Top 10 Worst Warrior Cats Moments

Anybody here feel the same way about these moments? There are the ones that seem to drag on and the ones that are so sad you almost cry every time. If there are any sad ones here it's because it's sad, not that it's stupid or bad or THE WORST! They are just so sad I almost cry. Not that I have anything against these moments, I just don't like them too much.
The Top Ten
Hollyleaf's announcement

Okay, first of all, Hollyleaf is the worst. She is just a big idiot. Hollyleaf is so dumb that she decided to blurt out the truth at a gathering. Like, seriously, she could've just told Firestar instead of saying it in a gathering. Everyone describes Hollyleaf as a thinker and thoughtful in the Warrior Cats books, but that is not true because she doesn't think before she speaks.

Yeah, and this incident proves it. Hollyleaf also decided to try to kill Leafpool, one of my favorite cats. Now that is a real crime. I am surprised that she was not exiled because she did deserve it at the time. She also killed Ashfur. Oh, the Hollyleaf lovers always say that she didn't mean to kill Ashfur and everything like that. Yes, Ashfur was a very bad cat, but that doesn't give you the right to kill him.

If he were evil like Tigerclaw/star, then yes, but Ashfur wasn't evil. He just loved too much. Again, Hollyleaf isn't really a thinker here either! Lastly, she ran away instead of admitting that she did these horrible deeds. Hollyleaf could've gotten herself killed! See, she isn't a thinker here either! These reasons prove why Hollyleaf's announcement was one of the worst moments.

The Thunderclan fire

Honestly, this, for some reason, was awful for me. Not for losing their camp or Yellowfang's death, but Halftail's. I remember him being one of the first cats to welcome Firestar to ThunderClan, and my heart stayed with him until his death. I have not met another person who really mourns Halftail. If they mourn the fire, it's for Yellowfang. I wish he had lived. He was my favorite!

- Nightstar, leader of SkyClan

It was so sad! Yellowfang, who I really like, died trying to save Halftail. I especially like how she died beside Fireheart, and her words.

Skyheart of ThunderClan

Firestar's death

I was so sad when Firestar died. I think he should've kept living. What did he do to deserve it? He's a much better leader than Bramblestar would ever be, even though Bramblestar tries his best.

I think every cat should've made a bigger deal about it. He was such a great and honorable leader. Who doesn't like him? He's so brave, kind, sweet, gentle, smart, wise, and strong. No wonder Sandstorm loved him.

- Jaysong

I was so sad when I found out Firestar had died. He didn't deserve it at all. Without him, there would literally be no story plot. Most of the good characters are somehow related to him, and he was so brave and kind.

The thing that bothered me the most is that I feel like the cats didn't really care about his death as much as they had for some other cats. For example, during Ashfur's death, the clan was like, "Ashfur must be avenged! He was such a great warrior! He was respected so much!" On the other hand, during Firestar's death, they were just like, "Oh, is he dead? Oh, okay." Squirrelflight, his literal daughter, said nothing. I might just be overexaggerating, but that's just me.

Treecutters come and ruin forest

As a subsection of the sadness of the great journey, I wish they hadn't had to leave.

Why couldn't they have left the poor little kitties alone?

"Couldn't they just leave the poor kitties alone?"

Tbh, I do not like the treecutters, but how were they supposed to know that the cats lived there? I mean, they found some cats, but they probably just thought that those were strays that just happened to be there.

Briarlight breaks her backbone

When she did that, Millie gave up on her other kits and spoiled Briarlight. (I don't hate Briarlight or Millie, but seriously, dude.)

She couldn't walk! Everyone thought she was weak because of it, but it was cool that Firestar made her a warrior.


This was just really sad. It caused Millie to neglect Bumblestripe and Blossomfall. It was heartbreaking seeing that Briarlight could never be a warrior.

That's just horrible! She can't walk! I would HATE having to have everyone start being sympathetic, and I'd be happy when they stopped!

Snowkit's death

This completely broke my heart! It's not fair. Everyone was trying to warn him, but he's deaf, so of course he couldn't hear the hawk or his clanmates warning him! And he's just a kit! It's even more sad that he probably thought the hawk was a butterfly and had no idea what was going on when he got snatched by the hawk.

It was so sad. It bit right through my heart! I watched a video about Snowkit's death that made me want to cry. I think it really added something to the book and gave readers a lot to think about. It definitely made the book sadder.

It did the book some good, but it didn't do any good for Snowkit or for the super sad feeling I get thinking about him. It's not the worst moment. It's the SADDEST!

