Top Ten Most Disgusting Foods & Beverages Everybody Seems to Love

The Top Ten
1 Coke

To be honest, I've always prefered Pepsi to Coke. Coke tastes way too sweet and is overall the worse drink. And yet, most restaurants seem to only ever serve Coke! (excluding Taco Bell, KFC, IHOP, and a few pizza chains)

I don't mean I hate this, but I just found out that Pepsi just has a much better taste like a normal coke kind of drink, but coke is just too sweet and...
I just feel Pepsi is much better than Coke.

It's okay, diet especially, but definitely not deserving of the amount of love it receives. It (alongside Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, and more) is just painfully average.

2 Candy Corn Candy corn is a candy most often found in the United States and Canada, popular primarily around Halloween.

This is probably one of the worst candies I ever had in my life, the part does not taste like normal candy and it is made of animal parts. with other kinds of weird ways to eat this kind of candy, that is just making it more disgusting.

Ok, I once got this for Halloween. I didn't really like this 'American Loved Halloween Candy'. When I think of an American Halloween I think of candy corn. Weird.

Fun fact: I actually used to LIKE candy corn as a kid. It wasn't until years later that I started to hate it, and rightfully so.

The baddest candy on planet earth

3 Eggplant
4 Twizzlers

Another bad thing to eat. This candy seems made of some kind of corn syrup or something else, this rubber taste candy is just wasting your money if you buy it, you are not enjoying it, awful rubber taste,

It taste like plastic in my opinion

5 Beer

Beer tastes really gross and it's also very unhealthy for you if you addicted to it.

I am not allowed to drink it, and I don't want to it's horrible

Why are people so obsessed with this junk?!

6 Sushi

It tastes like raw fish and raw vegetables combined. I really don't understand why sushi tastes weird for me, it just does.

It, along with potato salad, French fries and mayonnaise are awesome in my opinion.

You know what they say: the only people who hate sushi have never tried one.

7 Mayonaise

I used to like mayonnaise but now I think it looks and tastes weird. I mean it's decent with some foods, but it does taste really weird and it looks kind of disgusting.

I agree. I once tried mayonnaise, and it tasted bad for me. Not a fan of this food...

I've never liked it. It doesn't taste good, and it's basically just pure fat.

It looks like horse sperm, GROSS

8 Haggis

I never tried haggis but it looks like mashed up brown worms to me. It might taste good if I actually tried it but it looks really unappetising and weird looking at the image.

It kinda looks like grinded maggots all mashed up together.

People actually like this? I though most people hated it

Never tried it, but it just looks unappetizing.

9 Licorice

Worst candy in my opinion.

10 Chicken Nuggets

Chicken nuggets are delicious in my opinion.

Chicken nuggets are great tho

The Contenders
11 Coffee

Never understood the appeal outside of caffeine.

I love coffee, if it has no added milk.

12 Oatmeal

GROSS. When I smell oatmeal or porridge I literally feel sick it makes me vomit in my mouth. Ek. I hate it when my grandparents eat it, bc it leaves a stench.

13 Tripe

I just don't like the texture.

Also known as goody guts

14 French Fries French fries are served hot, either soft or crispy, and are generally eaten as part of lunch or dinner or by themselves as a snack, and they commonly appear on the menus of fast food restaurants. Fries in America are generally salted and are often served with ketchup; in many countries they are topped instead with other condiments or toppings, including vinegar, mayonnaise, or other local specialties... read more

Sometimes I like the taste of chips and fries depending on how it's cooked. Sometimes it tastes really bland to me.

How the heck is French Fries on here-

I don't like em either.

15 Wine

I despise the sour taste of wine. It tastes really disgusting and dry for my taste buds.

Okay this one I can agree with. I never liked wine. It tastes dry and bland.

In my opinion, I like white wine, but don't like red wine.

Erm, isn't wine made from rotten stuff? Why do adults love rotten stuff?!

16 Skate Meat
17 Chocolate Chocolate is a typically sweet, usually brown food preparation of Theobroma cacao seeds, roasted and ground, and often flavored with vanilla.

Chocolate everyone love, if you don't like milk chocolate then you'll like dark chocolate, I can understand candy bars like snickers, m&m, twiks, etc, those usually don't have real chocolate in them, if you dislike it it I'm sure you haven't had real organic chocolate

I love chocolate, no matter kind of taste it is.

Woah man, you have a different taste.
I rarely see people who have an aversion to these foods/drinks, just surprised :-)

18 Almond Joy

I eat this, I die. Because of allergies.

19 Takis

Yeah takis, and any hot chips in general are gross in my opinion

What is this food?

20 Milk

It's kind of grosses me out when it's with cereal, I don't know why but I just get sick when I see someone eat it like that. So whenever I eat cereal (whenever I run out of pancakes), I eat it without the milk.

Milk is disgusting in my opinion

It doesn't taste good

21 Cheese

I like grilled cheese in sandwiches and cheese does taste good on pizza.
However, I am not a huge fan of a lot of cheese related foods on its own.

Cheese is SUPER gross!

22 Pizza Pizza is a yeasted flatbread generally topped with tomato sauce and cheese and baked in an oven. It is commonly topped with a selection of meats, vegetables and condiments. The term was first recorded in the 10th century, in a Latin manuscript from Gaeta in Central Italy.

I only eat thin crust pizza (Any kind of thin crust pizza)

23 Bubble Gum
24 Candy Canes
25 Shrimp

My mum and grandma get anaphylactic around it even if they don't eat it.

I disagree. Shrimp is amazing

No, shrimp is great.

Shrimp is good

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