Top 10 Best Lego Themes
Are you a LEGO fanatic? Do you lose hours building elaborate cities, battling fearsome dragons, or zooming through space in your handcrafted starfighter? If so, you know that some LEGO themes are just better than others.Maybe you adore the intricate storylines and awesome characters of Ninjago. Or perhaps you feel a deep connection to the iconic Star Wars universe. Or, maybe you loved the unique building style and epic lore of Bionicle back in the day.
So, what makes a LEGO theme truly great? Is it the cool minifigures, the detailed sets, the stories the sets inspire, or a combination of everything?

This theme should definitely be first. Ninjago is actually my life, and I've been absolutely obsessed with it since it came out. I haven't seen many other Lego themes, mostly just bits and pieces, and I'm sure they're good, but I could never watch and love them the way I love Ninjago.
I love what Lego has done with the storyline of this show and how they've expanded it and really developed the characters' personalities, especially Cole and Lloyd. I highly recommend this show to anyone. I'm a teenage girl and I watch it, even though it was originally meant for 7-9-year-old boys.
This is my absolute favorite show in the world, and nothing could ever replace it. This might be a show for people younger than me, but I don't care because it has great humor, amazing characters, interesting and well-thought-out storylines, and really great and inspiring quotes, sayings, and lessons. NINJAGO IS LOVE NINJAGO IS LIFE

Do you kids have any idea what Bionicle is? I mean, really? Ninjago? NINJAGO? Why not just add that Chima nonsense while you're at it? I give Star Wars credit for getting LEGO through some hard times. But Star Wars could never hope to achieve the gold standard that Bionicle did.
Star Wars, while classic, required zero creativity. LEGO didn't create it. Bionicle is the best LEGO theme that has ever been created and will continue to be the best. You know why? Because it wasn't just a LEGO toy. The sheer awesomeness of Bionicle allowed it to transcend the mere limitations of being just a plaything. It was its own mythology. Bionicle relied on the creativity of the user to become great.
And that is what makes LEGO so great. That's the very essence of LEGO: imagination, good trumping evil, not just a bunch of stupid sets.

When I was younger, I wasn't big on Lego Star Wars. I was collecting Legos from other themes more. But once I bought my first Star Wars set, I was thinking, "More... I need MORE!"
Being a huge Lego fan who's tried out Ninjago, Bionicle, Exo-Force, City, Creator, and a bunch of other great themes, I have to say that Star Wars surpasses all of them. The sets are epic collectibles, and I still adore the AT-AT walker I have.
Star Wars is amazing! It's better than Ninjago because Ninjago is stupid. It's better than City because all City has is police. Star Wars is so awesome, I can't even begin to describe it!
Oh, FYI for you Friends fans out there, girls aren't just pink Barbies. They can - gasp - actually live outside of makeup and boys! I'm not some extreme feminist or anything, but Star Wars and Marvel heroes (two of my favorite series despite being a non-lesbian girl) can be for chicks too!

Basically, the go-to theme for realistic cities is why this Lego theme was called CITY. Cheap costs, superior functionality, and above-average quality for such a simple concept are what make this theme unique and essential for creating a city.
There are MOCs too, and assembling them could be cheaper than an official set. But if you don't have the spare time, then get a ton of City sets and you're good to go.
Lego City model minifigs and parts are excellent for stop-motion animation projects. While the buildings aren't great, they provide inspiration to make better ones yourself. As of now, it's definitely my favorite Lego theme.

It shows younger children the joy of following Frodo's journey. It helps them interact with themes that might be known only to older children. Every minifigure is completely accurate to the actors who portray the characters in the movie.
I love this, and I hope it lasts for many years. This should be number 1, not Star Wars. (Though Star Wars is cool.) There is only one word to describe this theme: EPIC!
How is this below Lego City? It should be number 1, but I guess I didn't expect it to beat out longer-running series like Bionicle and Star Wars.
Seriously, though, the sets were the coolest. The minifigures were not only the best but also came with the right sets. Read or watch LOTR and tell me you don't want the Mines of Moria set or Helm's Deep. It doesn't matter if you're a kid or an adult. Lego LOTR is a dream!

They did a great job with this theme. I own a good amount of the sets, and I can say that this was my favorite theme.
Honestly, it's the best licensed theme. This was great for both Indiana Jones fans and also for people who want 1930s-style stuff.
This theme had way too much untapped potential. It's a shame it got canceled so early.

