Top 10 Best Kingdom Hearts Characters

The Top Ten

Literally my favorite in the saga. His backstory, his desire to be his own person, and the relationships he forms with Axel, Xion, and Namine. In the end, he gives up his "body" to become a part of Sora again. Roxas showed a great struggle, and he overcame it.

He's also the only Keyblade wielder who wields two blades, and it doesn't hurt that he's played by JM! Roxas has always had a special place in my heart ever since he came into the Kingdom Hearts world. He is by far the best!

Roxas is my favorite character, most likely because my brother played Kingdom Hearts 2 first, so Roxas was the first Kingdom Hearts character introduced to me. I also like his sad tale. Hopefully, in Kingdom Hearts 3, he will become his own person in some way and fight alongside Sora and Ventus.


The first time I heard about Sora was on a Death Battle: Sora vs. Pit. Sora won, so I went and checked him out. Since then, I fell in love with his character. He's full of life and can sing, dance, and cook in the games. Is there anything he can't do besides understanding computers?

When I heard Sora's adventures and how he handled things, I think I developed a crush on the main protagonist of the whole Kingdom Hearts series.

Sora is unlike any other character in Kingdom Hearts in the sense that he wasn't given the Keyblade by an Inheritance Ritual. He earned the Keyblade. He wasn't even the one originally chosen by the Keyblade. He earned that right by having a strong heart (stronger than Riku's, whom the Kingdom Key originally chose).

This alone makes Sora the greatest character in Kingdom Hearts. No one else really worked for the Keyblade like Sora did. Yes, he had Ven's heart, but Ven's heart was not why the Keyblade returned to Sora. It was the strength of Sora's own heart.


Riku might be the most dynamic character in the entire game. He lets himself be taken over by darkness, thinking he was doing the right thing to save Kairi and Sora. He is then overwhelmed by this power and enveloped by the darkness that is Ansem. Following this, he sacrifices himself in the realm of darkness to redeem himself for the mistakes he made.

After that, he goes on a quest of self-discovery to cope with the darkness looming in his heart, a darkness brought about by good intentions. He eventually lets this darkness overtake him again so he can save his best friend once more. Then, he follows him throughout his journey, trying to help him but staying away so he doesn't hurt him any more than he already has.

He eventually overcomes his darkness and fights alongside his best friend to close Kingdom Hearts again. In DDD, he overcomes the darkness in his heart and learns that there is both darkness and light in each heart. Keeping that balance makes a great man. In doing this, he saves Sora from losing himself to the darkness.

All of this just goes to show the absolute hell and backstory Riku has had to go through. All of it is emphasized by his Keyblade and his character theme, which show the balance of light and darkness and what it can do.

If any of you know Star Wars lore, he is the Grey Jedi of Kingdom Hearts.


I love her! I love her depth! I find her to be a very well-developed character. She's my favorite for many reasons, but the range of emotions she felt towards her existence and towards her friends, despite being a Nobody, is something really special.

She also shares traits of sacrifice and selflessness, much like many of the other Kingdom Hearts characters.

Don't worry, Xion returns in Kingdom Hearts 3 and made everyone excited and sad. Xion is easily one of my favorite characters. Xion finally got reunited with Axel/Lea and Roxas. Roxas and Xion is the best relationship. Both Xion and Roxas spent time together in the Organization for a very long time.


I like the fact that Axel never gives everything away. He seems snarky, quick-witted, and a joker on the outside. Yet, in reality, he sometimes uses this as a facade, a way to hide the fact that all he wants is to be happy and to be with his friends.

He might lose his friends and end up lonely otherwise. That's why he acts so cold to Saix (who used to be his best friend) when he had to choose between his two current best friends.

I love Axel. He makes my top ten. I just don't understand why he had to die. Sure, he did it for Sora and Roxas so they could survive to be with their family and friends, and so Sora could be with Kairi, but it's sad. I miss him. I love him a lot as a character. He helped Sora out a lot and he was good. R.I.P. Axel.


