Top 10 Best Wii U Games

The Wii U might not have been the most commercially successful console, but it built a strong following thanks to its library of innovative and entertaining games. Some of the best titles from beloved franchises made their way onto this system, offering fans unforgettable experiences. Whether you're into platformers, epic adventures, or multiplayer mayhem, the Wii U has something for every type of player.
The Top Ten
Super Mario 3D World

This game got so much good feedback from many game reviewers. It received 8s, 9s, and 10s! There is so much good stuff about it, and it's just very enjoyable. It's very creative, and there's a lot of originality about it, yet there are bits you remember from other games.

Like The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, it's absolutely fantastic, yet for some reason, it doesn't sell as well as other games. As for New Super Mario Bros. U, that should be ranked 5 or something. It's pretty much the same as New Super Mario Bros. Wii and 2. New Super Mario Bros. DS was the only original one.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

There is no doubting that this is by far the best game on the Wii U right now. This game includes the best character roster, an endless supply of game modes, beautiful stages, and 8-player smash. The gameplay in this game has been totally perfected, as they have put together everything we love about battling and removed everything we hated about it.

There is literally no way they could've made this game better than it is. If you have a Wii U, this is the one game you must have above all others. One of the greatest multiplayer experiences ever and one of the best games ever!

Mario Kart 8

It's a shame that the Wii U sold so poorly, considering how many fantastic games there are for it. That being said, I was lucky enough to live with a Nintendo fanatic during the time the system was still in its lifespan. Mario Kart 8 was fantastic and a true embodiment of taking the best aspects of all the games in its series throughout the years to make this. While Smash Bros. is always fun, and games like Bayonetta 2, Pikmin 3, The Legend of Zelda remasters, and the Super Mario titles were all great, I think this is by far the best.

New Super Mario Bros. U

What more can I say about Mario? He's an icon in video games, and even today, his games still withstand the test of time. That's pretty much all I gotta say. Long live the plumber.

My favorite 2D Mario game and second favorite main Mario game. It has nice additions to the worlds, the Super Acorn power-up, a great Bowser fight, and beautiful imagery.

I would keep playing this game, but it's scratched. My little brother's fault. But the game is SUPER fun!

Nintendo Land

Nintendo Land is the only Wii U game I've got at the moment. The variety is astounding. Being able to go from running around shooting enemies in Metroid Blast to slicing through enemies with my sword in TLoZ: Battle Quest, to defeating a ghost in Luigi's Ghost Mansion. The ability to play many of the attractions solo or with up to 4 friends is amazing.

Best multiplayer game ever created! I love sneaking around and grabbing everyone as a ghost! And the Pikmin one really surprised me. It's class!

All of the other games rule too. It is the only Wii U game I own at the moment, but it's still epic!

Super Mario Maker

It's a good game, being able to make my own Mario levels and all. However, almost all maps in the 100 Mario Challenge are not well made. I need costumes for my map, so it's just gotten boring. Give it more votes if you want, but I've just gotten bored of Super Mario Maker.

Very fun game. It gives you the ability to create and play other people's Mario levels based on four different Mario engines, including Mario 1, Mario 3, Mario World, and Mario U!

This has to be number one. It's the best game yet! Creating your own levels and playing other people's, what else could you ask for? This game never ends! (Unless you've reached the maximum spaces for levels, played everyone's levels, and no one's making more, but that would take more than a century!) This game is the best!


Wow, 15? This game is Nintendo in one game! And it's as fun as Nintendo Land! The style of it is so cute, like Kirby, Pikachu, and Pikmin combined.

The lobby is interactive like so many other games, and it has the best online multiplayer I've ever seen! Plus, the story mode is so fun. This is up there in my favorite games!

This game is so fun! It did get a lot of attention, but the fact that this is not on the real list is insane. The top ten list is good, but why are Call of Duty and Scribblenauts in the top ten? Those are good but clones. Splatoon had great controls, amazing online, and gameplay. There are negatives, but I still love Splatoon.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

I never played The Wind Waker on the GameCube, so when I got the chance to play it for free in HD (Mario Kart 8 Deal), I quickly jumped at the opportunity. And damn, is this fun!

When I played the demo in Walmart, I was like, Wow! This is awesome! Even though it was made for the same reason they made Cave Story 3D, it is my second favorite Zelda game, the first being Zelda Wii U. I can't wait for it to come out!

An amazing, underrated gem. I cannot begin to fathom why people would choose New Super Mario Bros. U over this!

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Best Zelda game ever! And probably one of the best games ever made. Nintendo nailed it!

Have any of you seen E3? It's the best Zelda behind Wind Waker HD.

My BFF has this game, and it looks like so much fun!

Pikmin 3

This game is wonderful. It takes all the elements you know and love about the other installments and adds a ton more content, as well as heavily improved graphics.

This game allows you to separate Pikmin into teams and have them work separately while you do something else. I haven't quite mastered it yet, but it's a great improvement to help save on time.

The new controls take a little getting used to but work well. I might have to get a Nunchuk and Wii remote because it's kind of frustrating how difficult it is to draw on the Wii U pad screen and double-tap on the screen to throw Pikmin. Maybe there is a way around this, but it is cumbersome. Other than that, it's great so far.

