Top 10 Worst Movie Based Video Games
There are 3 things in life that are unavoidable: death, taxes, and God-Awful movie based games. Hollywood enjoys rushing out the digitized tie-ins with flagrant disregard for quality, hoping to make a fast buck and these atrocitites stink to high-heaven. Brace yourselves for the worst of the worst movie-based games.Like you didn't see this coming. With only weeks to complete the project, Atari cranked out a game where you were supposed to help the titular alien gather phone parts and Reese's Pieces while evading government agents, but the vast majority of the time was spent falling into pits and trying in vain to get out.
Although it was the best-selling game of the 1982 holiday season, it soon led to the vast majority of its stock being crushed and buried in a landfill in Alamogordo, New Mexico, and helped contribute to the Video Game Crash of 1983. Seriously, if you believe that this game shouldn't be on any list of "Worst Movie-Based Games," please seek professional help.
Yes, you heard it right. A horrible game based on a horrible movie, based on the greatest one-on-one fighter of all time. Horrible digitized graphics, janky animation, and terrible controls only helped tarnish the image of what was already considered a horrible movie. The other games on this list might be worse, but the way this travesty tarnished the holy grail of all fighting games cannot be forgiven.
The movie was already bad, so why did we need a game based on it? It's dumb and not a good idea to make a movie out of a game and then decide to make a game out of the movie about the game.
When you think of Friday the 13th, you think of a bunch of barely legal, horny teenagers going to a lakeside cabin lot to get drunk and/or stoned, get laid, and get picked off one by one by a hockey-masked psychopath. But Atlus, the very same company behind the excellent Persona series, had other ideas.
You play as one of six counselors to roam the campsite, search for, and ultimately kill Jason Voorhees. Horrible overworld music, confusing map layouts, and nasty difficulty put even Jason X to shame.
If you ask people about the game, don't expect them to talk too much beyond the first level, because that's probably as far as they got. They couldn't get past the simple act of evading one-hit kill obstacles that were constantly getting in their way, and the bad controls definitely hindered the process.
Then there were levels where you had to throw sodas at thugs, perform a jam session, and pilot the DeLorean, evading thunderbolts - the very same thing that would power it up in the film. Thankfully, Telltale Games took this travesty as a lesson and molded the series into their element. Why can't more developers do the same?
Graphics that would've looked awful even on the Dreamcast, horrible voice acting, and a stuttering frame rate were only the tip of this iceberg. Actually play the game, and you'll be treated to horrendously unresponsive controls, wonky collision detection, and a camera that refuses to stay still. You'll wonder why you even started playing it in the first place.
If the actual movie was this bad, there's no way it would've spawned a sequel.
This is actually based on the second film, where you control the titular St. Bernard, looking for his lost puppies and escorting them back to his wife. It was made unnecessarily difficult due to the fact that you had to jump over spiked fences. While most player-controlled characters stood upright and could clear such obstacles with minimal effort, Beethoven was on all fours, meaning that simply brushing them would result in damage.
And you also had Beethoven's Fifth Symphony constantly playing via different instruments throughout the whole game (save for one level). Seriously, the film, as bad as it was, had nothing on this.
Remember how awesome the Sega Genesis version was? Yeah, the Super Nintendo version was nothing like it. Instead of fast-paced, Prince of Persia-style gameplay, what SNES players got was a generic platformer where Aladdin jumped on enemies, threw apples, and had only six levels to play. Why couldn't Capcom have just relinquished the publishing rights?
Genesis does what Nintendon't. The Genesis version is so much better.
The Newcomers
The entire game consists of just one thing: running around a 2D plan of Kevin's house while evading the two burglars for 20 minutes. This didn't even qualify as fun on the drawing board. Did I mention you can use traps and hide behind furniture?
Say what you will about the film, but no one can deny that the game was incredibly difficult to complete. You had to go from right to left, shooting and trapping ghosts. Adjusting the angle of your proton pack and using traps was a nice touch that just didn't really matter.
All the levels where you played as the iconic paranormal hunters were exactly the same, so the change in scenery didn't matter. Then there were the vehicle stages that were just as atrocious. The Statue of Liberty level was the only part that was remotely enjoyable.
But the end level was where things came to a head: the player had to clear the level four times. And don't forget that there was no pause function. Even if Paul Feig's all-female reboot was the disaster fanboys made it out to be, it still wouldn't be half as bad as this riffraff.
Austrian-born actor Arnold Schwarzenegger was a poster boy for violent films in the 1980s, but his career started to falter in the 90s, mainly with Last Action Hero, which didn't perform as well as Columbia Pictures had hoped. Even worse was the SNES travesty. What could be worse than a poor script and a poor director? How about ugly graphics and a difficulty so steep that you can't even get past the first level? Enough said.
Remember this cinematic gem from the 80s and its stellar sequel? Well, the game took elements from both with horrible results. The first level of the game was set at the end of the first movie, with Daniel effortlessly fighting his way through the tournament - a far cry from the punishment he endured in the film.
The rest of the game is played in Vigilante-style, where the player controls Daniel in a rather clunky manner, using punches and kicks and pushing up to jump (seriously). There are also mini-games from the films, including ice breaking, chopstick fly-catching, and the drum technique, none particularly fun. It's incredibly short, not much fun, and the ending really sucks.
Where I live, this game got canceled. I'll probably emulate it just to see how bad it is.
The firing is unresponsive, the aiming is garbage, and there's a bunch of bad language.
Aw come on, Aladdin and Karate Kid weren't that bad. If you want horrible, look no further than Terminator for NES. The graphics are ugly, the controls are broken beyond belief, and the music is some of the most bare-bones, one-track garbage imaginable.