Master Aqua was not a flower, not even a fierce kind with thorns.

She was enduring, like her name. Strong like water, a force, an element. A stream that may dry seasonally but never truly die. Swells that bow to the storm but briefly, returning to stillness as they please, churned by greater currents, driven from within not without, describing timeless perpetuity.

If impeded, she would flow around. A soothing light, of protection, sheltering. A fearsome foe, inexorable, unpredictable, ever-changing, merciless. Necessary for life, but capable of taking it too. Indifferent? No, above caring. A spirit to be propitiated. Primal power.

Like Sora. If he was the sky, she was the sea. A fanciful duality. Together, none could withstand... Erosion for all permanence.

She was waves faithfully seeking shore.


He has been my favorite from the beginning. He looks like Roxas, but he acts like Sora. I love his friendship with Terra and Aqua. His alter-ego Vanitas is such an amazing villain, and now that he is a dandelion, I think he will be even more important than we thought.

Xehanort and he are the origin of the whole KH saga.

The best one! Sora and Roxas are what they are because of him.

The boy smiling, even though having just half his heart.


Kairi had to be one of my favorites because she is pretty. Kairi is also loyal like Sora and very kind and caring.

Sora should be number one, and Kairi should be number two.

Kairi... one of my favorite characters.


Xemnas was only beaten because good always wins. If good never won, Xemnas would have beaten Sora and Riku hands down. Then the only way Xemnas could be defeated would be for him to fall off his high chair.

Best bad guy in KH. Also totally handsome and loving that deep voice.

I really want there to be an audiobook in Xemnas' awesome deep voice.


Mickey is one of my favorites because he is King of Disney Castle and a Keyblade user. He uses all his power for good, watching over Sora and Riku throughout all their journeys.

He's the only character in the series with an actual distinctive fun-loving personality and a completely serious badass!

He's saved almost every single character's ass singlehandedly.

Mickey totally deserves to be in the top ten. He is the Disney poster boy but totally awesome. He's been saving Sora and Riku for as long as anyone can remember.

The Newcomers

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? Dr. Finkelstein
The Contenders
Cloud Cloud Strife, more commonly known as simply "Cloud", is a fictional video game character, the main protagonist of Square's video game Final Fantasy VII, which is a role playing game released in 1997. He also is the main protagonist of the high-definition version, as well as many of its sequels and spinoffs... read more

Cloud, your normal Buster-Basher wielder, ex-soldier, crime buster guy... why not? If Final Fantasy wasn't popular, he should be popular here. Plus, that spiky hair.

Xehanort Xehanort is a fictional character and the true primary antagonist of the video game crossover series Kingdom Hearts by Tetsuya Nomura.

Ah, Xehanort, the bad guy who is actually a good guy. Xehanort just wants an equilibrium of darkness and light so there are no more Heartless and whatnot, meaning no more Kingdom Hearts games. So, Xehanort is just pure evil but still badass.


He has one of the best stories within the entire series. The aspect of his ideals conflicting with his actions, the fall of a true hero, and still fighting against the one who took over his body is captivating. This is the tale of the fallen hero. The fact that his actions affected the rest of the series is also important.

He's extremely gullible when it comes to bad guys and doing the right thing, but he has a good heart. Ventus would have already been dead if it wasn't for Terra. If he was as strong as Lingering Will, he would have beaten Xehanort.


The most loyal, trustworthy, and altruistic of all Kingdom Hearts characters, yet very underrated. People seem to look down on her. Her character development became very good. She was held captive, manipulated, and abused by the bad guys to do bad actions, but she repented in the end. It was revealed that her loneliness made her that way.

She helped Sora, Roxas, Kairi, Riku, Mickey, Xion, Axel, Ventus, Terra, and Aqua many times without their knowledge. It's really sad knowing that she kept blaming herself and was drowned in a sea of guilt.

Overall, Namine is the epitome of kindness and a rare kind of girl in this series. A Hufflepuff who doesn't like to show off. She is not a witch that everyone calls her, but an angel in disguise.

