
I found one in my grandpa's bomb shelter. Interestingly, it was made by Lionel, the same company that makes model trains. And there was stuff growing in the glass bottles.
Just how many lawsuits has Gilbert had with this and the glass set?
In October 2013, a policeman shot and killed a thirteen-year-old boy in California who was walking down the street carrying a toy replica of an AK-47. The policeman thought it was the real thing and shot the boy.
And then they went and made Nerf guns for girls. The darts for girls had a smaller volume and cost more because they had patterns and pink ends. They aren't that bad, though.
There was even a controversy one time where they made guns in different colors, and they were thought to look like toy guns.
I have those. Although I thought they actually had a spike on them, when I found out that we had them, they were not pointed. They were heavy and had a metal tip. They were also known as jarts. The ones we have are made from Mattel, which are just lawn darts.
They were so dangerous that the U.S. Congress banned lawn darts.
They are dangerous. They could cut your skin with this metal thing.
Wood burning is a combination of etching and branding onto wood. The kit included a handheld hot iron powered by electricity. This toy was sold to children and caused many serious injuries, and some deaths.
Yes, it definitely exists, and believe it or not, this was for children 5 years old and up.
This toy contained chemicals used in drugs, so they were pulled from the market.
This set contained uranium. Why would there be uranium in a kid's toy?
Gilbert had some serious explaining to do.
My dad had this toy as a kid but never touched the hot plate, surprisingly. The fact that it's as hot as an oven at 450 degrees is alarming. My friend had a collection of old toys, and while he didn't have this exact one, if I remember correctly, it was the Fright Factory. He even fried an egg on the hot plate.
The machine used to make the bugs burned children's fingers. The toxic fumes emitted from the machine were also hazardous.
Tens of thousands of people got hurt in a year when they first came out. Some were even killed. Netting didn't stop that. They should only be used by specially trained acrobats.
This allowed a boat-pulled rider to glide up in the air. However, once riders were airborne, they were given little control over the tube. Three young adults have been killed using this toy, as well as several children.
I had this toy, but my ridiculously overprotective mom wouldn't let me play with it because of Pumbaa's tusks. I am now 26 years old, and I am still not allowed to touch it.
These were marketed as mini-trampolines for people's feet. But the company didn't think that the toy might cause broken ankles when they thought of it.
The Nickelodeon version of Moon Shoes was also on this list, with its orange logo. Viacom International sued the manufacturer of this toy for broken ankles.
Kids all around the world swallowed the marble-sized balls, which then got stuck in their intestines. This caused life-threatening dehydration and vomiting. The balls couldn't be seen with an x-ray and needed surgery to be removed.
They were very flimsy and weak, so they ripped off and babies drowned. They were recalled after such incidents.
More like an inappropriate toy. Don't worry, I doubt he would punch or kick kids. Even if they put their fingers in his mouth, I don't think he would try to eat them or say anything. People just want to make dolls out of everything, even making baby dolls with a penis.
Hey, Cartman, we have got a new toy for your birthday.
I googled it, and there was a picture of a little girl hugging a Hitler doll.
Like a Skip-It, but worn on the head, this toy led to children harming themselves using the ball at the end. Injuries included spinal injuries and head injuries.
Look at the boy and girl on the cover of the toy. I think they have red eyes. Weird!
Ouch! This was the only one I have seen.
These contained dangerous levels of asbestos, causing respiratory problems and cancer in children. They were banned.
Over 500 children swallowed over 400 of these. Those were returned to Burger King and exchanged for free French fries.