Top 10 Video Games That People Have Waited an Extremely Long Time For

The Top Ten
Half-Life 3

In 2017, it will have been ten years since the last installment in the Half-Life series. Ten years. Yeah, don't try to complain to the Half-Life community about hiatuses because we're the definition of a hiatus.

Blame Microsoft for that! Gabe worked on programming Windows until Windows 2. (Just kidding.)

Good thing it was confirmed today. I was losing hope.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

It's been a decent portion of time since we got a 3D Zelda game on this grand of a scale. The last game, in my opinion, was Twilight Princess.

I'm still waiting for Pikmin 4, but this will do for a month.

Which ended up being Breath of the Wild.

Startropics Reboot
Waluigi's Mansion

Wouldn't necessarily say Waluigi's Mansion, but just any Waluigi game in general. Like, come on, Nintendo! Everyone has had their own game except for Waluigi and Daisy. I'd love to see a game where Luigi and Waluigi have to save Daisy, though. It would be fun and humorous.

Actually, this is a good idea! Come on, Nintendo! Give Waluigi some time to shine!

Kingdom Hearts III

It took eight years since KH2 for this game to even be revealed. Three years later, and it still doesn't have a release date...

Please, Nomura, we need the release date or at least the release month! We already have the release year of 2018!

Pokemon: OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire

Amazing games! I've played both, and they have wonderful graphics, a great plot, and they include newer Pokémon in the game. Plus, the DexNav feature is amazing.

I played the original Ruby as a kid, and oh my gosh, I was excited for this.

I got Alpha. Man, that was the greatest Pokémon game I've ever played, and I've played Yellow, Sapphire, Diamond, Moon, and Go.

Duke Nukem Forever

The name certainly makes sense, as people waited "forever."

It took 15 years to make, a world record.

Super Smash Bros. 4

Brawl and Smash Flash introduced me to the series, but Smash 4 is what made me stick with it. Although I do prefer Brawl, Smash 4 holds a special place in my heart.

Cave Story 2
Super Metroid Maker

The Newcomers

? Sonic Forces

It's been four years since another mainstream Sonic game came out after Lost World. The engine it used, Hedgehog Engine 2, took three years to develop, and the game took one year to develop. Fans complained.

? Spyro the Dragon (Comeback)

They did it, as the Reignited Trilogy.

The Contenders

Well, Nuts & Bolts did receive a lot of criticism. I enjoyed it, but not many did. I don't know if this will ever be made.

This needs to come out! We've been waiting almost 20 years now, and yet they can't just make it for the Xbox One?

Waited eight years for a new game and got a racing game.


Crazy to think DOOM 2016 is almost five years old.

Super Metroid: Zero Mission
Grand Theft Auto 6

Since they brought back Liberty City and San Andreas in 4 and 5, 6 needs to be set in Vice City.

They should make a Grand Theft Auto set in Dubai. That would be awesome!

Can't wait! I don't know what's left to add, but whatever they do add, it must be epic.

Mother 4

This should be number one. The EarthBound/Mother franchise is the best gaming franchise ever.

Star Wars Battlefront (2015)

Super game! The only successful Star Wars game I've ever played!

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Not only did it turn out to be one of the greatest role-playing games of all time, but it was also a pretty good substitute for Mother 4.

(Cough, cough, when Nintendo wouldn't make it, cough.)

Super Smash Flash 2 (Complete)
Super Smash Bros 64 (Remake)
Super Smash Bros: Original Trilogy Collection
Sonic 2006: The Good Edition
Super Mario Galaxy 3
Sonic 06 Sequel
Metroid Prime 4
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