Top 10 Best Hogwarts Teachers and Staff Members
Only caring about the teaching skills and being balanced and treating students equally, Minerva McGonagall is on the top.
She is such a nice teacher. She has a good sense of balance when it comes to being strict and being fun.
Yeah. He was not telling Harry to go after the stone. He told Harry not to look for the Mirror of Erised again when he talked to Harry.
He even told everyone at the feast at the beginning of the year not to go to the third floor, which was even locked.
He was not biased to Gryffindor. Oh my god, three students had just saved everyone and they lost 150 house points for being up at night time for forgetting the invisibility cloak, then were sent to the Forbidden Forest by Professor McGonagall. Slytherin had won the house cup for 7 years - it's no big deal.
Really? Number three? It should be Hagrid, Snape, McGonagall, Albus. Hagrid brought Harry from Privet Drive, Hagrid was unique, Hagrid had awesome pets.
They got a great actor for him! And I have so much respect for him.
Just look at that beard. How can you say no to that?
I got mad at Hermione when she got mad at Lupin. That was when I would get mad at anyone who judged him for his appearance. I got mad at my favorite character because of it! (When Ron said if Lupin has that much gold he could buy himself some new robes). So... yea.
Remus Lupin has got to be the best teacher ever because his lessons aren't just educational, they are also fun and exciting. In my personal opinion, I think Remus Lupin is the best Hogwarts teacher ever!
Best teacher ever. His lessons are always interesting and educational.
He is awesome. He saves Harry so many times. Severus is one of the most misunderstood characters. Even Professor Dumbledore trusts him!
The hero protecting everyone from the shadows.
I was surprised to see that his name was not here. He was the only one who knew about Horcruxes and without him, Harry wouldn't have been able to know Voldemort's secrets.
He was also a great potion master and was considered a powerful wizard.
The Newcomers
Well, he was Tom Riddle (aka Voldy's) teacher. And he got rid of the first Chamber of Secrets opening.
Okay, this guy is ridiculously underrated. But he's awesome! He's a little bit insane, but still pretty lovable.
During the Battle of Hogwarts, since he couldn't participate (he had about sixty prosthetics from fooling around with dangerous creatures), he went to the attic and threw his collection of Flobberworms down from the window onto the heads of Death Eaters. Like, YAS.