Jayfeather breaks his stick

Jayfeather destroyed the only memory of before the Tribe of Rushing Water had been made. That stick was definitely important! The ancients may still be able to contact him along with the other ancients, but now the memory isn't strong anymore.

I actually thought of this as a sad moment. If you think about it, Jayfeather doesn't really have friends. He thought Rock was his friend, but no.

This was sad, especially considering how Jayfeather would defend the stick. Not to mention that people often ship Jay x Stick.

Skyclan gets chased out

Okay, first of all, let's get this straight. SkyClan is my favorite clan and it will always be my favorite Clan. I will forever be loyal to SkyClan. What I don't understand is why the Clans had to be so greedy to kick SkyClan out! They had plenty of prey. SkyClan's territory was being destroyed by Twolegs, and they were starving. So the other Clans decided that they couldn't share even though they could, and they had to be greedy and force them out.

To make it worse, ThunderClan took over SkyClan's old territory and pretended like nothing ever happened. I don't like that the Clans later realized what they did was wrong. Instead of keeping SkyClan's memory alive, they forgot about SkyClan and pretended they didn't exist. I am so glad SkyClan came back to the lake territories and got another chance because what happened was so unfair. I really like SkyClan too because I feel like we don't know this clan as much, and all the other Clans have too much greed and mean history.

Also, fun fact: Spottedleaf has SkyClan ancestry.

- Wolfspirit

The great journey

This was probably the part that dragged the most. It just got boring until they killed Sharptooth and did all that, but after that, it kinda just got boring. I would've skipped it if I didn't care about missing an important part. That's why I put this on the list.

The great journey shouldn't have happened. They should have stayed in the forest all along, and Power of Three should have taken place there.

I actually really liked the great journey. It wasn't just important in the storyline. It was also important for character development.

Firestar loses a life and Russetfur dies

Two deaths in one battle? It went in this order: Russetfur starts an attempt to kill Firestar (what a butt), Lionblaze accidentally kills Russetfur, Firestar loses a life, ShadowClan hates Lionblaze mostly but ThunderClan is also hated, and Flametail becomes an annoying bratty character. Just saying, it's true.

Honestly, that was pretty much wasted. Russetfur died and Firestar lost a life. ThunderClan should have tried to make peace, and ShadowClan shouldn't have attacked at all. If they didn't, Russetfur wouldn't have died in the first place, and Flametail wouldn't have been so annoying. Although I guess I could understand because apparently Flametail had autism, it's just never mentioned.

The Newcomers

? Ivypool's birth

Yeah, what a terrible time. One of the worst characters ever was born.

? Bramblestar comes back

Sheesh. He should have stayed dead. That would have been a much better ending to TBC. I don't want to see him alive anymore.

EDIT: Everyone in the fandom wants him dead. I am not alone.

The Contenders
Cinderpelt's death

I hated it when Cinderpelt died! She had been through so much already! I'll never forget how curious she was as an apprentice and how wise and calm she became when she was a medicine cat. It broke my heart when she died.

I personally loved her and cried buckets when she died. It was so sad! I prefer the original to Cinderheart.

Cinderpelt had her whole life ahead of her! She died at a young age.

Scourge enters the forest

Honestly, when Scourge killed Tigerstar, number one, he was pretty much doing almost everybody a favor, and number two, he was getting revenge. At first, I hated Scourge for making Firestar lose a life (because I'm not gonna lie, Firestar is one of my favorite cats other than Tallstar, Jayfeather, and Scourge himself. Please don't judge me), but now I can kinda see why he did it.

Also, Scourge is the one actually decent villain. He isn't too full of himself, but is still quite powerful. Plus, he's kinda a daredevil in a good way. He's really brave, and I really don't know why everyone hates him because he's the ONE villain you can make a really good MAP (animated Warriors YouTube video that normally has music/a song in the background).

Windclan gets chased out

This is one of the moments I hated Brokenstar the most. Other than when Onestar was leader of WindClan, I have always loved WindClan and probably always will. I don't know why, but as soon as Tallstar is mentioned, I immediately loved WindClan. If I was ever asked to join WindClan when Tallstar was leader, I would say YES PLEASE right away.

Yeah, I guess this would be my second choice. But they do come back, so not that much...

Bluestar's death

This was one of the most heartfelt moments in Warriors. Despite what happened before, Bluestar gave up her last life for her clan. The best part was when she reconciled with Mistyfoot and Stonefur.

Bluestar is the best character in the series, and she didn't deserve to die!

*Bluestar licks her chest self-consciously* Thanks, guys!

Graystripe is kidnapped

Graystripe, the ThunderClan deputy, is taken away and Firestar loses his best friend. How sad. Graystripe comes back, but it's just bad that he gets taken away.

