Top 10 Best Legendary Heroes in Castle Clash

This list highlights the top ten legendary heroes in the game, Castle Clash.
The Top Ten
Pumpkin Duke

He is a really overpowered character in the game. He significantly enhances the abilities of other heroes. If you have the combination of Minotaur Chief, Pumpkin Duke, and Cupid, the game would be a really strong attack due to how strong your base heroes would be (not troops). I have him, and although he is only level 80, he still does lots of damage.

He is close-ranged, though. He is most likely to die, but due to his attack damage plus attack speed, he is more likely to win. I recommend using the Chief, Duke, and Cupid. Hope you agree with my opinion.


Ever wonder why you see guys with 150,000 might with Druid? They have access to Cupid, Vlad, Skull Knight, and Santa Boom, and they still use Druid? They use him because he is a beast. Not only is he a tank, healer, and strong attacker, he is also a ranged attacker, so he has the advantage when fighting against heroes such as Pumpkin Duke and Skull Knight. This hero is one of the strongest overall!

Druid is a perfect partner for 100% of the heroes in the game, including himself. Whereas the Paladin, for comparison, goes down so fast when facing, for example, a fairy dragon army, Druid stays alive.

Vlad Dracula

When Vlad inflicts fear, it gives my heroes a chance to do more damage to the stunned enemy. This hero is very useful in dungeons and HBM. He does decent damage, but you should put a Sprint talent on him to increase speed because he is very slow without it.

Simply said, he is one of the best heroes I have ever rolled and probably will ever roll.

He is unstoppable, a fantastic hero all around! His ability is just quite awesome, and he is easily the best in the game for Here Be Monsters. Combined with Immortep, who should really be higher, your opponents won't stand a chance.

Blood Banquet is an ability that is very tough to match!

Spirit Mage

He's my personal favorite hero. He does insane damage, and if you pair him with War God and Life Drain crest, he becomes a self-healing damage dealer that can do insane damage to random targets around the map.

Although hard to get, he is worth it in the long run.

This guy's special ability deals HUGE amounts of damage to MULTIPLE enemies. If that isn't enough, he is a flying unit. He's an awesome hero, but he's hard to get.

Vote for Spirit Mage! He's so amazing when evolved. Not only does he look good, but he also does great damage. This comment is 100% true. SM is my overall best hero.

He's quite hard to kill as well, so beware!


I spent $20 and rolled to get something, got blues and greens. Then I remembered there was an activity where you spend 2k gems you can open a chest. The first time I opened it, I got gems. Then the second time I opened the chest, I got Cupid!

Going to put him on my main team!

Combined with Pumpkin Duke in the arena battles, this hero makes your team much stronger.

It is also a flying unit and has ranged attacks.

Get him a 5/5 Revitalize and a 10/10 skill, then enjoy how powerful your heroes will become at the very start of the battle.


Aries is a beast. He can kill heroes from a distance and stop their skills cold when engaging. Together, Aries and the Grizzly Reaper could destroy in a raid. With the Grizzly's special Soul Crush, which drains the life of random enemies, he regens.

Together, Aries could destroy the heroes while the Reaper could destroy the troops.

Man, I have this guy, and I was so lucky to get him. As soon as I put him on the field, he was causing damage much further than my Druid and just eating away at those opposing heroes. Love him! Top five!

Santa Boom

Large splash attack that deals devastating damage to everything in it. Comparable to Spirit Mage as he deals damage to targets he can't reach with his basic attack. Also, his firework proc makes for a pleasant viewing experience as you enjoy the pretty lights while you demolish the entire enemy base.

He is great. He can devastate two separate waves at the same time playing HBM. He can destroy entire bases alone if the rockets hit the correct places (towers and enemy heroes). One of the five best heroes in my opinion.

Skull Knight

This guy is just too awesome. I have him at level 120, and he can take down almost any hero with levels up to 140. And by this, I mean he alone can take down six 140-level heroes. He has 8/8 revive, so even if you kill him, he will come back with full health.

He works very well when you team him up with Santa Boom. He blasts his cannons and weakens heroes before Skull Knight goes in for the kill. He destroys any walls and buildings with ease. He's a must-have in every team. Let him loose on the Arena and Lost Realm, and you have already won. He wins boss fights and will get you blue or purple in Storm Mesa ahead of others, even Pumpkin Duke. He's simply overpowered, and I have him teamed up with Death Knight. He clears other players' bases in a flash.

Thunder God

Aside from the player's castle, he stuns and hits heroes from across the map. I've sent him in alone to wipe out the entire enemy team before using my other heroes to clean up.

High power, high health, and a devastating ability! Team him up with a healing unit, and he can annihilate everything!

TG is a well-rounded legend. People have started resting him for more powerful heroes, but he is still one of the top heroes.

They call him GOD for a reason!


