Top Ten Characters In the Mortal Instruments

Magnus Bane, where do I start? The man is a person who valued money over life. He didn't care about love because he lost his true love a long time ago. But as the show, book, and movie progressed, we got to see great character development in him.
His love for Alec Lightwood is undeniable, and he gives him the world.
Ahhh! I love him. He's sarcastic and always there for the other characters (although I think that's only because of Alec). He's sassy and utterly perfect. You can't not like him. You have to! If you don't like him, you can't enjoy the series.
Also, MALEC for life.

Alec is the best (besides Will). I never really liked Jace. I found him selfish. Clary was obsessed with just Jace, not caring for anyone else. Alec had flaws, but he went through a lot of character development. Whether it be book Alec, movie Alec (he only shows up like twice), or TV show Alec (I do not like the TV show), I love him in all.
Now, if only there was a show about Will.
He is possibly my favorite fictional character ever. He's loyal, and he grows so much throughout the books and TV series - his character development is incredible. He is everything I admire in a person.

Jace is awesome, and the similarities between him and Will are endless. I basically love all the Herondales, especially Jace, Will, and Kit, because they all try to cut themselves off from everyone else. To love is to destroy and all that, but they are all so funny, sarcastic, and sweet.
I'm not fangirling over him, but he's a cool guy. After I read the first book of this series, I thought his father was Valentine (SPOILERS AHEAD), even though he really isn't. The irony is that I actually know a guy named Jace Valentine.

Simon is super funny and sweet, and I love how he would sacrifice himself for Magnus when he doesn't even know him that well, and he would lose all of his memories from the Shadow world just for Magnus.
I also like how he stood up for Downworlders/Faeries in the Shadowhunter Academy. It made Simon one of my favorite characters. I love Simon's character development throughout these books.
He is my favorite character, though it's really hard to decide between all those great characters. He is a geek like me, and his character development during the book series is just unbelievable.
Will Herondale might just be my favorite character ever. He made me so sad with his curse and everything. I love how he cares about Jem and Tessa so much, and it makes me sad that he doesn't care about himself, but that's the Herondale way.
Friendly reminder: Do not catch demon pox and never trust a duck. But wait, why is he on this list?
Will Herondale... where do I begin? He's so funny, charming, handsome, and kind. Tessa is extremely lucky to find a man like him... I do love Jem too! Will is willing to sacrifice so much to save those he loves, showing how noble he is! DEMON POX ON ALL YOUR HOUSES! His words are beautiful, as is his personality...

Isabelle is my bae. She rocks. She is sassy, and she is feminine while being a badass at the same time. She shows that in order for a female to be strong, you don't have to hate your femininity or generally girly-girly things.
I like how she shows her love for fashion and displays that feminine side while embracing it. I like how she fights. She is one of the best female characters in the series so far, 304,959 times better than Clary.
Izzy is the most beautiful woman in the whole world! I love her so much! She is brave, selfless, nice, pretty, and wise. I don't know how she ended up in 6th place, but I love her more than anything. I am so glad my two favorite characters, Isabelle and Simon, ended up together.
He is so beautiful and wonderful! He has a truly terrible life, but he doesn't let that make him bitter. He has the kindest heart, and he is always trying to share love with others. He is just so amazing! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!
He is an immortal Shadowhunter who got to keep his humanity. How is that not awesome!?

What I truly adore about Clary is her humanity (even though she's Nephilim...). She makes many mistakes and questionable decisions, but people need to remember that without her, there would be no Shadowhunter series.
She makes mistakes, but she has a good heart and is the bravest soul of them all. Going through hell and back, she still has a beautiful smile on her face in the end. LOVE HER.
How is Clary not number 1! If you did not vote for her, you are not a true TMI fan. Clary is so fierce and loyal and just utter perfection. Most people complain that she argues with everyone, but that is because she has a MIND of her own.
She is so smart and amazing... I love her so much. Thank you so much, Cassie Clare, for making this character.
He is a totally misunderstood character. He did NOT deserve his fate. He just wanted to please his father, who turned away from him. He never got the credit he deserved. He didn't even get a single proper family member! Valentine was a psycho, Jocelyn was a baby-abandoning monster, and Clary was a sister who totally misunderstood her brother and... KILLED HIM!
Though Jocelyn tries to reason with what she did, I don't see any sense in why she had to abandon Sebastian. He was her SON! Clary didn't even have a shadow of guilt after killing her brother! HOW HEARTLESS! Sebastian was right. Clary did indeed have a darker side in her. He is the BEST character in the books and the TV show as far as I am concerned!
Before I read the books, I already really liked Jem and Will, so I thought I'd hate Tessa because both of them were in love with her, and I didn't know anything about her personality. But then I read Clockwork Angel and totally changed my mind about her. Now I think she's awesome.
The Newcomers

I love Raphael, and I have no idea why. I literally have no idea why his character is so interesting, in my opinion, but it is. Maybe it's his grumpy attitude? I don't know.
Weirdly, I actually very much appreciate Raphael in both the books and the series.
I didn't exactly like him in the books, but he is phenomenal in the TV series.

He keeps in touch with Clary after her mom dies, and that, for me, is just amazing. He cares for her like she is his own daughter and shows that same love to others, like Maya. He is brave, smart, and a loyal character who never questions the people he loves and never abandons them.
Emma is only in this book as a 12-year-old, but her character in this series is a great start to her character in TDA.
He is just absolutely amazing, my favorite character, and he should be number one on this list. He is absolutely hilarious.
Wow. I love how he's on this list even though he was alive hundreds of years before this series took place. But anyway, I love Matthew. He deserves the world. He's just amazing, and I love him. :)
Her flower card is a bay leaf.
"I Change But In Death."

Even though she is the mother of all demons, she still cared about Jonathan.