Top 10 Best Team Fortress 2 Pyro Weapons

The Pyro is one of the most iconic and unpredictable classes in the game, bringing chaos and flames to every match. But to truly dominate the battlefield, you need the right tools for the job.

Some weapons are all about precise timing and skillful plays, while others turn you into a relentless juggernaut of destruction. From flamethrowers to melee options to secondary weapons, the choices are as diverse as the playstyles they encourage.
The Top Ten

This weapon is great. It gives you 60% quicker weapon switch but has a downside of 10% less fire damage over time and 10% less damage. The reason why this weapon is amazing is that it works great in conjunction with both the Flare Gun and the Axtinguisher/Postal Pummeler.

With the Flare Gun, if you set your opponent on fire and airblast, then hit them with the Flare Gun, it will crit and do 90 damage. For the Axtinguisher, it will do 125 damage up front and 195 from behind. I dislike the Axtinguisher combo because you have to get really close, while with the Flare Gun, you can do a significant amount of damage.


Best Pyro melee (except the Bat Outta Hell with the Scout style on it).

Flame Thrower

Good for dealing damage (in comparison to the Degreaser) while still being able to airblast at a decent ammo cost (in comparison to the Backburner).

Easily the best flamethrower. It has no downsides and doesn't require combos to be effective.


This really embodies the original spirit of Pyro as an ambush class. It's total destruction if you can get behind someone through one of the available flank routes.

"People always look behind them!"

You must not go on pubs much.

The airblast cost is ignorable since you get an ammo pack for every kill. You can use the secondary and melee slots for better weapons like the Detonator and the Powerjack, respectively.

Pretty good, because it basically gives the Pyro the ability to backstab, which is good for ambushing. However, 50 ammo to airblast?!


Best melee weapon, not like Axtinguisher or Postal Pummel. This weapon can steal HP, and when you are trying to run away or catch up to the Spy you're chasing, you can just battle with this when you're fighting a Pyro.

I think the weapon is pretty OP because you get health on kill and you move faster. The weapon does great damage, but I'd prefer the Back Scratcher if you want great damage to players.

The new patch has made this weapon a beast. The extra movement speed is great and reminds me of the old Escape Plan. Not only this, but it truly is an awesome-looking hammer!

Reserve Shooter

I enjoy playing with the Reserve Shooter. Used with Flamethrower or Degreaser, it's perfect against rocket-jumping soldiers and double-jumping scouts. Perfect for close-range play.

Best Pyro secondary. With even faster weapon switch, it can be used for some great airblast combos. Also better than Flare Gun because it's actually useful against other Pyros.

The best secondary weapon for Pyro in TF2! If you use your compression blast on your foe and shoot him in the air, he will drop dead (achievement name in TF2). Definitely should be a military weapon if ever invented!

Scorch Shot

I love this weapon in every way. If the enemy is about to cap on Doomsday, this weapon can be your team's savior.

When used correctly, it can be good. When I'm a Pyro, I use it for just the extra knockback and damage. It's good for shooting enemies while not in distance for my Backburner. The damage isn't a big deal since the knockback and crit make it good. Plus, the area damage with the explosive means it can be shot like a weak Demoman explosive.

Best secondary for Pyro. The reduced damage isn't a big deal, and the explosions and knockback are epic. It's better than the Detonator.

Flare Gun

The good thing is that there is no downside, so you can do 33 damage with burn, shoot long range, and have a 100% critical hit chance. One of the best.

I have 1,579 kills on my Strange Flare Gun at the moment. It is my favorite weapon ever. Takes a lot of skill, but once you've mastered it, you can't lose.

Very good secondary, mostly against non-Pyros. If equipped with the Degreaser, if you are REALLY good, you can crit other Pyros even, because you instantly flare them for 90 damage.


It is good for keeping the sewers clean on 2fort if combined with the Neon Annihilator, as you can surf on the sides of the tunnels with it.

Its upside outside of 2fort is that it can get you up to places a Pyro would normally not be able to reach. This can throw off your enemy when a random Pyro shows up from the roof of a small building.

This weapon gives what a Pyro doesn't have: range. The blast radius is helpful as you do not need sharp shooting skills, which should be necessary for a Pyro anyway. Just alt-fire and 1-3 people are guaranteed to burn.

The Phlogistinator

Other than the non-random crits debuff and no airblast (which is actually one of the things I love about the Pyro), it can deal massive damage when used properly. To use this, you usually have to stay alive as long as you can while dealing as much damage as possible. You should also learn to use the Mmmph effect correctly based on the situation.

I wouldn't recommend this to new players or those who stay more defensively and support the stealthy play style. The reason is that playing with the Phlog requires a unique playstyle that not everyone can master to use effectively.

