Most Annoying Things in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Ok, I love this game. I think it's a masterpiece and SO much fun to play. But at some point, every game is gonna have something in it that's annoying.
The Top Ten
The Crazy Flower Lady

This got me killed so many times. While it was very annoying, it was also very funny when she went absolutely cuckoo and made me lose hearts.

She beats you up just because you step on her flowers. Who does that? And why, of all places, did she plant them in a shrine? That last part is so difficult.

I spawned at the shrine and forgot about the flowers. Good thing I needed to get out of there anyway.

Something Almost Kills Link, and then He Dies by Just Rolling on the Ground

Okay, this doesn't happen to me anymore, but when I was a beginner, I would be at the top of a cliff or something, and then a monster would come up from behind me while I was looking out and I'd fall to the ground. Then I'd roll off the cliff and drown or something.

Link is the reincarnation of the Hero of Time, the guardian of Hyrule, the wielder of the legendary Master Sword, and many other things. I feel like if he got hit by an anteater with a stick, he'd just shrug it off, not flop on the ground and roll around in agony like the world was ending.


Horrifying at first, but eventually you learn to time your attacks and never die from them again. However, on occasion, your horse ends up dying. Am I the only one that likes fighting Guardians on horseback?

These things are annoying to come across. They show up randomly and will do massive damage if you can't avoid them. Everything else about this game is awesome so far, though!

The reason the tower in Hyrule Castle is so hard to get to. And don't even try to fight one if you're in the early game.

Climbing in the rain

For me, I always like climbing. I always climb. Oops, the rain comes up. NO, you slip! Low stamina, you fall, blah blah blah.

P.S. Slipping in rain lowers stamina? That's like tripping in rain making you lose one heart! Seriously?

This is very hard because whenever you jump for height, you lose a lot of that height because you slip.

I often do something important to a quest only for it to start raining, so I have to wait for it to stop.

Weapons always breaking

There's just no way around it. Weapons breaking in the middle of a fight is irritating. And don't you hate it when a weapon you really like finally gives out?

On the bright side, this mechanic does make finding new weapons more rewarding and exciting because you really need them!

I don't dislike the weapon durability system. It's just that the weapons break ALL THE TIME! You can't even go one monster without breaking a weapon! So annoying.

This is probably what ruined the game for me. It discourages you from using weapons at all because you know they'll just break soon, and it makes the game not fun.

The Blood Moon

My fourth Blood Moon occurred during the boss fight against the Yiga Clan leader. The first was in Hateno Village. If the scientist at the Dueling Peaks Stable says that there is some event coming up but he can't remember what it is, a Blood Moon will happen.

I actually don't know why this exists. It just makes the game longer!

The Yiga Clan

Oh, dear Hylia, the Yiga Clan. One of the most annoying Zelda enemies of all time, on the same level as Like Likes. In the beginning of your journey, when you first set foot into Hyrule, they're alright. You just talk to a disguised member and fight them.

But after you beat Master Kohga, they start getting on your nerves. They randomly spawn out of nowhere, deplete your health like there's no tomorrow, and the huge ones with giant cleavers are the worst. They just let the wind chop you up with their swords. Apparently, they're a goldmine if you want to get Rupees. Yeah, right. I only got a measly few green and blue ones.


They're so tough. I just use ancient arrows to get them out of my hair. I really don't care about properly defeating one.

Lynels are not that hard. You just dodge and flurry until they are dead.

I have never beaten one, mainly because I don't have a good electric resistance meal or elixir.

Korok Seeds

There are so many, and there probably isn't even a reward.

"Yahaha! You fou-"

Korok Seeds are a pain, with little reward. There are 900 in total across the whole map. Koroks hide in random places, and when you find them, they'll do a "yahaha" and give you a Korok Seed in return for playing a game of hide-and-seek you never agreed to.

The only thing you can use these seeds for is to expand your inventory. For that, you need to find Hestu. He's a giant Korok. Wow.

Anyway, Hestu isn't always in the same spot before you find Korok Forest, so newer players might have trouble tracking him down after the first encounter. You can pay Hestu a Korok Seed to expand your inventory.

However, you can't get 900 inventory slots. If you played hide-and-seek with all of those Koroks, got all 900 seeds, and thought you'd be able to get a great reward, no. Just no. There's a max to your inventory, which means many Korok Seeds will be sitting lonely in your pocket.

There is a reward for collecting all 900, but it's called Hestu's Gift and... well, it's literally just a piece of Hestu's crap.


Yay. Thanks, Hestu.

So, at the end of the day, do YOU want to search the whole world for Koroks to give you seeds where only less than half of them are useful and the others contribute to a pile of crap? Well, Korok hunting will be your thing then! It sure isn't mine, though.