He should not have been kidnapped. Then Brambleclaw would not act like a know-it-all and take the deputy role.

Graystripe should have been kidnapped. If he hadn't been, he wouldn't have met Millie, and after all, he came back.

Feathertail's death

Feathertail deserved to live, but sadly, she had to die to save everyone else.

Stupid Feathertail haters. She's so kind and patient. You're all the worst for hating her.

So drawn out and ruined Crowfeather for way too long.

Bluestar calls Firestar a traitor

I wanted to leap into the book and kill Bluestar in this Warrior Cats moment. At first, Bluestar was one of my favorite cats, but when I read this, not so much anymore.

It's not Bluestar's fault. She didn't have a clear mind when it happened. Though, I did feel bad for Firestar when that happened.

Why! At that moment, when I read this, all of my love for Bluestar turned to hatred. She even betrayed StarClan. Like, what the heck, Bluestar!

Hollyleaf's fake death and the real one

Hey! Remember that female character who died a while back? You know, the one that everyone accepted since bad stuff happens all the time in the wild, and they quickly replaced her with a better team member? Guess what? SHE'S ALIVE.

Hollyleaf's death was believable, and the Clan lost nothing by losing her. She had no impact on the plot before she died, except being a side character. They just did this to get another girl in there.

Hollyleaf fake dies, and then dies for real. It's just sad! This is the second saddest death I know of.

The great battle

This was a difficult time, but I love Hollyleaf for it. She proved that she was a selfless cat by sacrificing her life for Ivypool. By the way, Hollyleaf escaped into the tunnels to punish herself, not because she's a coward.

So many of my favorite characters died!

Dogs are let loose (by Tigerclaw)

Why does Tigerclaw have to be so evil?

Stormkit's accident and when his name changes to Crookedkit

So sad! He's only a kit! How can you expect a young infant to obey all the rules? Rainflower was too mean! I can't understand why the Erins brought her to StarClan. She should be assigned to the Dark Forest where she sucks and rots and probably attempts to bully other disabled kittens until she is chased away in the Great Battle!

Seriously, Rainflower? He's a kit, a poor, innocent kitten. No wonder Shellheart broke up with her! Shellheart deserved a better mate, and Stormkit deserved a better mother.

Tigerclaw becomes Tigerstar

So I was reading the books, everything going as normal, then suddenly, Tigerstar is apparently the leader of ShadowClan? I wanted to bang my head against a wall. ShadowClan is smarter than to put a murderous traitor as leader out of the blue. No, just no.

Everyone's a gangster until the treacherous cat reaches the top position in another clan.

What the heck! He did not deserve to be leader!

Ivypaw's hatred of Dovepaw

If Ivypaw had never hated Dovepaw, she would never have gone to the Dark Forest. If she never went to the Dark Forest, she couldn't have ruined her sister's relationship with Tigerheart. And I totally ship TigerheartxDovewing!

All over the internet, I see people saying they hate Dovewing, or they hate Ivypool because of the sisters' relationship. It's seriously not fair, and it makes me sad because they become really close in the end. You shouldn't be taking sides because there are no sides!

I hate Ivypool. She is so rude to everyone, and I prefer Dovewing because, unlike Ivypool, Dovewing is a kind and gentle cat who would do anything for her Clan. I get why people think that Ivypool is loyal and all that stuff, but she isn't because she trained in the Dark Forest just to get attention. Who does that? I hate Ivypool, and I dislike how she treats everyone. When she's a young warrior, she gets pampered, but she still wants more. It's like she wants to be a leader and be treated like a princess.

- Blacktuft of ThunderClan

Breezepelt lives

If I was in the series, even if Breezepelt was my clanmate, I still would have killed him. Not only did he try to kill a queen expecting kits, he tried to kill a medicine cat. And not just any medicine cat. Oh no, he tried to kill Jayfeather. *Says in a dark voice directed to Breezepelt* And nobody tries to kill Jayfeather on my watch, otherwise they will die.

Like, seriously? I don't want him to die, but he seriously went unpunished even though he tried to kill Clan cats.

Mapleshade chain

(My opinion)
It's not Reedshine's or Appledusk's fault that she became "evil."

Appledusk may have cheated or something, but Mapleshade was like, "What! He regrets meeting me? How could he!?"

Reedshine was rude, but why shouldn't she be? She said, "Go Mapleshade, you have caused enough trouble," but Mapleshade kinda overreacted.


It was so hard to choose from all of these sad moments, but this one I immediately thought I would vote for. She didn't deserve what she got! Personally, I absolutely hate Appledusk. Just my opinion, I think he was cruel to Mapleshade.

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