The Newcomers

? Panic Attack

Currently, the Puff 'n' Sting meta is kind of 'eh' right now. The flare gun is nice. Reserve Shooter got nerfed (thank the Lord Gaben) and the Axtinguisher deals mini-crits (still good though). The Panic Attack allows me to kill a Heavy with a mere 3 shots (if all shots land).

Very good with Degreaser. The faster weapon switch speed is awesome.

? Lollichop

The Lollichop can be used like a Backburner to take down even Heavies with a couple of hits. Then, you can taunt over their dead bodies.

The Contenders
Flame Thrower Rainblower

It's the stock flamethrower but with upsides. Who wouldn't want it?

Why isn't this number one? Pyroland is awesome!

Back Scratcher

Why is this not more loved?

It may be detrimental to a Medic who roams around often, but Medics are an endangered species in pubs. It helps a lot if you want to go solo (say, using the Backburner properly with a Detonator for some sneaky jumps).

High damage and more health from health packs. I don't understand why you would need a Medic anyway. Close range makes the Medic an easy target.

Extra health from packs, higher damage, style, and Medics are all but extinct in pubs. Best melee weapon.


People tend to underestimate the Shotgun, but in practice, it's one of your most powerful tools. It may not kill light classes as fast, but it's very viable against other Pyros if you don't have Phlog crits/can't flare punch. It does respectable damage against Sentries compared to its alternatives and is now the most viable Shotgun Pyro has since his other options have either been nerfed to the ground (Reserve Shooter) or are meme weapons butchered by the balance patch (COME ON! I JUST WANT THE OLD PANIC ATTACK BACK!).

Sharpened Volcano Fragment

This is a very good weapon in tight areas with lots of corners (Granary, Gravel Pit, etc.). It deals 20% less damage than the Flamethrower but can light people on fire like the Flamethrower.

Even though it does a similar thing to the Flamethrower, making it seem useless, it is not. It can be used as a replacement for the primary function of the Flamethrower, leaving the Flamethrower for airblast usage mainly. It is best used alongside a Flare Gun (an official TF2 hint states this too).

It is better for ambushes than the Flamethrower in small, dark places and around corners. Having a melee out makes you harder to spot when walking around corners (no long Flamethrower front sticking out). Also, it deals afterburn without having particle fire, making it stealthier. Fire particles are easy to see and hear. It glows a bit, but that can be negated by holding out the Flare Gun.

The downside is that it cannot be used to destroy buildings and multiple players as effectively as the Flamethrower. Use it mainly for 1 vs. 1 close encounters, by running and ambushing (like a corner stab for Spies). Good luck against enemy Pyros, however. They almost immediately extinguish fire when hit.

This weapon is of some use in Medieval Mode. Keep in mind that the only Medieval map is outdoors, and that torches are scattered everywhere for lighting arrows on fire. Small health packs also drop when players die, so fire can easily be extinguished.

Dragon's Fury

An amazing weapon, you can constantly kill enemies with this. It deals 200+% damage on burning enemies. However, the airblast takes a long time to recharge, yet it is still a great weapon.

Hot Hand
Axtinguisher Postal Pummeler

Great weapon if you're using it in conjunction with the Degreaser. It's the main weapon of probably at least 50% of the Pyros because it gets you so many kills if you use it correctly. See an enemy at close distance? Degrease, then axtinguish. See an enemy Heavy mowing down your team? Degrease, then axtinguish. Two shots from an Axtinguisher to most people, and they're dead.

Third Degree

Nobody uses that, nobody posts about it. It's an unused and underrated weapon. I have to post this because I personally think that this weapon deserves more attention and also deserves changes.

I think that these stats would be okay for this weapon: +hits all players connected via Medi Beam, +20% damage bonus against players connected via Medi Beam, -20% damage penalty against players not connected via Medi Beam. If you agree, please share this. Valve has to fix this weapon!

The Third Degree is super underrated. It is a direct upgrade from the Fire Axe.

Maul Homewrecker
Neon Annihilator

Can destroy sappers and critical hit if your enemy is in water or your enemy is wet.

Nostromo Napalmer

For defense Pyro or to take down a sentry.

Fire Axe

Great for both individual and team play, as it sets players on fire from a distance, has a faster projectile speed, and can extinguish burning teammates. It also rewards you with critical hits and has infinite ammo.

It's a great weapon if you like using the Backburner.

Great weapon. It looks nasty and is just as nasty on the field. It helps out a lot with the team, and I just can't get enough of it.

Enemy Pyro rampage? Are lots of your friends on fire? Use this to help your friends and gain critical hits!

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