Weakest Fully Evolved Pokémon

The Top Ten
Unown Unown is a Psychic type Pokémon from the Johto region, taking on the form of letters and punctuation. It is often considered the weakest Pokémon, with low stats and access to only one move, Hidden Power (which can be learnt by nearly every Pokémon anyway)

Not only do I think Unown is the worst fully evolved Pokémon, but also the worst Pokémon overall. There are only two Pokémon with weaker stats in the games. One of them is Ditto, a Pokémon that transforms into the opponent's Pokémon, meaning Ditto's stats have no importance. The other one is Smeargle, a Pokémon that can learn almost every attack, which makes it overpowered even considering its low stats.

Also, Unown can only learn one move, which is Hidden Power. The thing is, Hidden Power is only really useful for type coverage, but since it's Unown's only attack, it's useless. At least, Magikarp can use Z-Splash to max out its attack and is by default one of the fastest users of Swift Swim, which makes it very fast. Sunkern can learn some useful moves. Unown has nothing going for it, and that's sad.

I also want to say something about the rankings. Yes, Charizard was overrated competitively, but now that it gets two Mega Evolutions, it is very strong. Even before that, Charizard wasn't bad to the point of being the 3rd worst Pokémon in history back in Gen 5. At least its stats aren't bad, and it has a good movepool. That is coming from someone who prefers Blastoise and Venusaur over Charizard. And if you say that Megas don't count, well, for me they do.

Luvdisc Luvdisc, known in Japan as Lovecus, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

"Let's make a Pokémon. Let's give it good speed and everything else bad. Now, to support its already 'great' speed, what should we give it as an ability?"
"An ability which powers up its moves?"
"An ability which powers up its speed, but only when it's raining?"
"An ability which makes it usable?"
Guess which one they picked. It's not even good for grinding Heart Scales since now you can buy lots of them on the Global Link.

If there wasn't a chance that this heart-shaped abomination might hold a Heart Scale, there would probably be thousands of people yelling at Game Freak to remove Luvdisc from the game.

Charizard Charizard, known in Japan as Lizardon, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise. Created by Ken Sugimori, Charizard first appeared in the video games Pokémon Red and Blue and subsequent sequels. They have later appeared in various merchandise, spinoff titles and animated... read more

Charizard is weak. It's a good Pokémon for basic things like gym leaders, but competitively it's pretty bad. Rock, which is one of the most common types in the game, can KO this thing. Stealth Rock, used very commonly, can take out half its health. It has a very limited movepool, and chances are we all know that you're gonna use a Fire move. It's one of those Pokémon that can be trolled by powder moves. Its Flying moves are also horrible. Its Mega Evolution is also horrible compared to the other Mega Evolution Pokémon.

Wormadam Wormadam, known in Japan as Minomadam, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Most Bug types have terrible stats. On the other hand, most of them have a massive movepool of status effect moves, for example, Spore (which none of the butterfly/moth Pokémon know, making all the butterfly/moth Pokémon pretty useless). There are better alternative Bug types, like Parasect (which actually knows Spore).

The only place Beautifly is useful is in the Dewford Gym in Emerald, but it is only for that one place. It will be stuck in your PC after Dewford Gym.

This should be higher. It's easily the worst starting Bug Pokémon in any generation. Only an okay design saves it on this list.

Regigigas Regigigas, known in Japan as the same name, is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

It is not that terrible. Its ability makes its attack and speed halve for the first five turns. With them halved, it will have a total stat of 540, which is actually okay, and after five turns, it becomes very powerful. Although it might not survive five turns, it can use Confuse Ray to stall rounds, and it is fairly bulky. It is terrible as a legendary Pokémon, but as a general fully evolved Pokémon, it isn't that bad.

Whoever said Regigigas was a legendary Pokémon? Half attack damage for the first five turns. Twelve feet tall isn't my view of colossal (named the Colossal Pokémon). It's torture trying to watch it in Pokémon ORAS.


While people consider Charizard bad mainly because of Stealth Rock, this Pokémon also has a four-times weakness to Rock. Although it is probably better than Charizard in terms of moveset since it can actually learn Ice Beam, Blizzard, Destiny Bond, and Spikes to help the team, its stats are even worse than Charizard's. Seriously, a fully evolved Pokémon that is worse than Charizard, which is already terrible. This should be like third, and just saying Unown should be top since it is actually fully evolved and, you know why, only move Hidden Power and crappy stats.


It evolves quickly but ends up absolute crap.

Plusle Plusle, known in Japan as Prasle, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

After all, what do you expect from a Pikachu clone?

They're my favorite Pokémon because they are cute. However, they are not very good to battle with.

The Newcomers

? Solo Wishiwashi

Solo Wishiwashi has the (new) lowest stat total of ANY Pokémon. It has a decent movepool, but in Solo form, it can't make use of anything.

Since this post is about Solo Wishiwashi, its ability, Schooling, doesn't count - despite School Wishiwashi being a beast in Trick Room. If you count "worst fully evolved Pokémon" by stats alone, Solo Wishiwashi is the bottom of the barrel.

It has worse stats than Sunkern. Let that sink in.

? Raichu Raichu, known in Japan as the same name, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Raichu loses access to both the Light Ball and Eviolite, making it almost completely unusable. Pikachu still sucks, but Raichu is worse in terms of usability.

The Contenders

Terrible stats. This is what happens when your pre-evolution has the lowest base stat total of all time.

This Pokémon is literally useless and has a bad design and moveset.

Wigglytuff Wigglytuff, known in Japan as Pukurin, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Ah, Honchkrow is actually a pretty good assist. But if you try sweeping or walling with it, you're gonna have a bad time.

Flareon Flareon, known in Japan as Booster, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.
Altaria Altaria, known in Japan as Tyltalis, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Literal garbage stats all around with its only good stat being a base 90 attack stat.

Arceus Arceus is a legendary Pokémon from the Pokémon series. It first appeared in the 18th Pokémon movie alongside other Legendary Pokémon. In the Pokémon universe, Arceus is widely known as "The Original One", as it's believed to be the creator of the entire pokemon universe. According to mythology,... read more

This is literally my least favorite Pokémon of all time. It is so crappy and has the worst design scheme. But the main reason is because it is my least favorite type: Bug. Bug is literally the worst Pokémon type of all Pokémon types that have ever existed and will ever exist. If anyone likes this, I will get easily mad because this thing is crap.

Phione Phione, known in Japan as Phione, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.
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