I love Harry Potter and the cool pieces and sets. It also has lots of room to create MOCs with.
Making a Harry Potter theme was a great idea. I think they executed it perfectly. There's lots of adventure and fun. Though Harry looks awful, they should improve his look.
Extremely good nowadays. I own every Harry Potter set ever, and Diagon Alley is top-notch, easily the greatest LEGO set ever.
THE theme that gave underwater Lego sets a spotlight. 3D goggles, anybody?
This theme was so creative with the villains, keys, and submarines. It truly deserved the spot it has - and more!
Atlantis is so awesome. The fish warriors, the treasure keys, the divers - I'm totally crazy about the divers' names like Lance Spears and Captain Ace Speedman. Totally creative!
Also, all but two of the sets are under $50. So if you are fascinated by divers, squid, sharks, barracudas, and lobsters, this is the series for you. They also did an excellent job on making the golden trident.

I have built many Batman sets with my son, and I love them as much as he does. Joker's Ice Cream Surprise truck is ingenious.
I bought the Tumbler a long time ago. It's probably one of my best Lego choices, next to the AT-AT Walker.
When you mix the best hero with the best toy, you can't lose. How isn't it number one?

I think the only reason why this thing flopped was because of the timing and its replacement of such a big franchise as Ninjago. It got me into Legos and I ended up taking over an entire bedroom with them. I still like to come up with creative plots using them. I think it should get a lot more credit than it is given, and the hate shouldn't have even existed.
So many people are foolish when they look at it and say it sucks just because they wish their old line was still running. If people used their brains, like me and a few others, maybe they would realize how good it is. People are such potato heads!
The Newcomers
I cannot believe this one's not even on the list!
How else do you think LEGO Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Doctor Who, Beatles, and loads more sets came to be?
Great ideas. Detailed pieces.
Very nice sets like Barracuda Bay, Ideas Treehouse, and Old Fishing Store. Also licensed stuff like Back to the Future, Adventure Time, and FRIENDS. Designed by LEGO fans but revised by LEGO.
I honestly like the simplicity of this theme. The sets in this theme are SO CHEAP!
Lego "DC Super Heroes" is mostly a bunch of Batman sets, which I have no problem with, to be honest. Seriously, random DC characters are shoehorned into Batman sets. Superman vs. Lex Luthor was the only other real set that isn't Batman-related.
In Marvel, while they focus on the movies and the Spider-Man cartoon, they've at least been concentrating more on other heroes and villains, which I love.
This is quite accurate and helps kids get into the Marvel theme. It's kind of like advertising the comics, which is cool. Quick message to anyone who has never read a Marvel comic: Buy and read one now! Avengers comics are the best!
This was my favorite Lego theme out of all of them. When I was younger, I always wanted to build the perfect Lego mech, and along came Exo-Force. I bought the hell out of these sets, and I've got to say that I've never been more satisfied.
Also, you've got to love the anime faces on the minifigures.
Great story, great characters, great villain, great character designs. It was one of the first Lego sets to incorporate an anime theme, and I even noticed references to other anime. Heck, it should've had enough budget to get its own anime.
By the way, I miss my childhood from 2006.
Castle, Space, and Pirate are all the best themes, but if I had to choose one, it would be Castle. I guess this is just my age speaking, but I hate all these licensed sets based on movies and the like.
I loved the original Lego sets, ones created just for Lego. I loved all the different subthemes of Castle, from Black Knights to Wolfpack, Royal Knights, Dragon Knights, Fright Knights - all of them were fantastic.
This has been the source of adventures for basically four generations. It offers army building, creativity, and if you didn't get the castle, no problem. You just wait for the new sets.
Castle should be number one because of its agelessness, creativity, army building, and variety.
Don't listen to those arrogant Bionicle fans. This theme was really cool. I especially loved the Brain Attack line! Bionicle is cool too, though.
I couldn't believe they cut Bionicle for this one, but it wasn't too bad of a theme. I also liked the mechs they released at one point. I was a big fan of Exo-Force, so of course I like Lego mechs.
I'm very happy they brought back Bionicle, though.
This should be much higher than Chima. This comment comes from a fan of both.
Very cool. You get to program robots that have so many functions. You can make your robots talk, move, and act like humans. There are even robot clubs that use Mindstorms.
Who doesn't want to build a robot?
I found it as an adult but discovered the same amazing elements that original space, pirates, and castle had. Great story, original builds, and fantastic playability. Not to mention the amazing Rock Monsters minifigures.
I'm surprised how negative Rock Raiders fans are about Power Miners. Maybe I'm just blinded by nostalgia, but I loved these sets as a much younger kid.
