Top 10 World of Warcraft Raid Bosses

The Top Ten
1 Illidan (Black Temple)

Such demon. So hunter.

2 The Lich King (Icecrown Citadel)

I played as Arthas in Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne. I remember my first time looking at the Wrath of The Lich King cinematic, and I felt incredible. Finally getting to finish his epic and wonderful story was a great experience indeed

The Litch King is one of my favourite characters in the Warcraft universe. The boss fight was amazing and hard to forget. The cinematic in the end was great.

Such death. So scare. Very Lich.

3 Onyxia (Onyxia's Lair)

Onyxia takes a deep breath...

Oh, those were the days. Haha.

4 Ragnaros (Molten Core)

Such fire. So burn. Very hot.

5 Prince Thunderaan
6 Archimonde (Hyjal)
7 Magtheridon
8 Lady Vashj (Serpentshrine Cavern)

Awesome mechanics that really made splitting into different groups and important part of this epic boss fight.

9 Kel'Thuzad (Naxxramas)
10 Yogg Saron
The Contenders
11 Al'Akir (Throne of the Four Winds)
12 Sire Denatherius (Castle Nathria)
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