Top Ten Tips to Stay Alive in the Woods

Well, there are a lot of reasons people like to go in the woods, but sometimes you are unable to make your way of them on time and your supplies begin to get over.

Here are tips to stay alive in the woods.
The Top Ten
Find shelter as soon as possible

We need to find shelter in the woods as soon as possible because you cannot stay without a shelter at night. If your body temperature decreases to 96 degrees Fahrenheit, you have a serious risk of hypothermia.

And if it decreases to 86 degrees, it can lead to death. Abandoned huts, caves, and dense canopies are the best examples of shelters, but if you can't find one, then make one.

The temperature of the woods could suddenly change. Also, you can hide from animals and protect your food.

Look for a source of fresh water

Without water, you could hardly stay active for one day, and you could die in less than three days. So, you need to stay hydrated to stay alive. To find water, you have to look out for a river or something similar.

Lake water should generally be avoided, but when you are extremely dehydrated, you have no choice. If you fail to find any source of water, then you need to make a rainwater harvesting system downhill. You have to dig a pit and put a layer of plastic to make it.

Actually, anywhere you are lost, finding fresh water is your top priority.

Cover fresh wounds promptly

We need to cover fresh wounds instantly. If left uncovered for a period of time in the woods, the chance of developing an infection on the wound increases.

Without treatment, it means death.

Hunt for food wisely

In any circumstances, you should never eat hairy insects. Rats, beavers, rabbits, beetles, fish, cockroaches, squirrels, and small birds are the only edible animals that you can eat.

We should never try eating random plants.

Only some animals like rats, rabbits, squirrels, fish, small birds, and beetles are edible and can be hunted without a risk of injury.

We should avoid eating hairy insects and random plants at any cost.

Never wear wet clothes

Wearing wet clothes for a long time decreases your body temperature, developing a risk of hypothermia which means death.

Make a fire

We can make a fire using simple things like a can, paper, chocolate, and wood. First, we need to polish the bottom of the can using grease such as chocolate.

Then, we have to use sunlight to make fire, pointing it on the paper which would burn hay, and hay would burn the wood.

Stay away from insects and reptiles

They both may be venomous. There is a good chance of direct contact if you come too close.

If venom is left untreated, then death is a possible result.

Do not run if you see a predator, retreat slowly

Running after seeing a predator makes the predator feel that you have caused harm to it or you are a threat to it. This triggers a chase, and eventually, the predator injures or kills you.

Predators generally have no interest in eating humans.

Try to make a signal fire by burning wet grass

Burning wet grass and leaves produces a lot of smoke. The cloud of smoke rises for several thousand feet and is visible for miles.

There is a good chance that someone will notice it and may come to rescue you.

Wear two or more layers of dry clothes if available

Wearing more clothes prevents direct contact with insects. It also prevents scratches.

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