Top 10 Most Annoying Things About Video Games and Gaming

The Top Ten
1 Bad controls

Sonic 06 would have been an utterly amazing Sonic game if the controls were good.

Everyone likes good controls.

2 Unskippable cutscenes

Emulators especially. I know all of my comments have been Kirby related, but when I was playing SSU on an emulator, the cutscenes were so slow and some of them were unskippable

Again, Splatoon! Every time, you get two people telling you which stages you have for that one day. I only like cutscenes that tell a story, for example, Sonic.

If you played Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, you know what I mean by useless and unneeded cutscenes!

3 Lag

Congrats on getting your list featured, EvilEyedWarHawk / Wolfenstein Follower!

Lag is annoying, but it's a bit normal for me when I'm playing Minecraft JE on my MacBook Air 2020 (Intel).

Lag is the most annoying in Online games.

4 Long loading screens

I know right, like what the hell, hurry up. I didn't buy the game just to watch a loading screen.

LEGO City Undercover has a really long loading screen, but it's still a good game.

LEGO City Undercover. Great game though.

5 Microtransactions

The problem with modern games, even Mario.

Yet Rockstar gets away with it.

This is why Magolor is known for Captialism. Thanks a lot Super Kirby Clash

6 Crashes

My game crashed once in Overwatch when I beat my high score of kills. I had 50 in that round, and my saved high score was 45. The game wasn't even over either!

I was playing RDR2 once, and I was about to kill someone, and the game crashed.

7 No end reward
8 Bugs

I sometimes like bugs. They can be really interesting.

9 Over-saturation due to too many sequels
10 Numbered series

The Newcomers

? Pay-to-win

This is most common in free games like Roblox and lots of others.

The Contenders
11 Overhyped games

Minecraft and Fortnite. Need I say more?

12 Music you can't silence

Yeah, some music options, like turning it off, are not available. Sometimes you can get addicted to the music and want it, but it is sometimes very annoying!

I wanted to mute the music on Sonic 2 Hill Top Zone, but I couldn't. I had to mute the TV instead.

13 Video game rip-offs

Yes, ugh. These "good game developers" are just scamming you!

14 Interactive cutscenes
15 Frame rate drops
16 Overpriced DLC

I've already paid for the game itself! Now, if I want to play more, I have to buy more?

17 Long respawn time

I hate this! I had this one game where it took like 30 seconds to respawn, and the map was so tiny you could cross it in 10.

18 Can't skip the credits

I was finishing Assassin's Creed Rogue, and when I got to the credits, it took 20 minutes for them to finish. I didn't even get anything from sitting there and watching the credits.

They should have put an option for us to skip the credits.

Dear Video Gaming Companies,

Not everyone wants to sit down and watch the credits for so long!

That's why I almost always speed up credits on emulators.

19 Game freezing
20 Good graphics with bad gameplay

Remember when Call of Duty was good?

21 Bad graphics with good gameplay

I know you people are probably going to make the generic "Nintendo has bad graphics" comment, but honestly, have you seen how insanely stylish both they and many of their affiliates make their games art-wise?

Most Call of Duty Wii games have this.

22 A.I. brains
23 Bad soundtracks

I've never had to deal with this since I mostly play Nintendo games.

Hong Kong 97, my friends, it still haunts me to this day!

You never run into this problem with Sega games!

24 Having nothing to do after finishing the game
25 Ads
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