Top Ten Things You Should Never Do If You Like a Girl
Does it ever seem like whenever you like a girl, you can never get her to like you back? If so, then you're probably doing one of these things! Here are ten things NOT to do if you like a girl.If you do this, things are only going to get worse. It'll probably just make everybody uncomfortable.
I told one person, and it spread around to her, and now she won't talk to me.
Especially not your friends, because then everyone will know.
I had a guy stare at me in class. It's creepy. Stop. He may not like me, but I don't like the feeling of "I'm watching you" or "I'm interested in you." Make the girl interested in you first by having fun.
I don't know why, but if you stare at her, even adoringly, she'll think it's creepy.
I really don't have an explanation why. Just don't do this. If you do, you'll find out quickly why it's a bad idea.
If you want her, you gotta be man enough to say it to her face.
I know firsthand how bad texting a girl you like can be.
You're just going to make her uncomfortable and reduce your chances of getting her if you do this! Like her all you want, just keep her out of it!
We'll get annoyed and, again, avoid you.
Again, we'll avoid you and think you're a creep. That should stay private.
Should have read this earlier.
Whatever you do, DO NOT DO THIS!
She and everyone else will think you're just creepy!
THIS can be VERY disrespectful and toxic, and it makes you sound entitled.
This makes you sound weak and unconfident, which is just bad.
She'll start to use you to get what she wants, and that's not a good relationship.
Don't treat her like she's stupid, but don't act like she's the single most amazing person in the world either.
Not a great idea, though you should always treat her nicely.
Again, common sense. That's really weird, and she might just expose your pics on social media, which makes you look pathetic.
That would be the stupidest thing you could do.
Disgusting. Don't do this to anyone.
Asking her out can make guys seem really desperate.
Only do this if you're both comfortable with each other as good friends. Don't be a creep. Wait for the right time by getting to know her first and becoming her friend.
The Newcomers
You'd think this would be common sense...
Yeah, no, please don't. It's really weird, and we'll avoid you at all costs.
This sort of stuff could get you in a worse situation than just the principal's office.
A girl would be more likely to slap me.
Anyone who does that is a bastard!
Let's be honest. She probably doesn't care and doesn't want to hear it!
Guilty as charged. (For guys, anyways. I'm straight, so...)
Again, we think you're not interested, so we move on.
We think you're not interested, so we move on.