Top Ten Best Fruits In North America

The Top Ten
1 Watermelon

I like how watermelons have that juicy flavor in it.

I love watermelons! You can eat it and drink it!

2 Grape
3 Banana Bananas are elongated, yellow, edible fruits that are soft and rich in starch. They are native to Southeast Asia and Australia. Bananas are commonly eaten either raw or cooked, depending on the culture, and are often confused with plantains... read more
4 Kiwi

This this this this this this!

5 Strawberry
6 Tomato

Some people think that tomatoes are vegetables, but their fruits

7 Cantaloupe
8 Blueberry
9 Honeydew
10 Raspberry
The Contenders
11 Blackberry
12 Pomegranate
13 Coconut
14 Orange
15 Apple
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