The Newcomers

? Skylanders Imaginators
? Zumba Fitness World Party
The Contenders
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Tropical Freeze needs more votes. This is a title that succeeds in the art of platforming. It engages the players with its difficulty, and not once did I falter in frustration. I just kept going! The story, in its simplicity, is told even more beautifully, and it makes playing the game that much more engaging. Almost interactive! I'm always going to lean more on the Donkey Kong side of the Nintendo family feud.

The Donkey Kong Country series has been a staple in Nintendo's roster, right alongside Zelda and Mario. From the original SNES trilogy that hit perfection with Diddy's Kong Quest, to the outstanding reboot DKC Returns, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze did what DKC2 did for DKC1. It transformed amazing into perfection. Beautiful music, graphics, platforming, engagement, environments, progression, and boss battles. 10/10. One of the greatest 2D platformers of all time.

Scribblenauts Unlimited

Scribblenauts Unlimited takes the original formula we loved from the first games and adds so much that it is a must-have for any owner of the newest console.

I'm so glad Scribblenauts has stayed up here in the top 10 after all these years. I do believe it is one of the best games on the system. It is great with a create-an-object tool, and the fun puzzle-solving using a huge dictionary of words.

Rayman Legends

Please help put this higher up! I've only ever played the demo at game stores, and it's already one of my favorite games ever! The main reason why I want a Wii U so badly!

Innovative use of the GamePad, clever level design, amazing animations, great music, what else can I say about this one?

If you haven't played Rayman Legends, you're missing out!

Yoshi's Wooly World

Even though it's quite easy overall, the music, graphical style, and level designs are absolutely beautiful. It also has a great balance between action and some interesting puzzle elements scattered here and there.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

I do like Mario Kart 8, but I love this game more because of its speed. The plane flying took some time to get used to, though, but it's a really good game and very underrated.

How could you hate crossovers and the teamwork of Super Monkey Ball characters with other crossover characters?!

Sonic Lost World

This game felt very awkward and took some time for me to get used to, but overall, it's a good game, except for the snowball part. Things slow down big time there.

Taken a bit of time to get used to, with different level design, but really is a good game.

I love this game. Screw all the Sonic fans who hate it because they are Sonic fans. It's a great game. It is NOT a rip-off of Galaxy, and it's really fun and uses the Wii U perfectly!

New Super Luigi U

Short time limit. I don't like this game as much as Super Mario Bros., but it is pretty fun and challenging!

Better than Mario U (not that Mario U was bad)! It was a cool idea and would not have been good if it was the exact same thing as its Mario counterpart with slightly different levels, but it was innovative with the playstyle and gave short bursts of entertainment. It's not a masterpiece like the Mario RPG games, for example (will love all those games till I die), but it is definitely fun and worth it!

Great game. I don't have it, though. Should be in the top ten with the other Mario games.

Hyrule Warriors

How is this not way higher up on this list? This is hands down the best Dynasty Warriors game, next to the Gundam Dynasty Warriors. Who doesn't love killing waves and waves of enemies? This game is far more entertaining than any rehashed Call of Duty game. There is an actual storyline and story to this game, whereas Call of Duty is the same game as the previous six, just with slight differences. This should easily be above all Call of Duty games on this list.

It's the lovable characters of the Zelda universe in the best beat 'em up universe of the Dynasty Warriors. Not only is it the best crossover series to date, but it is also one of the best games on the system.

Lego City: Undercover

The best. When you finish the game, you get to drive anywhere.

This is just like Grand Theft Auto.

Bayonetta 2

I was hoping for this to be in the top ten, but a lot of people still think this game is a bootleg simply because it's Wii U exclusive! Just wait until the Switch gets Bayonetta 3 exclusively, with even more Nintendo costumes!

Awesome game. The only problem is that not a lot of people have played it.

How's this game only 30th? This game deserves at least 5th place!

Game & Wario

This game looks so epic! But how can Skylanders Giants be on here? From what I know, that's for the Wii, not the Wii U.

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Okay, this game is actually really good. It's the first Xenoblade game I've played, and I was pretty impressed. Good storyline, good graphics, and some really cool designs, especially for the GamePad.

Xenoblade Chronicles X deserves to be on every Nintendo console and platform and uncensored.

Mario Party 10

So underrated! It's not the best of the series, I know, with the lack of a story mode, only five boards, and another lack of side stuff, but for what it is, it's not a bad game. The car is only hated because it's not like the classics, even though it's actually quite fun on its own. It has some amazing boss fights and interesting minigames.

The Bowser party mode is unbalanced, true, but it's still fun at times. Everyone hates Amiibo party, but let me tell you, that's exactly the state Mario Party was in before 9 because they had run out of more ideas. What did 8 have that made it unique from 7, for example?


I love this game. Turn off all the lights and sit in the dark for hours. You will scare yourself on more than one occasion.

I like this game with the creepy atmosphere, but it's a little bit hard to aim when you have a gun.

Pokken Tournament
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