Greatest Facts About Apples

The Top Ten
1 Apple trees have a life of over 100 years
2 If you threw an apple in water, it wouldn’t sink – apples float in water! This is because 25% of their volume consists of air
3 The largest apple ever picked was 3pounds 2 ounces
4 Apples come from the Rose family, Rosacea, that’s why they have a rosy aroma
5 The scientific name for apples is Aplicus Rosacea
6 The science of apple cultivation is known as Pomology
7 The largest importers of apples are Russia, Germany and the UK
8 During the colonization of Native Americans by Europeans, apples were called winter banana or melt-in-the-mouth
9 The Apple is popularly known as the supposed forbidden fruit of Eden
10 A medium sized apple contains 80 calories
The Contenders
11 Apples float but pears sink
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