Slap a 5/5 Tenacity on this beast at Level 100, and you're looking at a flying tank with 40,000, yes, forty thousand hit points, and an attack comparable to that of Pumpkin Duke. Did I mention that his skill is the opposite of Pumpkin Duke's and deals massive area damage?

You can't hate on this hero just because it's hard to get. It should be right under Druid, who we all know is a necessity.

Obviously, the developers made him hard to get for a reason. His skill makes an enemy Pumpkin Duke look unimportant, which is quite an achievement. Not only that, but he can do a ton of damage to people in the area.

He's perfect for Lost Realm, Mesa battles, and Boss Battles.

The Newcomers

? Demogorgon

I have never gotten him, but he sounds like an amazing character. Most people with 300k have this beast on their team, so he's definitely recommended.

Demogorgon should definitely be near the top. His proc is very good and does a lot of damage. When evolved, he is a beast. Everyone wants to have him.

Demogorgon should be near the top because his proc is so overpowered, and he can take out bases fast.

? Dracax

Dracax is a flying crazy beast! His ability can destroy anything you need too! Personally, I think if paired with Cupid or Pumpkin Duke, he's #2! Overall, great. He should be in the top 10.

Very good hero overall. With his Whirling Axe, he is a very heavy damager, and with his ability to fly, his mobility is very helpful. I use him to attack from behind and slaughter.

The Contenders

Her ability damages and decreases the enemy's attack. Better yet, she is very powerful and has ranged attacks.

Awesome in the Arena!

Her ability is absolutely devastating! I can annihilate in the arena with her.

She's not the best, but definitely deserves to be in the top 20.

The Succubus definitely deserves to be in the top ten. Her skill is amazing, especially in the arena.


Immortep is the best with his sandstorm attack. He wipes out everything, including buildings. He is just as good as Vlad Dracula. Not only that, but he also floats in the air, which means he can't get hurt by ground attacks, which equals the BEST HERO EVER.

The best hero in Castle Clash, as his overall health and attack are good.

The best part is his ability, which surrounds him and kills all other troops.

It deserves to be in the top 5. Not only does it deal damage, but it also stuns units within the storm range.

Useful in all aspects of the game, especially in HBM. Cheers!

Minotaur Chieftain

I think this hero is the second best in the castle because his ability is very dangerous.

All buildings will be destroyed if Minotaur activates his skill.

This hero is very powerful at high levels, and a maxed skill is insane. I love this hero! I got one at level 180 with a level 6 skill, and it's powerful.

It is even more so if the skill and level are maxed.

This guy will make farming elite dungeons a piece of cake. Not to mention, raids will be snappy.

Grizzly Reaper

His skill is what makes him dangerous. Remove the enemy troops (in camp) or find a base without any troops (in camp), and you can easily use this hero to its fullest potential. Although he has slow movement speed, he has high attack speed to fill up the skill quickly. The skill makes it easy to kill enemy heroes before actually fighting them. Even the strongest heroes can easily fall because of him. Of course, the only disadvantage is that the skill has to take effect towards the enemy heroes. He plays a sniper-like role.


Very powerful. Add a revive crest on him, and you can deal lots of damage. He also heals himself and his allies, not to mention his high HP. A dangerous hero with a decent team, also immune to stuns, which helps a lot when you fight bosses or opposing heroes.

This guy with life drain is amazing. I mean, Vlad or Santa are good, but let's get this straight: Santa's base stats are way lower than Orksbane's, and even if his skill is devastating, it doesn't heal.

This hero is absolutely a beast. With devastating health and healing, his skill can wipe out all your troops and buildings.

So good!


Invulnerable AND reflects all damage! He has the second-highest HP out of all legendary heroes. The only problem is that he has the slowest attack speed out of all heroes.

Atlanticore is basically like a Paladin. If you roll an Atlanticore, use it over a Paladin, but otherwise, they are basically the same.

Not only is he a great tank, but he also gives all heroes "a taste of their own medicine." Since he deflects all damage when activated, he can do massive damage to opponents like Santa and Ninja.


Pixie dealing damage to three random heroes and healing ally heroes is not the main reason she was made for. It is her ability to remove buffs from enemies and debuffs from allies that makes her the Pixie we all would love to have on our team. Her skill makes the skills of the so-called OP heroes such as Skull Knight, Moltanica, and Pumpkin Duke quite useless. Her unique ability makes her an ideal choice against the Deflect Damage and Reduce Damage demons in the Lost Realm.

I got her when I first started, so she has a special place in my heart. Her ability to remove buffs from enemies and debuffs from allies makes her a must-have, especially at higher levels. She has the longest attack range of all heroes, and she flies, so she will almost always be the last one standing. I have her at level 120 now with a 3/10 skill, and she is amazing. And above all, she is the prettiest lady in the game.


