Top Ten Funniest Animal Related Pick-up Lines

The Top Ten
1 I was a reptile before, but when I saw you, I was warm-blooded.
2 If you like whales, we could humpback at my place.

Oh my goodness! I would be so embarrassed if someone actually said this to me.

3 You must be good with chickens since you raise cocks.

Do you really mean what I think you're trying to say in this pick up line? If that's so, then it's... Haha... Haha. It's hilarious!

4 The great thing about long snakes is that they are constrictors.

Whereas the short ones are venomous.

5 I'm a birdwatcher, and I'm looking for a Big-Breasted Bedthrasher. Do you know where I can find one?

If such a bird exists, I will surely go and photograph it.

6 There are a lot of fish in the sea, but you're the only one I'd like to catch and mount back home.
7 I'm like a rhinoceros. Be it on my head, I'm horny.
8 If I'm a red squirrel, you're grey. You took my nuts.
9 Does your father have a pet owl? Because you are a hoot.
10 Go for me, not that boy/girl. S/he's a cheetah.
The Contenders
11 We could have whatever's Lion around!
12 Make mine a Cub Sandwich.
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