Best RPGMaker Horror Games

The Top Ten
1 Crooked Man
2 Ao Oni
3 Witch's House

Usually jumpscares in horror games feel forced, but this game already has a creepy atmosphere and the jumpscares aren't just a static image that fill the entire screen, but they're much more and they feel more naturally occurring than forced.

not the best rpg maker game I've ever played, but one of my all-time favorites and definitely the scariest.

4 Ib
5 Mad Father
6 The One Night Trilogy
7 Misao
8 Eclipse
9 Yume Nikki

I found Crooked man to be very unsatisfying and boring to be honest

10 Corpse Party

Full of bloodiness and murder. They even have an anime on this game. It has big twists that makes the people playing or watching people play interested.

The Contenders
11 .flow
12 Desert Nightmare
13 Angels of Death
14 Alicemare
15 Mogeko Castle
16 Omori
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