Motion Control Shrines

That Hateno one is so annoying. Eventually, I just cheesed it by gliding into the maze and using bombs to get the ball back to the main part.

The shrine by Hateno Village was so annoying. It took me ages to complete it, as the Switch's motion controls aren't exactly accurate.

It is so annoying how sensitive the motion controls are for these puzzles.

The Newcomers

? "A Major Test of Strength" shrines

Ridiculously hard if you don't have enough hearts or strong enough weapons. It doesn't help that there's one pretty close to Hateno Village, which, you know, is before you beat any of the Divine Beasts!

? Gathering bundles of wood for the "From the Ground Up" side quest

I went through the Master Sword eight times just trying to gather wood.

The Contenders
Stamina Wheel

Can't climb mountains or swim across rivers.

"Your inventory is full!"

This prevented me from getting so many good weapons. That was very annoying, as all of my weapons are good, so when I get more good weapons, I have to drop a good weapon.

It has made SO MANY new weapon finds extremely anticlimactic.


Yes, they miss. I never get hit by them. You have to trick them by making them think where you will be by the time their shot gets to you. Basically, just run or walk and then right when they're about to shoot, just stop. It'll land where you would have been if you had kept running or walking.

They will just shoot you out of nowhere. That is annoying, as most times, I don't even see them until I already lose health. The only good thing is that they are weak and have little health.

They don't miss. Ever. Even when you're at full sprint, they nail you. So annoying.

The Master Sword trials

I hate gauntlets... except for the ones on the Tunic of Time and the other tunics with them. <Ba-Dum Crash!>

That one "stranded on remote island" side quest

I know how to beat it with good weapons. You drop all you want to keep on the raft, go to the island on the raft, and BOOM, you have stuff you can fight with.

I found it and went back one save file because I want to wait until I get 3 more hearts.

The moblins on top of the mountain are armed with soldiers' broadswords and just destroy you.


This bird is a complete jackass! You come back to save him, and the first thing he does is complain about how long it took. I once considered leaving his spirit trapped in the beast with Windblight, but I did the quest eventually.

The worst part is that his Champion ability is easily the best one, and you're forced to interact with him in order to get it.

He's such a SHOWOFF! These are his words that go in my head every time someone mentions him:
"Unless you can prove me wrong?" and "You must pardon me!" and that ever popular "Hmph. Don't preen yourself for doing your job."

Honestly, go on YouTube and watch all parts of "If Link Could Talk." What Link said to Revali was so hilarious and SO worth it.

No Reward for Finding All the Captured Memories

Why? It took me 2-3 days, and it was painful.

Thunderblight Ganon

He is super speedy, you have to time flurries perfectly, and then he starts raining down pillars before electrocuting them and everything.

I only beat him the first time with the Master Sword, and I had no idea that it happened to be the one weapon you will never drop after getting electrocuted. Pure luck.

Literally took me a week to beat this bastard because I did Naboris second.

Link showing almost no emotion

So annoying. I know the developers made him like this so that players could project their own thoughts and emotions onto him. But I personally find it detracts from the impact of the story. It makes it less interesting, in my opinion, because everything feels one-sided.

It really breaks the immersion too (kinda ironic, huh?). There ends up being an in-game explanation for his seriousness, but that's not until the very end and it still doesn't excuse his almost eternally blank expression. Just a little bit more emotion would have made the story better, in my opinion.

Horse getting stuck

The first time this happened, I didn't know you could fix it by going to a stable, so I just stranded my horse there.

My sister had a problem with this when she was doing that horseback time trial at one of the stables.


It was fun the first couple of times, then it got kind of tedious.

Link Noises

Don't forget the noises the NPCs make when you talk to them. The Great Fairies are so over the top with it. I heard someone in an apartment was getting sued by their neighbor for watching adult content, but they were just enhancing their clothing.

Horseback archery minigame

It's so inferior to the one in Ocarina of Time. I did not enjoy it one bit. I would never have played it again if I didn't want that new tack. Even the music is super lame and annoying. I actually got angry playing this one.

Most of the other things here aren't so bad. Rain climbing becomes no problem later on. The Yiga Clan can be ignored. But this... I wasted so much time for such a stupid reward.

Princess Mipha

Gross fish. LINK DOESN'T LIKE YOU. Get it through your empty head. No personality and the most annoying voice in the game. (Yes, Zelda's voice isn't great, but Mipha is more grating in my opinion.) And she is mean to Sidon and tries to show off in front of Zelda. Pathetic.


I hate his annoying accordion music. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

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