Top 10 Fruits and Vegetables with Non-Edible Skin

Their skins aren't necessarily poisonous but usually people peel the skin for other reasons.
The Top Ten
1 Banana Bananas are elongated, yellow, edible fruits that are soft and rich in starch. They are native to Southeast Asia and Australia. Bananas are commonly eaten either raw or cooked, depending on the culture, and are often confused with plantains... read more
2 Watermelon
3 Pomegranate

What a great idea for a list.

4 Kiwifruit
5 Pumpkin
6 Pitaya / Dragon Fruit
7 Garlic
8 Mango
9 Onion
10 Cantaloupe
The Contenders
11 Mandarin

Sometimes the skin is grated and used in small quantities as a spice; in big quantities it's too bitter to eat

12 Orange
13 Eggplant / Aubergine
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