Top 10 Reasons Why Warrior Cats is a Great Book Series
Warrior Cats is my second favorite book franchise (nothing can beat Pretty Little Liars, of course) and these are the reasons why I love this series.The plot is great! No other series has such a great plot. Estimated, one book comes out every year or more. I can't remember because by the time I was born, Warriors was 11 years old. I started reading it because multiple friends of mine play and love it, and I convinced more friends to read it.
Every other series has a cruddy plot, while Warriors has the best plot ever. One of the books with a bad plot is Wings of Fire:
The characters automatically know everything out of nowhere. There are side adventures that make no sense, while Warriors makes sense to smart fans of it. I hate everyone who hates Warriors. I say it has a 9/10 plot. The plot has some strange things that could be fixed, and that's OK. Other books have weird plots. I would never stop reading the books even if my life depended on it! Warriors has inspired me to become an author! - Moonstar of ThunderClan
The characters make a story what it is.
In this great series, Warrior Cats, the characters have interesting backgrounds and different personalities. It makes everything so much more interesting.
Most of the characters are well-developed and aren't Mary/Gary Sues. My favorite cat is Firestar because I'm his biggest fan. If I were a warrior cat, I'd be Sandstorm. My least favorite is Scourge.
It is so cool. Also, it is a book, so this is for the people who think Warrior Cats books are bad. It's not like they actually kill. Warrior Cats books are so interesting. I feel like the people who hate Warrior Cats hate books. If you hate books, you will have some problems in your life. So, Warrior Cats books are good.
You say us fans are psychopaths. Good luck with those problems. Oh, and Firestar left his home because his owners treated him like trash. He needed a new family. You would not know that because, again, you have problems. Erin Hunter is a genius.
Warrior Cats gives people positive role models and life lessons. They learn to forgive crimes, forgive themselves, and carry on with life.
This has positive messages, such as protecting their clans and the people the characters love.
Warrior Cats is an amazing series that shows loyalty, passion, and choosing wisely.
There are so many interesting themes in Warrior Cats. Younger children may not notice, but when you are older, it is really interesting to find all the different concepts of religion, war, and betrayal in these books.
It contains:
- Murder
- Racism (against domestic cats/kittypets and half-clans, etc.)
- War
- Cats turning insane
- Love drama
- Giving birth
- Tragic pasts
- Child rejection
Still think it's childish?
Heck yes. I swear, people these days are reading Elmo books to teenagers. Warriors is actually interesting, something that's not for babies.
Unless you can't handle violence, I'd say it's for ages 10+, but I started reading a bit earlier than that, so who knows?
Warrior Cats is a great series, no matter if you are 10 or 100.
Started reading at age 8, never stopped loving it!
Fireheart and Graystripe help other cats, even if they aren't their best friends.
Firestar is the best role model.
It has really deep stuff going on. People think it's for younger kids, but I honestly believe teens and adults can read it too.
Some books use a lot of stereotypes (like Pretty Little Liars, which has a highly stereotyped character, Alison DiLaurentis).
Warrior Cats doesn't seem to use stereotypes.
There is a massive fanbase that is so wonderful and has spawned countless animations and art. Some people live off creating incredible Warrior Cats fan animations.
The fans of the books are really cool and nice, unlike some fanbases that are annoying.
As society progresses, we see this happening more often than not, which is a good thing. The thing is, for books today to show that they value women as much as men in their universe, they often have to point it out directly, to an extent where it's too much.
The Warriors series does a good job of completely disregarding this and basically presenting it as completely normal for the time it was written in.
Yeah, it's not like "She-cats have to be queens or medicine cats, and when they are too old, they HAVE to become elders. The toms will protect the she-cats their whole life." It is like "Toms and she-cats can become anything they want." I really like that!
The Newcomers
Yeah, because that's how they stand out from the other cats.
Let's be honest. StarClan is the BEST! When you're dead, you go there (if you lived a good, trustworthy life), and it makes the books much more interesting!! - a WC fan!
StarClan makes me feel so much better after a cat dies. Imagine if they all just disappeared!
Awesome upside, which makes the deaths a bit easier. Then they perma-killed Bristlefrost, and I start to wonder if the whole previous 47 books were just so this death would be more sad.
I love cats no matter what, and I don't really like dogs (unless small or friendly). I think that the Warriors series could be for dog lovers too. One of my friends is a cat and dog lover (but loves dogs more), and they were reading for a while (until they got bored). But there are way more examples. - Blacktuft of ThunderClan
YES! Cats are the best animals that have ever walked the earth! It's so good that dog lovers like it! THIS is exactly why I got cats after reading it (their names are Thunder and Shadow because of me and my sister's two favorite Clans, the Clan founders, the books, because they have reasons behind the names, etc.) - Stonepaw
It is! If I were to type a chapter book, and I was given 300 pages, I wouldn't know what to write about! The whole idea was very clever to come up with. Props to you, Erin Hunter!
The plot is so unpredictable and well thought out!
Greystripe x Silverstream for life! Sandstorm x Fireheart forever!
It makes you really love the characters even more and gives the book more depth.
In a lot of books, you have villains that are just said to be pure evil or not explained at all. In Warriors, every single villain has a reason for being evil, and some characters, like Hollyleaf, are in the grey area, which is even more rare.
Yeah, because you can't just say: I'm gonna be evil because I can! Bad guys have a reason, like for example: I want power! Or: I want revenge!
Yup! Even it has a reason why Scourge killed Tigerstar!
The violence is awesome. Eyes getting clawed out, bleeding to death while giving birth, being crippled by a car, stomachs ripped open, throats slit, getting half your face ripped off by a dog. Yeah, it's awesome.
Many books besides Warrior Cats just have the same thing: always one hero to save a villain who seems impossible to defeat, magical spells and worlds, or just a plain old peaceful life you can't understand. I'm not saying every single book is like this, but most of the ones I've read fall into one of these categories.
In Warrior Cats, you venture into many life stories and lessons we must accept. The different characteristics of each cat have taught me that not everyone uses their talents the same way I use mine. Shoving someone into the spotlight isn't always the same old, boring thing everyone's seen.
I was expecting to see an ending like "and they all lived forever in peace" or some grand finale in one of these books. But it turns out they will never rest in peace. This is a survival game with many wars and battles. Take the one for StarClan against The Dark Forest (which I mention reluctantly), for example.
Warrior Cats was an awesome introduction to my life. I may be an average kid by day, but at night, there's no doubt I'm a Warrior at heart. And what I really mean to say is, no two Warrior Cats books are exactly alike!
So much work has been put into this series! So many books, characters, and plots.
The characters are super relatable and awesome!
I can't wait for the series after the Broken Code!
There are many different characters, and unlike in other series, they all have their own unique personalities. Ravenpaw and Graystripe are quite different. So are Leopardstar and Firestar.
Yeah, this makes it realistic because, in real life, all the cats in the world have different personalities!
Honestly, it was amazing when Fireheart (or Firestar) risked his life to try to save Bluestar!
Every arc of the series has a prophecy that will be fulfilled by the arc's end, excluding Power of Three and Omen of the Stars. The first arc was about a kitty pet named Rusty that was prophesied to "save the clans." By the arc's end, he fulfills that prophecy and becomes leader of ThunderClan. I'm sorry for the people reading the first arc since that explanation was a spoiler for the first arc. I only needed one example.
Like love, loyalty, equality... all that stuff? Totally.