Top 10 Annoying Video Game Trends that Started in the 1990s

The Top Ten
1 The console wars
2 First-person shooter and fighting game fanboyism
3 Critics judging games by their innovation factor and "how much of a philosophical work of art they are" instead of their overall quality
4 "Age limit" for Nintendo games
5 The vast majority of Nintendo sequels becoming ridiculously easy and glorified remakes of previous games

Don't get me wrong, Earthbound Zero was terrible, but still

6 Trading-card games
7 Graphics over gameplay

Ironically the reason why F-Zero, Super Mario Kart and Star Fox are easily three of THE most horribly dated Nintendo games to ever exist, with Donkey Kong Country not being terribly far behind

8 "Underrated" cult classics that are some of the most overrated games ever made

And then in the 2000s, there were Psychonauts, Cave Story, Mother 3 and Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker, just to name a few

9 Sidekicks for the sake of sidekicks
10 Square Enix's rise to power

Sorry, but compared to what it was hyped up to be, I personally felt that even Square Enix at its absolute best (Final Fantasy VI-IX, Xenogears Disc 1, Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross) was really just okay. That, and CT seriously needs to stop being put on this irritating pedestal of being so much different from FF, because it REALLY wasn't

The Contenders
11 Catering to male players
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