Top 10 Stupidest Politicians

Trump is an idiot. He and Elon Musk will run the country into the ground.
Instead of working and focusing on the U.S. economy, Trump wants to "rename" the Gulf of Mexico, take over the Panama Canal, buy Greenland, make Canada the 51st state, place 10-25% tariffs on other countries (which makes our prices go up), and dismantle government agencies.
The fact that he recently claimed that the U.S. needs more faith and religion in their lives is appalling. Trump doesn't possess a religious bone in his body.
This narrative that he survived an assassination attempt is highly overblown. His ear got grazed because the kid wasn't accurate.
Trump is the dumbest president this country has ever seen, and his entire Cabinet is a joke.

I can't believe Sarah Palin isn't even on this list while you are all concentrating on Obama for being in over his head due to the mess George W. Bush left behind for him. Jimmy Carter doesn't even belong on this list, though it kinda makes sense because of how underrated he is. Sarah Palin is probably the worst politician I have ever heard of. She based her entire economic policy off of racism and would turn America into a living hellhole if she was ever elected.
Obama isn't dumb. He just isn't aggressive. Bill Clinton was a great president. George W. Bush wasn't too smart, but his IQ probably wasn't below average. Sarah Palin probably has an IQ of about 60, maybe 70. The dumbest American politician in decades. Let's hope she never gets elected.

I'm glad George W. Bush is above Barack Obama. It just goes to show you how much this website hates Obama. At least Obama went to Harvard and has made the right choices for this country by managing foreign relations, improving our economy, and moving us forward from the recession Bush caused. He also dealt with the problems in the Middle East carefully, keeping in mind the long-term effects of his actions. All Bush did was help Africa and invade Iraq on the assumption they had WMDs, only to find they weren't there and had to use liberating Iraqis and democracy as an excuse for the invasion.

She's been in office for many years and has been Speaker several times, but she is somewhat of an alcoholic and hasn't actually done anything decent in a long time. Also, she's from San Francisco, where there's a huge homeless population. Don't you think that maybe she should help the homeless there with her nephew, Governor Gavin Newsom?
A liar that cannot keep Americans as her first priority. She's full of more crap than a Christmas goose.
Anyone who signs legislation into law before reading it is a moron.

A marionette puppet and actress. Supposedly a very smart woman from Boston University, she can't even do simple percentages while on camera. For instance, 10% of a number. So, she wouldn't even do well with the metric system. Without a pile of money behind her, she'd be nothing.
She just doesn't make sense sometimes. She tries to look intelligent and relevant when she isn't even close to knowing what she is talking about.
Idiot isn't even qualified for politics since she was literally a bartender and is dumber than a stick.

A money-hungry, lazy, dummy who only knows how to play the race card, even though he is half white. Imagine being his white mother. You would be so ashamed to raise such a louse. He hates his own country. What foreign leader can respect someone who doesn't even fight for his own homeland?
This guy was a community organizer. He's always done what he was told to do. Having enjoyed the fruits of America, he's done everything he can to destroy it, not realizing what that would mean for him if he succeeds.
It's stupid to think that he can change all people through legislation. He's very single-minded and refuses to even consider the real reasons half the country is opposed to the radical changes he proposes.

This idiot, Sleepy, thinks he fools people with cheating and illegal crimes he also scams. He thinks he's better than President Donald J. Trump (TRUMP 2020) and stays in his basement all day.
Just look at this guy's history. He embraced racism and plagiarized a lot of works throughout his life. He even recycled his own speech from 2012 for his POTUS acceptance speech. Who does that? Only the stupid.
The way in which he addressed sensitive issues of Afghanistan and Ukraine is absolutely pathetic and can result in huge collateral damage to the world.

He couldn't even stand up for his own wife when Trump insulted her looks. Dumb and spineless.
Poisonous jackass. Wants to take the country to religious law. I hate this idiot.
What's he doing here? He hasn't done anything. Oh wait. Never mind, now I know. Duh!

