Top Ten Things to Say When Someone Says "What's Up"
What's Up is often said these days, this list will tell you the right thing to say according to your mood and personality. Choose wisely the next time someone say's "what's up" to you.It is the most said thing when someone has said, What's up? It is basically adding a tinge of humor.
The most overused reply ever. Just tired of people saying this. It's not at all funny anymore.
I don't think I've ever said this. I usually say, "Nothing much."
It is just a simple thing to say, expressing that you are all cool and alright. You are just alright with everything in life, and nothing extremely good or bad is happening.
It's a good idea if you're just trying to be chill and calm. I said this when my friend said, "What up, girl?"
This is a way to show you are cool. Now I know to say this next time.
If someone said this to me, I think I'd immediately ask them to marry me (not actually, but like, I would definitely want to befriend them at least).
It's so random. It's sure to make the person go ?.
I don't know, but I would absolutely say this.
Love it. Kind of a smart-ass thing to say.
What in the name of our holy mother Maria is going on there?
I would say this. Ironically, but I'd still say it.
You are happy with everything in life and have no tensions.
The Newcomers
My hopes are that you'll figure out I hate you.
The person obviously hates Justin Bieber and is a fan of music.
The person is catchy, over-smart, and humorous.
You really like the song that you made.
I mean, I have to admit it one way or another.
Yes, because you're so in denial.
Not accurate for where I live, but still funny.
This indicates that the person who is saying this is simple/decent. The bad part is that the person can take advantage of you. But it is a nice thing to say. The person can get bullied easily.
You have just moved on with life and gotten onto the main plot.