Top 10 Hardest Super Mario Galaxy Levels
I'm glad this star didn't get as many "I beat this on my first try," "This is super easy," or "Good Egg Galaxy should be higher on this list" comments as other stars that are actually hard. All the stars on this list are really hard. The people who say some of that stuff are either trolls or lying. Well, maybe some aren't lying, but when nearly or more than 50% of the comments say that stuff, I'm pretty sure some of them are lying.
Anyway, this star deserves to be number 1, obviously. It is so hard to complete the level, even when playing the normal version. It's nearly impossible. It's that hard.
Before I played this level for the first time in years, I watched a bunch of videos on the hardest Super Mario Bros. stars. This star made all of the lists, so I was pretty scared for it. I ended up beating it on my first try, but I'm sure that was because of pure, dumb luck.
Most daredevil comets just make you fight a boss with one life. This time, you have to complete an ENTIRE LEVEL without taking damage.
It's frustrating because even if you die right in front of the star, you have to start all the way back at the beginning.
With everything up until the spire, be on top guard. Eliminate all enemies one at a time. When you reach the spire, long jump often. Never give even a millisecond of attention to enemies, glass, star bits, or question cubes.
This one's a little difficult, but I find the Purple Coins of Battlerock Galaxy more frustrating. Just stay in the middle, give yourself room to jump for coins or over electric fences, and avoid getting hit by the cannons, as they are pretty much instant death. Missing even one coin will cost you, and you need all 100 to finish the level.
It took me about five tries. I got 96 coins when I accidentally missed one, and I had no idea there were coins on top of the smasher. Look out for that. Other than that, it isn't hard. Duck, and the bombs will go right over you.
Is this seriously harder than Fiery Gobblegut, Boss Blitz, Fiery Dino Piranha, the Boss Blitz speed run, or even the Center of the Universe/Bowser's Galaxy Generator? I think not, but one vote won't change it.
This is the same as the first, except for one thing: Cosmic guys.
I couldn't complete this galaxy.
Funny fact: It took me about 3-4 tries to beat him with 3 lives, but I won on the first try in the Daredevil Run.
This is one of the hardest video game levels EVER. I spent 11 lives finishing it!
It is hard to do this with one life - extra hard.
You need to be careful where you step, or you'll find yourself running out of places to stand. Also, it's timed.
This is HARD but has plenty of coins, with very little time to do it in.
You wouldn't survive acid, rotating platforms, and much more!
Oh god, don't get me started. If your control stick is even a tiny bit off from the angle you need, it's already over - game over. This took me forever to beat. Not to mention, the bombs take 10 seconds to blow up and you only have 30!
You have to throw bombs onto the gold spots on the floor. Hard, right? I only figured it out by watching someone else play it.
I think the issue is that the bombs take so long to detonate, and they never go off when you want them to.
It is hard because you only have one minute. There are 149 Purple Coins (Toad lied to us). You don't have to collect all of them, but that doesn't make it any easier. With the strict time limit, you have very little (if any) room for error.
To avoid a Game Over, make sure to grab 1-UP mushrooms before attempting the level. They provide some extra lives, because it's THAT hard.
I was worried this would be a challenge because I had heard from a lot of people that it is. Oops, my bad. It wasn't hard after all!
It took me two tries. The first time, I was unable to reach the star in time. The second time, I reached it in time.
The only margin of error is 10 coins. Wow.
The Newcomers
Everything moves faster, even the moving platforms near the whirlpool that pushes you into the black hole.
You have to be very careful and extremely patient, or you're not going to make it.
There's no cutting through anywhere since the star is a quick run on thin platforms, and Shadow Mario runs faster than you.
I don't understand how people can think that Luigi's Purple Coins or the Lava Spire Daredevil Run are that hard. Personally, I have a lot more trouble with this level.
The music in this galaxy is cool. The rest is not.
I was sweating over this one. It took me many tries. Fiery Dino Piranha sure is a feisty one. And I was worried about Bouldergeist... I worried about the wrong boss.
How is this so low on the list? This is harder than most of the stuff above it. In my opinion, this and Lava Spire should be swapped.
Why is this down here? Does no one else struggle with Fiery Dino Piranha?
I was totally annoyed by this level because of how many tries and GAME OVERS it took me to get the perfect timing.
This is the worst level ever!
First, let's talk about the tornadoes. The tornadoes are basically there to annoy you and make you sink instead. Next, playing the level as Luigi is practically the worst experience because his sliding makes everything harder. I got 4 game overs trying to play this level as Luigi, and I'm still trying to complete it to this day - just like Luigi's Purple Coins.
Okay, let me say something here. I hate this stupid level.
Once, I got 97 coins and realized the other three were on top of the Thwomp. I made my way there with one life and got so close, but then I fell into the sand. The tornadoes are terrible. Dusty Dune is my least favorite level in the game. This is a true story. I HATE THIS SO MUCH!
Fire + dragon + lava craters + six bubbles + six lives = lots of chaos. I beat it, but it was hard! Why in the world do Luigi's Purple Coins or Purple Coins on the Summit rank above this?
Wait... this isn't even on the list? Does everyone else magically beat a hard boss like this on their first try? Well, I shouldn't complain. I did the same with Bouldergeist - both runs.
I hate fiery bosses. They add so much chaos and damage where there doesn't have to be, in my opinion. It took me forever to beat. I guess it is part of the game, though.
This was my least favorite level as a kid, even more than the Perfect Run. It's much better now, but most people struggle and lose a few lives at least.
To get to Luigi, you have to triple jump! An even harder way is to side/backflip, wall jump off the wall, and spin to reach the top of the house. Luckily, I found an easier way, which is using the orange pipe to get up! But even then, you have to go to the top of the pipe area and then go through another pipe. How is this not number one?
The hardest part is when Luigi gives you the star. You have to jump (yes, JUMP) to barely nab the star. Luigi's Purple Coins and Lava Spire Daredevil Run I did without dying once on the first try. I got all 150 coins on Luigi's Purple Coins and had 2:00 left.
Why is this so low? This one should be higher! It's like the trash stars from Galaxy 1 but harder. You have 10 seconds less than the ones from Galaxy 1, more to destroy, and FIRE FLOWER!
Hey Confederate robot, why don't you stop enslaving me to pick up your trash? One box left, yet you're still too lazy to pick it up. I hate the robot in this one.
This is hard like the garbage dump, but instead, you use the fire power-up, there are boxes everywhere, and you only have 20 seconds! Why is there a time limit?!
That's okay, practice makes perfect.
The ending of the mission, where you have to roll the ball, is hard.