Top 10 Best Guitar Hero Games

This game has the best soundtrack in all of the Guitar Hero games. I have a lot of Guitar Hero games, but this one is the most fun to play.
The career mode is the best because it is so satisfying when you beat Lou and get to play Through the Fire and Flames. So great!
Picked up this puppy for the PlayStation 2 back in 2006, and I sure as hell didn't regret it. The song choice was astounding with great hits like "One" and "Mississippi Queen." Of all Guitar Hero games, this one takes the cake.
Ever since I got this game, I could never stop playing! I always come back to this one. I just love it! It has always been my favorite, and I agree with this list! Except for GH2, which is so close to the bottom!

This is the best one because it's the heaviest. I wish they had kept Angel of Death in it instead of War Ensemble, but whatever. I just wish it was more about thrash metal and heavy metal and included bands like Megadeth and more Slayer, Anthrax, and Judas Priest (even though they're not thrash) and Iron Maiden.
Overall the best game. Huge soundtrack of actually good songs, guitar, bass, vocals, drums, and more difficulties than the other games. More diverse achievements and amazing graphics.
Also great that you can earn more star power during active star power.

Best variety of songs by far! I agree with another comment about how the better player you are, the more fun this game is. It provides not only fun, challenging songs but ridiculously intense songs that keep the most experienced players coming back and retrying stuff.
The interesting incorporation of "Quest Mode" was good to see as a change in the typical career mode everyone expected.
This has to be the most underrated Guitar Hero game of all time because it features so many good songs like "Sudden Death" and "Bohemian Rhapsody." Plus, the storyline is really cool because you can transform characters, and you have to release the Demigod of Rock.
The boss fight, in my opinion, is better than the "bosses" in Guitar Hero III. I only have both games, but those are probably the best.

Guitar Hero World Tour has amazing songs like On The Road Again, Crazy Train, No Sleep Till Brooklyn, and Sweet Home Alabama, etc.
Yes, this game was a very good one. My favorite thing about this game is the selection of Tool songs and the stage that you play the songs on. 8/10.
Has some of the best song choices out of the series.
Rebel Yell and The Middle are two of my favorites.

When Guitar Hero 2 came out, the franchise reached its peak. The first two games are the best, closely followed by Guitar Hero 5. What makes this game great is its perfection of gameplay.
Legends of Rock (III) is the worst Guitar Hero game ever made. The only thing that makes it good is the inclusion of Holiday in Cambodia and Story of My Life. But they messed it up with glitchy audio and mismatched notes with audio.
Guitar Hero 2 is purely amazing. This has the second widest range of songs and the highest completionist qualities. This game has some of the easiest songs for beginners and the hardest song in Guitar Hero history to even beat: "Jordan" by Buckethead.
This and Warriors of Rock are by far the greatest additions to the collection, with World Tour right behind them.

The track list here is phenomenal. Greatest game in my opinion. The addition of letting you make your own tracks creates infinite possibilities for tracks as well. Love it.
This is my favorite Guitar Hero game. It has good songs, the gameplay is awesome, and you can create your own avatar, which is awesome.
Create your own superstar is cool. You can play as a made-up character.
Everything is cool.

Some of the good songs on this game are missing. I believe the Cowboys from Hell song on this version is live, but I prefer the original version.
Stop! also does not need that speech at the beginning. It should've added 18 and Life, Bang Your Head (Metal Health), I Ran (So Far Away), Balls to the Wall, Dead!, She Sells Sanctuary, and War Pigs. Also, Welcome to the Jungle and Sweet Child O' Mine with a Guns N' Roses guest star.
I think it should've added World Tour and Metallica songs as well.
This has all the best songs from Guitar Hero 1, 2, 3, and Rock the 80s. Instead of switching discs to play the best songs from all, just put this one in. They're all here.
Some of the best songs and the best stage performances. It feels like you're really at a concert.
Very immersive gameplay!
One of the best! The song choices are amazing!
Are you kidding me?! Best of them all.

It had the best band story with the limited stages.
I believe it could have had more Aerosmith songs than it did, but it managed to get a hip-hop song in it. Also, it would have been better to sing these songs too, but except for that, it is clearly my favorite one for now.
This game should've included Same Old Song and Dance, Cryin', Last Child, and especially I Don't Want to Miss a Thing, a very popular Aerosmith song. I don't understand why it is not on there.
Also, I think some more Aerosmith songs should've been added to Greatest Hits too.

This game was okay, but there are three bad things: The game is very short, there are no encores, and the hammer-ons and pull-offs are very glitchy. You have to be very accurate. You can't just slide your finger. You have to be precise.
Also, all the songs are covered by WaveGroup, and I would prefer some master recordings, like in GH2.
The original was awesome. The characters were the coolest looking, the stages were sick, and the songs were classics, but because it's the first, it does have flaws.
Oh boy, the memories I had with this thing! It doesn't need a deep story like GHWOR, but yeah, the hammer-ons were bad. The character designs, songs, everything was amazing. This is my favorite GH game of all time.
The Newcomers

This is the only version I've played, except for the Wii version, and it's awesome. I have Guitar Hero (I think it's for the Wii, anyway) and the thing that bothers me is the layout of the guitar keys on it.
While watching videos of people playing other versions of Guitar Hero, I noticed that the guitars' keys still had that annoying layout, with the buttons all in a line. Just seeing that frustrates me so much.
In Guitar Hero Live, the guitar is much better. The buttons have three on top and three on the bottom. That's much better! Now it's so easy and smooth switching from button to button and doing two buttons at the same time!

Great selection of hair metal. A little too easy though.

Guitar Hero: On Tour has received mixed reviews. In general, critics felt the game captured the majority of the elements of the Guitar Hero series, and IGN commented that the note tracks were well done to provide "a great challenge with a solid difficulty curve."