Power Miners had some of the best vehicles and offers the best play value out of any Lego theme I own.
This theme was probably the most memorable space theme I can remember from my childhood. Just thinking about the storyline of potential baddies in the galaxies really makes you imagine what could happen in the future if we had stuff like that.
I remember playing with the sets so much that I still have some of them, and they give me so many good memories of my childhood. Lego needs to bring themes like this back to life. Otherwise, kids may never experience the themes that we had in our childhood.
Lego Agents should be number one! Its sets were so great. Agent Chase, Dr. Inferno - all the characters were awesome and badass. Unlike that horrible, low-quality rip-off known as Ultra Agents.
Seriously, Lego Agents were realistic enough to reflect spies and notorious syndicate corporations, which summed up my perfect childhood. Most Lego themes these days just copy superheroes all the time. Lego Agents deserves to continue, even though it's been eight years since they stopped producing them.
It's a great Lego theme with a lot of great minifigures and set pieces.
DC is the best thing you can think of.
I wish you could see which minifigure you're getting instead of crinkling the bag to get the one you want. This method has hardly ever failed me, though. I always get the cool ones like a samurai and a snowboarder.
This series does something that no other series does: it sells minifigures that either a) have been edited from previous outdated versions or b) have never been released before. It introduces new and awesome parts to the Lego Universe.
Also, there will be an MMO later in 2014 that looks amazing!
I don't understand why this theme, along with the Space and Castle themes, isn't ranked higher. My guess is that more kids care enough about Legos to come here and vote for their favorite sets than older folks like me who are spending their time elsewhere. What I appreciate about these themes is that they're continuously reinventing themselves.
I personally think the sets from the late '80s and '90s are really good. I like them not only because they're the ones I played with as a kid but also because of the way they were built.
For example, take a look at the ships of the Pirates of the Caribbean theme (Black Pearl and Queen Anne's Revenge) versus those first Pirate ships (Black Sea Barracuda and Skull's Eye Schooner). Sure, at first glance, those from Pirates of the Caribbean look better. There's a 22- and 18-year gap between the old ones and these. But when you look beyond the exterior, you can see that the older ones were better built. They put effort into the details to make them look realistic. They had detailed holds for the cannons with closed cabins and doors. They also had ropes between the masts, linking the sails together. They had a crane to move heavy cargo around. The Barracuda even had bridges around the ship!
The only thing that made the Pirates of the Caribbean ships better in some ways is their association with the movies and the fact that they managed to get a third sail on the main mast. Other than that, the older ones were better in pretty much every way possible. I feel the same way about the Castle models and the Space models - especially the Castles. As for the Space series, for me, it died the day they introduced the Star Wars models, which are often well-built and thought out.
Friends is a truly underrated theme. What I like best about it is that they make everything I wish CITY would make, like restaurants, houses, hotels, stores, and more!
Best LEGO theme ever! This must have been made by boys, because if it were made by girls, it would be #1. Boy LEGOs are the worst and so boring! Like, cops and robbers, really?
Now, LEGO Friends has interesting sets, and it's overstocked because they need to buy so many so there'll be enough for everyone!
There should be LEGO for both girls and boys. I'm a boy myself, but I love to play with this. LEGO is amazing, yay!
While not the most kid-friendly to build, the end results are always the best. I started as a Lego Star Wars guy, and after my first Technic set, it was all about them. They have the most playability and functions.
Technic is by far the best, most mature, and challenging theme! It's incredibly sturdy and endlessly versatile. When combined with Power Functions, Technic truly becomes the ultimate Lego theme! The owner of Lego™, his favorite Lego kit ever is the Technic Porsche 911 GT3 42056.
It's fun to build one, and all of the sets look awesome. Not to mention they can have epic features and sometimes Power Functions! Best Lego theme, in my opinion.
The sets are movie-accurate with cool minifigures and really fun builds. Too bad it didn't last very long. I still think they should have made the Flying Dutchman with the Kraken.
I always wished I could get these, but I couldn't, and it stunk!

How the heck is this theme lower than Ninjago? This is an entire theme about creativity, while Ninjago is the same thing each wave: oversized, colorful vehicles.
The LEGO Movie should be number one, not Ninjago. Plus, this animation is very funny, while Ninjago just has too much color in it.
Good movie, good sets. The minifigures are unusable for my MOCs.