Top Ten Reasons to Not Be Religious

The Top Ten
1 Religious beliefs hold back education and science

We actually have the knowledge to create life or even clone (using cells to create life). If that science has so many critics, it's because religious institutions think that we are messing with God's creation.

I am talking about one thing here. Theories about how life started (there are many plausible theories, not only the Big Bang) are also getting criticism from religion. In other words, religion is certainly holding back or at least slowing down progress made by science and therefore the teaching or education about those progressions.

2 Christianity caused the dark ages

No science, no peace, no critical thinking. And some people want to bring the Dark Ages back!

Let's not let history repeat itself.

3 Religions are another series of groups which evoke genocide

Neither Mao, Stalin, nor Hitler were atheists. Mao started a religion called Maoism. Hitler died a Catholic. Stalin studied at an Orthodox seminary and is a saint in the Russian and Georgian Orthodox Churches (quite the feat for an atheist, don't you think?).

However, even if, for the sake of argument, all three were atheists, did they commit their atrocities in the name of atheism, or did they commit their atrocities in the name of Nazism or Communism? We all know that Islam is the same as Nazism (Hitler argues for this in Mein Kampf), and Christianity is the same as Communism (Thomas More's "Utopia" was a blueprint for a Communist society, and that guy is a Catholic saint of politicians, despite burning people alive for daring to own the Bible in English).

4 The stories about the religions are far-fetched and false

With all the religions in the world, there can only be one right one if they are all very intricate. The most likely religion to be true is atheism, which isn't a religion at all.

Nobody has proof. We mustn't argue simply.

5 You have to pray

Maybe you don't have to pray in some religions (Buddhism, Taoism) and in some it's a choice (Christianity), but in Islam, you have to pray five times a day. It seems that this is also the most ridiculous of all religions.

My friend made me pray and I hated it. She was all like, "You're doing it wrong. If you don't pray to God, Satan will get you. Satan is trying to get to you."

Who wants to take time in the day to pray to a made-up figure? That's like praying to Shrek every night before bed.

6 Most Christian groups practice and promote the hatred of homosexuals

Whatever happened to "Thou shalt not kill"?

7 Scientific arguments are unlike religious arguments, in that they are based on evidence and peer reviewed support

Faith without evidence or proof is blind faith and a very stupid way of life. How could you live reasonlessly with faith?

I have faith that science is true and that religion is not.

We don't need proof. All we need is faith.

8 Most people use religion as an excuse to do whatever they want

They say that God gives them free will, and whenever they do something wrong with their free will, they say that God will forgive them (fancy ethic to clear their conscience). Religion is the most hypocritical way of living!

9 Most religious people are not open-minded to other people's beliefs

Not saying all are, just some people that I know in real life. For example, my teacher is a Hindu and some of the students in the class who were Christians were against that and started complaining.

Islam will tell you that it is a religion of love and understanding, but behind your back, they despise you. It's the most hypocritical religion in the world.

10 Nobody knows who "God" actually is

This is true. No religion can prove if the god they believe in is real, but nobody can prove that their god is fake. Even science can't prove it.

The Contenders
11 Religion has led to most extremist groups
12 If there is the "right" religion, no other religions would exist
13 Most religious people have been paranoid that the Devil will take control of their lives
14 Most religious people have wasted their lives by rushing into getting into Heaven
15 Religious abuse
16 Religion hurts people sometimes
17 Science is disproving religion more and more
18 Most people have taken religion to the extreme
19 Religion brainwashes you permanently
20 People kill over it
21 Your parents and you have different views on them

My parents (especially my mom) are religious and I'm not. I asked a question about it once and my mom thinks that I'm insulting her religion. Seriously?

22 Sad people commit suicide because they want to go to heaven, which is not real
23 Religion has been harmful to most individuals
24 Religion is cowardly
25 The rules for religion are contradictory
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