Top Ten Video Games You Would Like to Rate Most

This list is based off of the list "top ten top tens users you would like to rate" and was made on 9/11/16 by Skullkid755. The purpose of this list is for the readers to rate many video games through commenting or other means connected to the list. I'm using a 0-10 rating scale with decimals for more precise ratings,but you can use your own scale if you want to when rating the games. I have trouble making official opinions, so if this differs from my video game reviews and remixes in terms of opinions, that is why.
The Top Ten
Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime
Chrono Trigger

Aged very well. Best Super Nintendo game. Good combat system, great graphics that hold up well. Plus amazing story-line. Well developed characters. Brilliant soundtrack. This is my favorite Super Nintendo game and it's one of the top twenty greatest video games of all time.

10/10. The best RPG I’ve ever played. Amazing story, characters, soundtrack, battle system, graphics (for its time), and it has 13 different endings!

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Super Metroid

I dunno about calling Chrono Trigger indisputably the best SNES game in terms of OVERALL quality; let's just say it has a LOT of competition on THAT front

Flappy Bird

1/10 gets repetitive, plus a mobile game which only revolves tapping to get a bird through a bunch of tubes

Um Jammer Lammy

Vastly improved upon its predecessor in just about literally every way possible (despite being basically the exact same game except with guitar) and gave birth to one of the hottest female characters in video game history

I may have hyperbolically overrated it quite a bit in my Hidden Gems review of it, but considering the time at which it was made, as well as the fact that it (again) basically invented Guitar Hero, 9.1/10

5/10. Very forgettable especially when compared to its legendary predecessor, PaRappa the Rapper.


9.5/10 almost a 10/10 but doesn't have a story. Still a great game I have multiple hours in

8/10. Played this during my childhood but it gets very boring if you run out of enemies to kill.

Same as my top ten greatest games remix. 10/10


Absolutely fantastic and incredibly memorable game even with the Pacifist run being really the only proper way to play it; judging just by Pacifist and Genocide alone, 9/10

Cut the Rope

The Newcomers

? God of War III
? Far Cry 3
The Contenders
Mario Kart 7
Mario Kart 8

Maybe 7/10, it's good but has some serious flaws

Borderlands 2
Red Dead Redemption

Won Game of the Year. Great story, good characters. Massive world with a lot of things to do and places to go. I like the Undead Nightmare DLC and it is good for DLC. Haven't used multiplayer, guess it's fun. 10/10. Favorite video game as of right now.


A first person puzzle game. Made by my favorite video game developer Valve. Favorite game by Valve. Requires thought. Puzzles are creative. GlaDOS is a good villain. Good voice acting and well done plot. 9.4/10.

I remember watching Purple Shep playing it and it made me laugh so hard

8/10 I like Portal 2 better but this is still great

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

10/10 My favorite Grand Theft Auto game and I really want to see it remastered

Super Smash Bros Wii U
Monster Hunter 4

Best Nintendo 3DS game as of right now. Stunning graphics for a 3DS game. Variety of weapons with my favorite being the Insect Glaive. You have a lot of customization options.
Combat is challenging, fun, fast paced, and rewarding. The storyline is pretty decent, and the characters have good personalities. 9.5/10

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Fire Emblem Awakening

Good story-line. Requires strategy. Good art-style. Characters are great. You get a good amount of customization for your group of troops. Saved Fire Emblem, a franchise that took over a decade to come to America. 9.2/10

Metroid Fusion
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Doom II: Hell On Earth

Favorite DOS game. Played using an emulator. Sprite based graphics add uniqueness to how it looks. Weapon variety and fast paced action. Aged pretty well. Controls take a while to get used to, but once you do you like the unique feel of them. Not sure about the story or characters, but good soundtrack. Exploration in levels. 8.5/10

9/10. My only pet peeve about this game and the other older Doom games is that the level design is really confusing and it’s too easy to get lost, but this game is still a classic.

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