Top 10 Best Animal Crossing New Leaf Dream Addresses
Not creepy. It has a true story behind it. People say, "Ooh, a haunted doll." Nope. The dolls represented her and her friends. The axe symbolized schizophrenia. She wanted to tell her story through houses in a dream town.
The doghouses represented the dogs she killed as she grew up with schizophrenia. This condition made her see terrifying things, and out of stress, she killed her dogs. As she grew older, she saw the dolls betray her due to blurred vision. She suffered a lot but still lived. She wasn't trying to scare kids. She was trying to share her life story.
This town is amazing. I love the rose arch and all the flowers. You've really shown your love for anime.
The front room is a mess. The room to the left looks like you attempted to make an office. The room at the back seems like you've tried to create a director's theme by flaunting your golden things and bells. The room to the right looked like a bomb hit it.
The room upstairs was beautiful, covered in dresses and Rococo furniture with a touch of your own style. The basement looks creepy with candles in a circle, cauldrons, and jewels everywhere.
My opinion of this town? Well, it's very weedy, so get off your backside and work a little harder.
The main room is breathtaking. The clocks running backwards give it that perfect hint of crazy. The black room adds a great effect. As for the candle that's out, it makes me want to move on to the next room to see what happens next.
I'm moving to the left room, which is covered with Rococo furniture. What is it with these towns and their obsession with Rococo? What about something regal or classic?
Now I'm moving to the right room - a banquet with a lit fire and untouched food. This is just unreal. The person must have put a great deal of thought into this room.
Moving to the back room, there are lots of ancient-looking items, but nothing too appealing. What's wrong, running out of items to keep your guests entertained?
In the basement, lots of creepy stuff happens. Finally, some action: the blood bed, blood-stained everything. How much blood did this person have? The sound of dripping blood is eerie. But where is the main murderer, the doll?
Now moving upstairs, it's dark. The doll is there with an axe, a cauldron, and an unlit candle. There are RIP graves, a glass ball, and scary music playing.
Overall, there were only two disappointing rooms, and you kept repeating your furniture. However, I love the way you thought outside of the box. I can't wait to see what you turn your other house into - keep up the good work!
Great city, even if I don't get the real meaning. Marijuana, a dead girl, and some happy rooms? Anyway, it's a beautiful and interesting town. You should visit it if you haven't yet!
I found this one to be more funny than creepy, which I don't think was the intended result. (Spoiler warning) The pot-growing room made me laugh out loud. I was expecting some sort of dramatic, terrifying reveal, but instead - LOL.
I apologize because I'm unsure of the code for this town, but the creator is called Topia, so you should find it easily.
This town is beautiful. It is full of flowers and public works. It has a corner for love birds, and it's just gorgeous! Go see for yourself!
This is a town full of sheep, but the story... well, I won't ruin it. I'll just say it includes a werewolf.
Not suitable for young ages, Hitokui is a horror-based town with a dark story of cannibalism. The story is told through a combination of outward images and subtle clues that convey a very detailed narrative.
The Newcomers
A town where you can play with Cinderella and her mice!
This dreamy town is really cute and cool. It's filled with flowers, bushes, and best of all, sweet, perfect apple trees!
I never knew that the killer would do this, but who is Clue? And can anyone explain those things in someone's house?
Squishla is a pink-themed town. It's so cool and so sweet. It's worth a visit.
A pretty little garden town with plenty of water features. The plaza is cute as well! The villagers' houses are also decorated very sweetly. Worth a visit! The dream code is 5100-5492-0313.