Top 10 Examples of Good Political Correctness

I get that the world is overly PC nowadays but there are actually some good examples of political correctness being used in a good way. How you may ask? Well just read this list of mine and find out.
The Top Ten
1 Not advocating violence and hatred against particular groups of people.

This alone is even more insulting than harmlessly joking about them. Enough said.

2 Accepting of different races, sexualities, beliefs, etc.

And by beliefs I definitely mean ones that are in no way factually wrong or morally wrong.

3 Not using any offensive slurs towards any groups of people.
4 Having good manners.

How is this political?

5 Acting polite towards others.

Mainly those who really deserve politeness. If not then they certainly don't deserve any.

6 Helping out others in need.
7 Not vandalizing anyone's property.

Mainly more innocent people's property that is.

8 Not stealing from anyone.

However though, if you do have to steal things like money or food just because you're poor then I understand (that or if you're Robin Hood and you steal from the rich and give to the poor).

9 Helping out the environment.
10 Following certain laws that actually are logical.

What I mean by this is that you should always follow laws that actually make sense most of the time. But however, there are some laws that may seem questionable or even immoral in some ways. Maybe you as a person can be able to change them in some way (remember, just because something's legal doesn't mean it can be morally right).

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