Top 10 Best Assassin-Class Servants in Fate/Grand Order

The Top Ten
Jack the Ripper

I don't get all the hubbub against Jack being a 5-star, but either way, she's exceptionally the best Assassin-class Servant in the game. At the very least, she's an expert at gaining tons of Critical stars and dealing some critical damage against enemies.

And that's not all. Her Noble Phantasm pretty much ignores the target's defense buffs and increases damage against female enemies. Trust me, there's going to be a LOT of female bosses in the later parts of the game. If you manage to roll Jack when London is released, expect fighting Medb in E Pluribus Unum to be a cinch.

King Hassan

While every Assassin here focuses on critical star drops and critical hits, this Grand Assassin is rather different. King Hassan, or the Old Man of the Mountain, specializes in Buster cards unlike Quick cards. In other words, he goes for brute force in his attacks.

Not only that, but he's easily the most durable Servant of the Assassin class, given he has high endurance and possesses a self-heal skill and a guts skill. The latter can revive with 5,000 HP max when maxed out. That's a lot more than any other Servant with the Guts skill!

One of his passive class skills also makes him immune to instant kill attacks from enemies and more likely to deal instant kill attacks against enemies with normal attacks and his Noble Phantasm. Man, how'd I forget this guy?!

Ryougi Shiki (Assassin)

Looking at Assassin Shiki in the long run, I'd say Shiki Ryougi will still be one of the best welfare Servants in Fate/Grand Order in the future to come (aside from the more god-tier ones like Rider Sakata Kintoki or Chloe von Einzbern). Not even Kiritsugu Emiya has anything on her.

Evade skill? Check. Can generate a pretty good amount of NP gain with only a small fraction of HP being sacrificed? Check. Can use her heavy-hitting Arts NP that goes well with her QQAAB deck all while having a higher chance to deal instant death with her first skill? Check and double-check.

Oh, and for those who know of the dangers the Bel Lahmus will pose in Babylonia, if you already have Assassin Shiki, definitely invest in maxing out her bond levels to get the Max Bond CE needed to increase insta-kill death success for the entire party. It'll definitely make things easier for NPC King Hassan and Assassin Shiki herself.

Shuten Douji
EMIYA (Assassin)

He is very fun to play with when you use three of his cards.

Basically Jack the Ripper with superior lore.

Scathach (Assassin)
Jing Ke
Hassan of the Cursed Arm

Until the London chapter comes out and you can roll for Jack the Ripper, Hassan will be your go-to when gaining tons of Critical Stars. His Noble Phantasm is also powerful since you won't only gain tons of Critical Stars but also have a chance to inflict Death on an enemy.


A lot of people overlook this Servant, and it's not even her fault! She was released just before Ishtar, Merlin, Gramps, and the Thanksgiving Gil summon campaign.

So if you didn't roll her last year and you don't have a Jack or a King Hassan, consider saving some quartz for her before you blow it on our two beloved Rin-Faces.

Perfectly self-sustained and great farming potential. And she's cute.

The Newcomers

? Li Shuwen
? Yu Miaoyi
The Contenders
Sasaki Kojirou

Let me just say that what I'm about to say is not a lie: I actually managed to use the REGEND himself to deal the finishing blow on Shadow Marie Antoinette in the respective Servant's interlude! There's a reason he's called the Savior of France by players!

As typical of the Assassin class, he's top-tier for gaining Critical Stars and dishing out devastating critical hits against enemies. Considering these advantages, it's no wonder he was a go-to Servant when it came to the wyvern-infested singularity of Orleans. Now I just need a few more Octuplet Twin Crystals to reach his final ascension...

Henry Jekyll & Hyde

I'm calling it now. As I slowly ascend Jekyll, I'm really feeling bad about ascending him. I want to do his Interlude, but I don't feel like making him give in to Hyde just yet through further Ascension, let alone even unleash his Noble Phantasm.

I wouldn't want to break Jekyll's poor heart and based on how I interact with him in My Room, it's still too early for me to say goodbye to Jekyll and give in to Hyde. I'll... have to think about it...

Just turn him into Hyde, and get the highest HP over 20k, high damage, high critical attack, and finish the battle. He's a good Berserker, I think.

But... his Assassin form is not as bad as you think, right? Pull out some critical stars with his Q card, and then pull out some damage with his B card. The problem is, you have three useless skills in this form =_=

Hassan of Serenity

Poison and dark death for enemies.

Fuuma Kotarou

This guy needs to be a 4-star. He is a welfare Jack the Ripper and gives the team a bunch of crit stars. He deserves grails if you ask me because he has a fantastic set of skills and Noble Phantasm.

Whoever gets this man, please grail him out to 80. He doesn't deserve a 3-star by the sheer amount of skills he has. Worth it, totally worth it for a free-to-play.

No doubt, a ninja should be a good assassin.

Excellent star generation and quick to charge Noble Phantasm.

Charles-Henri Sanson

Healing can be crucial depending on master gear. He can keep your solo clutch unit alive.

Katou Danzou
Yan Qing
Wu Zetian
Nitocris (Assassin)
Mochizuki Chiyome
Okada Izou
Hassan of the Hundred Faces
Mysterious Heroine X

Yeah, I think I probably put Heroine X too high on this list solely for her design. While she does not stand toe-to-toe with top-tier Assassin-class Servants like Jack the Ripper and King Hassan, she is still a good Assassin in her own right.

Granted, she is only at her peak during the Saber Wars event, where she has a bonus effect against Saberfaces like Artoria herself by dealing extra damage to them with her Noble Phantasm. Outside of this bonus effect, she is still fairly decent at gaining critical stars.

Otherwise, you might as well just hold on to her for the GUDAGUDA Meiji Ishin event.

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