The Ghoulem is a Castle Clash hero that essentially combines the attributes of a druid, paladin, and Vlad Dracula. It possesses the healing capabilities of a druid, the damage reduction of a paladin (plus great health), and a destructive aura akin to Vlad Dracula. You could add Berserk to him so that he procs exactly when the cooldown ends, allowing him to become increasingly powerful. Its only problem is its cooldown duration. Unfortunately, the ability lasts only 5 seconds, while the cooldown is 7 seconds. This results in 2 seconds of vulnerability every cycle.

Moreover, this overpowered hero is immune to stun, making it the perfect hero for Storm Mesa. Let's say you are in Storm Mesa 2-4, and there is likely at least one Pumpkin Duke, so it will proc every 7 seconds. The bosses in Storm Mesa 2-4 will stun and damage all the heroes around them. The Ghoulem can heal 20 heroes, the exact number that 4 people can have in Storm Mesa, almost immediately after they're stunned, since it keeps attacking while the stun takes place, thereby healing all the damage done.

I know this explanation is lengthy, but I have more to say to prove that Ghoulem deserves to be in the top 5. Ghoulem also offers damage reduction not only for himself but for other heroes around him. This, combined with his healing power, can create an almost invincible team. I believe this hero should be ranked third place, being one of the best support heroes I have ever seen, besides Cupid and Pumpkin Duke.


This guy is useful in many places in the game. His ability is devastating in the arena, and his high damage and fast speed make him a powerful attacker. Too bad he can't take as much damage in return.

This guy is a beast in the arena. One time, I went up against Vlad, Dread Drake, and Cupid all at once. I thought I was screwed! But my hero's splash damage one-shot all of them! And to think, he only costs 1200 shards!

He is slow, but his super move makes up for it by stunning three enemies for a few seconds, which is great in the arena.

Death Knight

Why isn't Death Knight in the top 5?! At level 80, he has 20k+ health and 2k+ power! Apparently, he is rare, but I was lucky enough to get him. Death Knight and Druid go quite well together and are able to defeat many heroes that have a higher level without the use of spells!

If you have Death Knight, you will know how powerful he is.

With this warrior, you can dominate the arena, challenges, and your opponents. His special is my favorite because it does so much damage and also looks cool. Try to get this hero, and it will definitely benefit you a lot.


I am really lucky. I had 600 gems and rolled Grimfiend and Vlad. At first, I didn't know what to think of Grimfiend, but he is a beast. He has three skills: he transforms into a demon where he does more damage. As he transforms, he regains, at level three ability, up to 20,000 hp.

He attacks very fast and is relatively tanky. And for his final ability, while in demon form, every three seconds he does 120% plus damage to enemies and buildings in front. He wipes out whole dungeons by himself, and he can take down drakes 20 levels higher than himself, as well as Vlads.

Beast Tamer

He is so good! His bear is so overpowered. Even though I just got him and he hasn't even evolved once at this point, he's still amazing already.

His bear provides so much protection since it has very high health, is very fast, and reduces damage. He should easily be in the top ten.

He is virtually two heroes for the price of one.

Phantom King

His attack speed is great. He can attack multiple things at once and can save you by flying quickly everywhere and damaging other things. He is also great for arena battles since whenever he attacks, he hurts the opponent's hero, and that will save you in many situations.

He targets way more than three enemies. He has a 5/5 Revitalize crest, so he uses his skill every second. He also walks through walls.

This is a great hero. His skill is to attack three random heroes continuously on the battlefield.

He is best in many game modes, and he's awesome when paired with PD and Cupid.


Yes, I know Destroyer costs a lot, and there are those who don't like him for some unknown reason, but I think he's a badass! The perfect talent for him is 5/8 Berserk. Sadly, I only have 3/8!

And you can't forget his built-in 5/8 Life Drain, so he can even self-heal!

I have him, and with a 5/5 berserker roll, he is a monster! Coupled with a revitalize crest, he almost never dies.

I can't wait for him to level up a bit more and become a 9-star hero.

Insane hero. Even at lower levels, he's almost invincible due to the 5/5 Life Drain built-in. When getting to 6/9 or higher, he can solo most normal dungeons. The only drawback is his slow attack speed, but with the help of Pumpkin Duke and Berserk, this can be overcome.


His skill is devastating at high levels because the damage increase affects each snowball, and he throws one every 0.5 seconds for 4 seconds. He's awesome at the arena. I don't think he should be top 5 or anything, but 18th, come on!

Give the guy some love!

This guy is awesome. My friend has him at level 105, and he never dies and does a lot of damage. This guy is top 10 material.

Plus, who can argue against Olaf? It's almost summer!

Very good stats, and in a one-on-one, his skill is better than Immortep's. He wouldn't be gems-only if he wasn't very good.

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