Top 10 Worst The Legend of Zelda Bosses

Cheap and frustrating. There is no other word to describe this weak, ugly monster. Its gimmick is just being unnecessarily annoying.
Why was it programmed so that if you fall off the battle arena, you have to climb back and start the fight over from zero (yes, the boss regains all its health)? And why does a single hit from that thing push you so far away? Fortunately, just a few hits are enough to take it down, but geez... there is a high chance of you falling off the arena at least twice before defeating it.

This boss is infamous for ruining your progress in the original Wii version. Now, you might think that this would only involve one form, but no - there are three forms you have to beat.
The first phase is simplistic: you cut his toenails, making him fall down, and then drive the sealing spike into his head. The second phase has the Imprisoned growing arms, but thanks to the Grooseinator, you can beat him in less than an hour. The third phase is the worst one of the bunch. This time, he has a halo that makes him fly upwards. Good luck trying to aim the catapult at his back. You're going to regret it.
It's a good thing this was fixed in the HD version thanks to button controls, but still.

Super obvious weak point. When I fought him, I killed him so quickly that I didn't even know he had any attacks!
I never played the original, but from the looks of it, he was trash. At least in the remake, he can do more stuff, but that doesn't really do anything. If you have the red tunic, you can kill him even before he attacks.
I wouldn't mind going against Angler Fish in Super Smash as a typical average boss.

It's not really big, you're just small. And he appears later again as a mini-boss.

If you don't throw the bomb in time, you get hit with this OP fireball! And if you miss, you don't have time to try again. Also, if you forget to equip your Hylian Shield instead of the Deku Shield, you can't lock on and block because the stupid Hylian Shield is too damn heavy.
So easy. I've had more trouble with a smaller Dodongo.
Throw, hit, shield. No strategy whatsoever.

What kind of messed up name is that? I know Majora's Mask names are bad, but what the hell is a Gyorg? Let's call him George. Curious Gyorg.

After a dark and creepy temple, I wonder what boss awaits me...
I get a fat ghost who wants to squish me and looks like a Studio Ghibli character on raging 'roids. Real original, Nintendo...

Unfortunately, this boss was very boring and extremely easy. Darknut was a much better highlight in the Temple of Time.
I really hate it when a game makes a late-game boss laughably easy.

I don't want to see him in the remake. He may look even stupider. Even more stupid than Zant after you first meet him in his throne room.
Looks stupid, talks stupid, and overall, a very bland battle. Nothing interesting. Just pick up the jar and throw it. Doesn't deserve to be a boss.
I would love to go against Genie in Super Smash. I would love to destroy Genie with Sora.

Woah, look at this giant, grotesque, fiery Goron... thing! This is going to be epic! So how do I do damage to him? Oh... you pull on his chain and make him trip, then slash him a bunch. Rinse and repeat... How exciting...
The Newcomers

Could you stop moving for five freaking seconds!

For a game that can be really difficult, this comes off as one of the easiest boss fights ever. Plus, it's a "hit-them-in-the-eye" type of boss. Seriously, Nintendo? This is the worst thing out of Breath of the Wild.
I hated the final blow part. And that beam, if it hits you, takes like 4-5 hearts!
Easiest boss in the entire game is the final boss... Makes sense...

How could Ghirahim trust such a rock? A 4-year-old could take him on. Big joke.
The Indiana Jones reference saves this boss.

You followed up my favorite dungeon in Zelda history with this?

The stupid electric powers! If you have your weapons out, you drop them and then have to chase them around while Thunderblight kills you. And he does like five freaking hearts of damage per hit! A horrible boss to top off a horrible dungeon.

EASY. Would be harder if she wasn't possessed.

The most disappointing boss in Wind Waker.

This battle was for beginners. It's literally the first boss battle in the game! It took me a long time, though, to beat her on my first try.
So. Freaking. Easy. I can beat this thing in literally 30 seconds.
My fastest time beating it was 28... seconds.

Poorly designed boss fight - you basically don't understand what's going on with the map when fighting that thing, and you end up dying once, twice... right at the end of an already frustrating dungeon.
Mothula looks good. Its sprite is awesome. But the fight is unnecessarily annoying. Why is it immune to the fire wand on its wings? Why is that moth always moving everywhere when you already have to avoid 2 to 5 moving spikes at the same time?
For all these reasons, Mothula might be my least favorite boss (yet).

In his second stage, all he does is swim in a circle. That's it.

This should be top 1, as ScrewAttack says.

I love and hate Bongo Bongo. So hard. He beat me like eight times. Fun, but hard.