Top Ten Worst Foods

The Top Ten
1 Cow Tongue

This is extremely gross. How would you feel if (warning: disgusting) a cow ripped off your tongue and ate it? Sorry if I sound like a vegan teacher. I still eat steak, pork, chicken, etc., as long as they're not tongues or organs.

Someone actually said this tastes like steak? That's just nasty. I would refuse to eat this unless it was the only food source I had.

Who the heck eats this? I mean, at least spinach is rich in vitamins, but this? Worst food ever eaten by someone.

2 Rocky Mountain Oysters (Bull Testicles)

I only remember this food during the Brunch of Disgustingness episode of Total Drama Island. Other than that, I'm horrified by how these exist.

How is a vegetable (Brussels sprouts) worse than the private parts of a bull? I'd much rather eat any vegetable than eat Rocky Mountain Oysters.

The idea of eating food made from sexual organs sounds gross. Even the picture looks awkward and makes me want to vomit.

3 Brussels Sprouts

They smell like hell and probably taste gross too. There are better veggies I would rather eat that taste better, like carrots and spinach.

They are disgusting no matter how you prepare them. When they're cooked, they smell like a dirty diaper. Ew!

There are other, healthier, less nasty veggies. This is obvious.

4 Lamb Heart

Lamb heart! Poor lamb. I've had one, and it was the worst thing ever! It still had veins. Nasty, you hear? My friend ate it for a dare, and she got sick - stomach sick. I do not recommend eating this. If you like this, I understand. This is my opinion.

How are Brussels sprouts above lamb heart and bull testicles?

Come on. It's a damn organ. That's just disgusting.

5 Frog Legs

I've never tried them, but people say it tastes like chicken, so it seems interesting to try. The only thing that bothers me is when I learned that putting salt on frog legs makes them move from a reaction. I watched a video of it. It's so weird!

Frogs are natural for me, but try to eat it! It's tasty! If you are an adult, you will surely get beaten by a kid. My cousins are only 8 and 9, but they already eat frogs! Oh, and my first time eating this was when I was 11 years old.

This is cruel and unimaginable abuse. Get this to #1. Why would anyone want to hurt an animal, especially these guys? Heartless.

6 Salmon

Living in Norway (with all the darkness), eating salmon is basically a requirement to produce large amounts of healthy vitamin D. But I can't eat this thing. I just gag at the smell.

True fact: The name "salmon" derives from the biblical figure Solomon, who at one point managed to remove an evil spirit hiding inside a fish. Solomon looked at the fish and said, "I bless thee with the mark of my divinity." As such, the unnamed fish's name was Solomon, which over time became corrupted into "salmon."

The true part about this story is that I made it up right here and now.

7 Surstromming

Let's be honest. If you were at a table and given a choice between this and Brussels sprouts, would you seriously pick this?

Why is this not in the top 10? A cow tongue? Really? This is frigging rotten fish. Pick your poison.

Should be #1. I'd rather be punched in the face than try this.

8 Yak Penis

I haven't tried this, but this is purely wrong.

Who cuts a yak's privates off and cooks it?

9 Tuna

Awful food. Easily the worst ever.

10 Century Eggs

How are hard boiled eggs above this?

The Contenders
11 Anchovies

They are just way too salty for me. They burn my mouth with the salt in them.

These are almost as salty as my mom on a good day!

12 Mayonnaise

I'm only voting for this because of what people do with it. I have seen many people on TV put mayo in their hair to make it look "shiny," and that's just grotesque! Just thinking about it makes me sick!

Sure, it may be good for egg salad sandwiches and some other stuff, but when people put it in their hair, UGH!!!

It tastes bad when mixed with cheese in a sandwich and grilled together.

Mayonnaise is gross. I hate its horrible vinegary aftertaste.

13 Balut

I don't find eating duck embryo gross, as we eat other animals, so I would like to try eating balut one day even if it looks disturbing.

Balut is a developing duck embryo that is boiled. It is also a popular street food in some Asian countries.

Another gross one, eh? This one is so nasty I almost puked looking at it.

14 Curry

Curry flavors are always a bit bizarre for my liking. Either that, or they start liquifying the insides of my mouth. The smell of it is also pretty unbearable and gets everywhere.

15 Lasagne

The worst food I've ever tasted. It makes me vomit.

I cannot stand this abomination of a food.

16 Sardines

It's a little fish that fits into a small can. The worst part is the fish juice.

Should be above pizza immediately.

17 Silkworms

What is this trash? Worms are my least favorite living thing, and this is as bad as worms too - way worse than caterpillars. This shouldn't exist.

Who even eats silkworm caterpillars? Normally, when I think of insects as food, I think of crickets and mealworms.

If you chew them fast and wiggle around, I think it would help you eat them, but who knows.

18 Casu Marzu

It just looks and sounds vile. Although I must admit, as a cheese lover, I think I would love to try it. Maybe one day!

Most items don't even belong on this list. This abomination should be higher than anything.

It translates to rotten cheese! It's even illegal. My Italian friend ate this, and he said it was disgusting.

19 Swiss Cheese

Gross. Cheddar, Colby Jack, and Cheez-Its are good, but Swiss is bitter and horrible.

20 Nutella

Don't bother buying this stuff. Lindor and Pan di Stelle spread are way better. Nutella is way too sweet. It has nuts, meaning that people who are allergic can't have it. Lastly, it's highly unhealthy and bad for the environment, as some ingredients Nutella uses are grown in parts of Asia where rainforests have to be cleared.

Nutella is really tasty, but it's so dry that it bothers me after I have some. I have to have something like milk to wash it down. Tasty, but it makes your mouth the equivalent of a desert.

21 Cow Liver
22 Ricotta
23 Avocado

Avocado is too mushy and plain for me. The first time I tried it, I puked. What human can even like this? Am I the only one who just HATES avocados!?

Avocado does not taste good. It's too plain and tastes like nothing.

24 Spinach

Spinach is disgusting. I like leaves, but seriously, you guys are just saying this stuff because it's healthy! You might as well just say the same thing for sprouts.

Food is always ruined when someone decides to put spinach on it.

I am very picky, and I hate spinach. I'm waiting for hate.

25 Hard Boiled Eggs

They're much better than soft boiled eggs.

Sorry, but I do not like them very much.

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