Top 10 Best Things About Christmas
You don't have to be a ten year old kid to like Christmas you know. I'm not and I love it.
I think the excitement when my mom puts presents under the tree two weeks before Christmas, and I'm wondering what they are, is just as exciting as actually opening them.
I want a PS5 (PlayStation 5), a Nokia 5.4, and more for Christmas 2022. Also, I don't deserve to get coal for Christmas because I have been improving my behavior, behaving well, being so kind, not being toxic, and more.
Laugh out loud, everyone LOVES this. When you say Christmas, I think of presents (and Jesus). It's a pretty epic moment when you get what you want.

Getting together to share this religious festival. With food and presents, it's always better if you have family and friends around.
I love my family. I wish it could be Christmas every day. I love receiving and giving presents. What's not to like?
I love seeing everyone, getting drunk with them, then falling over the Christmas tree.

Ahh, yes. I have fond memories of one Christmas Eve in particular. Watching my younger brother's little face light up as he helped decorate the tree. Licking out the cake bowl as Mum and I slaved away baking special festive cupcakes.
I remember him looking out of the window with a touch of sadness because the snow hadn't arrived yet. But he got sick with anticipation and excitement as the evening wore on, jumping up and down, clapping his hands together, and chanting, "Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming!"
No, I shall never forget his excited little face, bless him. He was 30 years old at the time...

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. All the atheists say, "Well, 25th December isn't Jesus's real birthday. It is the start of the winter solstice. Christmas has pagan roots, blah blah blah."
Maybe Jesus wasn't born on 25th December. Maybe we will never know his actual real birth date because it may have been lost through history. But who cares? We're still celebrating Jesus's birthday. Once a year, we are still taking time to celebrate our Savior coming into the world.
How can this not be number 1? It's the reason we have Christmas, and he would've died for any one of us, even if there was just one of us! Christ was perfect, sinless, clean, pleasant, humorous, loving, wise, hardworking, and fun.
When I think of the things he is, I love him even more, and there is no doubt he's number 1!
It comes and goes so fast! But it's an enjoyable day.
Christmastime is memorable each year.
I'm getting a boogie board for Christmas, and there are only 24 days left! I'm begging my parents for it.
It ends quickly, but it's all worth it.

So nice. I live near the harbor, so going out and seeing the lights reflect on the sea and the Christmas lights everywhere. Love it!
Putting up the decorations. Our family put up the tree on the 1st of December. Too early?
I have Christmas lights up in my room all year.
Personally, I never ate Christmas dinners, but I ask the cooks what's on the menu for Christmas dinner, and the food looks so delicious.
Yorkshire puddings, spuds, perhaps mash, carrots, and the turkey, peacefully drowning in gravy. Amazing!

Yes, snow is beautiful! I wish I were in the States or somewhere really cold for Christmas so I could see some snow. In Britain, it rarely snows, and if it does, it usually snows in January or February because those are the coldest months. It never really snows in December because it's too mild for snow.
The best we get is rain or some sleet at best. I have never seen a white Christmas, but I'd love to see it one day.
I live in England. In my town, at least, there's no white Christmas to be hoped for. Our snow usually comes in January. This year, it came on the 12th of December or around there.

Well, Santa Claus is based on Saint Nicholas, who was a real person. I guess you could continue the examples and legacy of Saint Nick: goodwill, helping the needy, and giving gifts to others.
Maybe Santa isn't real, and Saint Nicholas is now in Heaven, but you can continue the spirit of it, which keeps it alive.
Admit it. As a kid, you loved Santa.

Decorating the tree reminds me of when I was an innocent little child with no worries. Spending time with family decorating the tree is one of the best Christmas experiences of my whole life.
The Newcomers

Christmastime is the only time of the year I don't feel suicidal. The music is a huge part of that.
The music should pick anyone up from the brink of depression.
Oh look, a new song from Ariana Grande, and it's Christmas related. Cool.
When Christmas time comes, I get excited about the music, the food, the family time, and the traditions.
Wrapping presents, drinking hot chocolate, and watching Christmas movies. Going to your local Christmas pageant. Waking up on Christmas morning and opening presents while drinking eggnog. Making cookies and turkey. Going to your grandparents' on Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas.
Getting your Christmas tree and decorating it. Decorating your house with lights. Eating muffins and cupcakes. Putting up the nativity scene. Going to your church and seeing their tree light up. FaceTiming your family every night. Showing people what you are getting for others. Shopping for others.
These are all part of the Christmas spirit, so this should be #1.

My family watches A Christmas Story, Home Alone, and Elf every year.
My favorites are Miracle on 34th Street and It's a Wonderful Life.
Lots of kids love the holidays. Why? Because you get a break from school! Plenty of kids like and enjoy school, but it's still good to take a long break.
I know it says School Holidays, but work holidays are the same thing. LOL. It's really nice to break up from work for one or two weeks and just chill out with your family and get into the Christmas spirit.
For those school haters, it's brilliant to relax for days.
Giving gives me so much more than receiving. I can't believe what I've read - everyone so into receiving! "Oh, I'm getting this, I'm getting that." Damn, I think y'all are missing the point of what Christmas is all about.
Yeah, I love it in the Christmas movies when they're all waving to passing people in the streets, sometimes complete strangers, and they're like, "Merry Christmas," "Hey, Merry Christmas!" Spreading the happiness.
I find Christmas shoppers are always smiley and happy, unless it's like two days before Christmas and they rush into panic mode. LOL.
Christmastime is the only time of year I'm not depressed and suicidal. Everyone else seems to be really happy too.
Walk down a street near Christmas, and everybody seems to be happy.
It's nice to think of others and actually take the time to go and buy them a gift.

So relaxing and tasty. I've yet to try it with marshmallows, but I hear it's nice!
Doesn't everyone like hot chocolate?