Most Insane Dave and Bambi Songs in Friday Night Funkin'

These are the fastest, spammiest Friday Night Funkin' songs that no human being could ever beat without cheating or botplay.
The Top Ten
1 Lost in Hell

I thought nothing would ever top Funeral, but I just came across this as I was making this list. It just might have broken the sound barrier. Then you have the stage layout... this level wouldn't be out of place in a creepypasta.

2 Funeral

If you try playing this you might need to plan a funeral for your computer.

3 Illusory

This is the song of someone who was tormented for centuries and is out for blood.

4 Ear Death
5 Annihilation
6 Green Hellbreaker
7 Hellbreaker
8 Taimuresu
9 Ommetaphobia

This is over seven minutes long. Almost seven and a half minutes of just spam.

10 Thearchy

It's insane that it took until #10 for Thearchy to show up.

The Contenders
11 Reality
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