The most overrated politician we've ever had. "Trees cause pollution... Let starving kids eat ketchup instead of a nutritious vegetable. I'll allocate zero funds to research a remedy for the massive killer, AIDS." How about his asinine "trickle-down economic policy"? He's such garbage. Clearly responsible for the dissolution of the middle class!
Really overrated president. His Reaganomics policy was ridiculous, and his paranoid attitude towards communism cost America trillions of dollars in national debt. Way to go, Reagan.

Ugh! Good thing he didn't get elected. He was setting himself up for carbon emission kickbacks worth billions. He thought the middle class was the third row in a school.
Just a newspaper reporter, Al rode into the Senate on his father's coattails. If it weren't for his father, he probably would have ended up as a shoe salesman.
He's an attention-seeking idiot. And sadly, he probably would have made a better president than Bush. Which idiot will do the least damage?
The Newcomers

This joke of a politician has to be head and shoulders above the competition for stupidity and ignorance.
Her brain is the size of a raisin. Enough said.

I wonder how many heart recipients died because he had to be first. I hope he burns in Hell.
He probably has a high IQ, but that doesn't always show.

Cocky, arrogant, and the second most responsible person for the largest mass murder since the Spanish Inquisition. Heinrich Himmler actually caused it, but Adolf over here supported it, so he's pretty responsible too. His arrogance was his downfall, and thank goodness for that. Otherwise, the Nazi party might actually control a significant portion of Europe.
He tried to invade Russia in the winter. It doesn't take a general to know that's a bad idea.

He's dumb, doesn't know the first thing about running the Energy Department, and I forget the third thing. He acts like he drinks crude oil hoping to gain its powers of job creation.
"There are three agencies I would eliminate: the EPA, the Department of Commerce, and the..., I cannot remember."
Just a pretty boy with no real brain cells.

Maxine never disappoints us. Just listen to her talk. If she says something smart, it's by mistake. She's very dangerous by stirring up people to violence. She's responsible, in part, for many cities burning, looting, and murder.
Loudmouth, obnoxious, and a bitter old decaying woman. Incites violence to move her biased agenda forward.
A racist with a big mouth and evil intentions that should not be serving in our government.

Mitt is baffling. He seems to have a head on his shoulders, then he does stupid things such as working on a garage in the final days of his presidential campaign, as if there was nothing better to do. That had a lot of people scratching their heads. Had he taken the presidency seriously, he could have been President.
Mitt who? Oh! That billionaire on the east coast who did a TV special about Donald Trump. Romney, you're a dork. Couldn't even do that right. Guess what. I didn't vote for you either. Dork.
Such a ridiculous hypocrite! He's just jealous of Trump, who is doing everything he couldn't!

What an ignorant, intellectually deficient, arrogant piece of garbage. Hate his guts. He stands for nothing except stupidity, disparagement, insults, and selfish, self-serving nonsense.

Richard Nixon was very stupid. He added a recording system in the White House that could record voices, and during the scandal, it caught his voice incriminating himself. He didn't realize his voice was being recorded. Stupid man.
Did he really think he could get away with it all?

He should be at the top of the list. Man is the most dumbest person ever created on the face of the earth.

The fact that I had to add her to this list speaks volumes. Ilhan was an immigrant elected to a Minneapolis congressional position, but now her goal is to basically say no to the police force there. That's basically asking for anarchy. The people of Minneapolis are tired of this, obviously.
Just a bad American. I wish I did not have to say she was an American. Go back to your dusthole.

She seriously called for a "national divorce" between red and blue states. Also, she wants the USA to invade and bomb Mexico. If you think I'm joking, look it up. She doesn't even know proper grammar. Easily the stupidest politician in Congress right now.
Not just one of the dumbest politicians ever - no need to include the politician moniker in that.
So beyond disgusting. Garbage.

The best thing about Carter was his brother's beer. I still have a six-pack. By the way, the beer sucked.
I'd have voted for him over Ford or Reagan (idiots), but Carter wasn't that smart.

You have to look this guy up to believe it. A guy that has porn on his government computer? Just look him up.