Top 10 Classes in

The Top Ten
1 Hunter

Pretty good if you have good aim, however prone to gunshots and has low HP

2 Triggerman

Well, it's a powerful class all around. Pretty spammable but a good start for beginners who have poor aim

3 Marksman
4 Bowman

Pure skill based class. One shot is a clean shot kill, regardless of what opponent's class she's using. However the hardest class to use and master, for the majority at least.

5 Commando

A burst version of the triggersman, although requires more skill to use, but among the fastest to kill if used wisely. Pretty much underrated compared to other classes if you are capable of hitting headshots

6 Rocketeer

Underused. The area damage is the most good thing of this class. Otherwise I haven't used this class as much so I can't have an opinion on it.

7 Detective

Yet another skill based class like the marksman although less range. You can land two deadly headshots if you have good aim, plus reasonably fast movement speed which is also an advantage for dodging bullets. However the reason why it's a bit low on the list is because many have difficulty mastering this class.

8 Run N Gun

Basically like triggerman, but less range and damage however more movement speed

9 Agent

Quite much the same as Run n Gun however slightly less damage and range and a bit more movement speed. In comparison worse than both triggerman and run n gun, thus making it the weakest class in the game

10 Vince

Too OP in close range. I guess the reason why this is low in the list because it is frowned upon the playerbase.

The Contenders
11 Trooper
12 Survivor
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