Donald Duck Donald Duck is a cartoon character created in 1934 at Walt Disney Productions. Donald is an anthropomorphic white duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet. He typically wears a sailor shirt and cap with a bow tie.

When I had no way of healing myself, Donald saved me numerous times with his Cure spell. He put Sora before himself every single time, sometimes causing himself to get KO'd in the middle of battle. This little magician needs to at least be in the top ten.

For the people who say he doesn't heal you, maybe it's because you have never healed him? In my game, in every boss battle, he has healed me right on time. During Ursula, he used his last MP to heal me and then got KO'd. He always helps me in the nick of time!

What!? Donald isn't in the top ten? It's bad enough we can't play him, now this?


There's more to him than meets the eye, no pun intended. He's always been a character with large ambitions well concealed, and after KH3, we know that's true beyond a doubt.

Looks like he's gonna play a big role in the future of the franchise.

Goofy Goofy is a funny-animal cartoon character created in 1932 at Walt Disney Productions. Goofy is a tall, anthropomorphic black dog with a Southern drawl, and typically wears a turtle neck and vest, with pants, shoes, white gloves, and a tall hat originally designed as a rumpled fedora . Goofy is a close... read more

Goofy is the only character who isn't melodramatic (like all the anime boys), useless (like all the Disney characters), a whiner (like Donald), or a certifiable idiot (like Sora). Goofy is consistent, cheerful, clever, and competent.

He almost died. That moment was powerful when you were playing as a young kid a long time ago. He's great though. I mean, it's Goofy.

Always gives it his all and lasts longer than Donald. I used Valor Form way more than Wisdom Form.


He looks just awesome. How he talks, his movements, his quotes, it's like a badass Sora. He is awesome.

When I first saw him, I immediately thought of Red X from Teen Titans. Probably the mask.

Vani is awesome! He was tough and cool. He was just used by the baldy grandpa. His existence must return to KH3! He can be an awesome villain, and if he can be an ally, that's super cool too! Must have that Vanitas!


Luxord is my favorite character from this franchise, both for his fight scene and how he is taken out. Plus, he has the most psychological and philosophical quotes in the entirety of KH.

"The fun is in not knowing, isn't it? What is the point of betting on something when you already know the outcome?"
"I'd rather we just skip the formalities."
"One must hold one's cards as long as necessary."
"Come now, are you really so unsophisticated that you'd decline a gentlemanly conversation?"
"You were born for these sorts of games... A wild card. You've earned it. Hang on to it. Could turn the tables."
"Perhaps he was ready for it. Perhaps he put his existence on the line and won what he'd been longing for... Then perhaps he bet his non-existence. Either way, he came out a winner. Oh, Axel. A grifter till the end."

All these quotes and more from the amazing Gambler of Fate, who is my favorite character. What a show-stealer to the very end.

Ansem the Wise

Ansem is one of my favorites because he is a master of disguise. He went undercover as DiZ and was half good and half evil.


I have a big crush on this man. I love his voice, hair, character, themes, weapon, pink, and his boss fights. He's probably the most unique feeling character to me as a Kingdom Hearts final boss. I just love everything about him.

The main bad guy of the most underrated game in the series by far. Enough said.


Demyx has a musical instrument (a sitar) as a weapon. How cool is that?! On top of that, he controls water! Finally, his personality is amazingly hilarious (lazy, somewhat cowardly, and possibly smart/cunning). He was right when he said, "Oh, we do too have hearts! Don't be mad..." It's proven in KH3D. He either saw through Xemnas' facade, or it was a coincidental ruse.

Talk about good character development! Besides the annoyance for some with his boss battle, what's not to love?!


My friends and I feel that Lexaeus was a good character. We call him "Captain Chin" because seriously, that chin though.

Chernabog Chernabog is a Disney villain from the 1940s film Fantasia, and in his segment, "A Night on Bald Mountain".
Sephiroth Sephiroth is a fictional character and main antagonist in the role-playing video game Final Fantasy VII developed by Square.
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