Top 10 Advantages the Indie Game Industry Has Over the AAA Game Industry

Nobody on TheTopTens has made a list comparing the indie gaming industry to the AAA gaming industry. I think this word needs to get out, loud and clear. So here you go.
The Top Ten
There exists a diverse lineage of indie game concepts

It's refreshing to see so many different concepts and ideas for indie games instead of the same old World War II shooters from Activision over and over again.

Indie developers are free from creative direction from massive corporations

Large game companies like Activision and EA force their developers to make Call of Duty and FIFA games without changes. Indie game developers are not controlled by large gaming corporations, allowing them to produce unique contributions to the gaming industry.

Indie devs can care more about their projects and fans than their profit

Indie developers put all their time and effort into making their games the best they can be, rather than rushing them to make a quick buck. This is why indie game companies are not prime targets for acquisitions.

Indie games do not take up much hard disk space

This is beneficial if your PC or game console has most of its disk space taken up by other games.

Indie games are not that proccesor intensive

This piece of trivial information makes all the difference because indie games run very well on low-end computers and don't require much RAM. Whenever I play graphically demanding games on my Steam Deck, like FFVII Remake, I can hear the cooling fans at full volume, trying to cool down the CPU, which could be a possible fire hazard.

However, when I play something like Super Meat Boy on the Deck, you can barely hear any cooling fan noise because the game doesn't require much CPU power to play.

All the more reason why the Steam Deck is my indie console of choice. Not to mention that most indie games on Steam are verified at best and playable at worst. For added perspective, Windows XP (an operating system from 2001) is the minimum OS requirement for Forager, a game that came out in 2019.

Most indie games are dirt cheap

Indie games usually sell for around $20 and often much less when they're on sale. I bought Super Meat Boy from Steam and the Xbox Live Marketplace when it was on sale for $1.49.

Indie games and devs revive long dead video game genres

Without direction from AAA game corporations, indie developers can create games in any genre they choose, even older ones like Metroidvania games (Axiom Verge, Hollow Knight, Blasphemous), dungeon crawlers (Hades, The Binding of Isaac, Hammerwatch), and 3D collectathon platformers (Yooka-Laylee, A Hat in Time, New Super Lucky's Tale). The list goes on.

Indie game soundtracks are much more memorable compared to AAA game soundtracks

I dare you to play a music track from Cyberpunk 2077 on the piano. Can't think of anything? Now I dare you to play a music track from Undertale on the piano. You immediately start playing Megalovania on the piano.

Not just Undertale, but games like A Hat in Time, Hades, Pizza Tower, Celeste, and Terraria have some of the best soundtracks and sound design you'll ever hear in a video game.

Many indie games are made by fewer than 10 people

Hollow Knight was made by just two people at their own pace, while FIFA games are created by dozens of employees who have to deal with crunch time. Think about that for a minute.

Most indie games are void of microtransactions

Everyone in my generation is wasting their parents' credit card funds on Fortnite and Roblox, while I am wrestling against challenging platforming in Celeste and Super Meat Boy, liking all of the creative characters in A Hat in Time, exploring uncharted worlds in Axiom Verge, crawling through dungeons in Hammerwatch and Rogue Legacy, and jamming out to killer music in Undertale and Hades.

All of this requires only a one-time purchase, and you don't need your parents' credit card to get far in any of these games.

The Contenders
Indie games are more accessible
Indie games are more stable on release

Do you remember when Fallout 76 launched and was riddled with bugs, glitches, and crashes? Celeste came out the same year and was playable at launch. This really shows how big-budget gaming giants have taken a step backward in game development compared to indie developers.

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