Top Ten Worst RPG Games of All Time

I have checked to see if there was a worst RPGs list on this web, but there wasn't so I created one.
The Top Ten
Paper Mario: Color Splash

Shut up. If you say its bad then you haven't even played it. Try it. It's actually really great. I would say it's even better than Final Fantasy 7

This Game is One Of The Worst Gaming Experiences I Ever Had

Super Columbine Massacre RPG!

Watch the manga, before watching the anime.


It is indeed a bad rpg, the gameplay is very original and nice, it also has an interesting story, but what ruins this game is its linearity and how short it is (3 hours each run). If you are an rpg fan try another game instead of this one.

Okay what idiot put this awesome game here? This game is awesome. You probably haven't even played it. Don't judge a game on its fan base.

Hey you! Yeah you! Did you put this game on number 9? If you don't take this of the list RIGHT NOW, you're gonna have a bad time.

Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Two Worlds

Are you kidding me? World of warcraft, chrono trigger, and the whole mother series, some of the best rpgs ever are on this list, and THIS IS NOT? WHO WRITES THIS STUFF? If you do not know what this is, go to YouTube and look up projared's review of it.

Clash of Clans

How could be this game on 5 place?! Apparently those who voted for first four places haven't heard anything about this "Game That Must Not Be Named".

Bound by Flame
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Racial Holy War

The Newcomers

? Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

It isn't the worst thing ever. It's just incredibly disappointing compared to the previous Mystery Dungeon games.

? Mass Effect Andromeda
The Contenders
Final Fantasy XIII
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Clash Royale
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
Spawn of Fashan
The World of Synnibarr
Dragon Age: Origins
Deus Ex

Impossible controls, awful music and graphics and overwhelmingly horrible gameplay.

Mass Effect

When I saw this on the list I felt anger so unbelievable I made a physically made a face.

Planescape: Torment
Final Fantasy XI
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